09:09 - What is the significance of seeing this schedule often?

 09:09 - What is the significance of seeing this schedule often?

Tom Cross
  • 09:09 is the time to analyze an important decision: The Universe suggests that you devote yourself to some difficult situation in your life, that needs wisdom to be resolved.
  • This is the time to help someone: Use your empathy and your altruism to help those who need help.
  • Quiet time: you should quiet your mind and tranquilize your body, to meditate on some subject that is bringing you doubts.
  • Find a friendly shoulder: Besides helping others, you can ask a trusted person to help you solve a difficult problem.

When the clock keeps showing you the time 09:09, it is important to recognize that this is not just a coincidence. This is a sign from the Universe about some aspect of your life, which can be interpreted from Numerology. Through this theory, you will be able to understand what the numbers reveal about your life.

The lesson of the number 9 was presented by numerologist Liggia Ramos, who states that the number asks for "patience and wisdom for whatever is needed, even more so in the current times of 'urgencies' that we are living. Discover how this interpretation applies to your life, below.

What does it mean to see 09:09?

The frequent visualization of the time equal to 09:09 carries an important teaching for you, especially if you are facing any difficulties in your life. See what Liggia says about 09:09:

" Do you know those moments in life when you need to make very important decisions? If you are going through this, the same time calls for a better study of the situation before any decision is made. "

In other words, 09:09 is an invitation for you to train your wisdom and to broaden your studies, taking them not only from a formal, academic perspective, but also thinking about life experiences that bring important lessons.

0909 - Your angel wants to surround you with good people

Another positive point of the equal hours 09:09 is that they are a message of love from the Universe. Through this number, your guardian angel is showing you that he is by your side, and that the people who love you are also ready to listen to you and to strengthen you.

In addition, the moment asks you to connect with this guardian and with the people you trust the most, so that they can help you face the difficulties that life may impose on you. This is what Liggia reiterates:

" It's time to help someone or ask for help. Sometimes we are resistant for asking for help. Don't be a proud person, but a wise one. Ask for help to those who know they can solve your problems. In case of helping someone, realize if they need something you can help them with, and offer to do it. "

Let those who deserve it stay

As we can see, the hours equal 09:09 are a sign of a lot of love in your life. It is like a trigger for you to surround yourself with those who love you, value you, and help you in whatever you need.

With this in mind, you can ask your intuition what a person's intentions are toward you. Is he in your life to do you good? Or is he just taking advantage of what you can offer him?

It is essential that you do this kind of analysis, not least because, according to Liggia, the 09:09 " It speaks of the calm and serenity we need to have in order to separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, to let go of what is no longer of any use and keep what will really serve us in life. "

See_also: 5 archetypes to attract money: attract prosperity!

Have you seen another time like this? Find out what it means

What do you do when you see the time equals 09:09?

As complete as the theory about the symbolism of the equal hours 09:09 may be, you may still have doubts about the right way to apply the vibrations of this number in your life. So Liggia highlights what to do when you see 09:09:

" Quiet your mind, stop doing what you are doing and meditate on what you need to know more about on some subject that ails you. If you are in complete loneliness or sadness, it is time to ask for help, which can be a 'shoulder friend' or a therapist ."

See_also: Is it a sign or just a coincidence?

Another recommendation for the equal time 09:09 concerns your state of mind. If the problem you are facing starts to take over your thoughts, Liggia makes the following recommendation:

" If you are anxious, do a 4-part deep breath: inhale slowly through the nose, hold the air for a few seconds, slowly release, hold for a few seconds, and repeat the process 2x more. "

It is the perfect situation to quiet your body and mind, ponder your life and those around you, and make the best decisions to overcome obstacles.

The meaning of number 9 in numerology

All the interpretations of the equal time 09:09 are based on what numerology says about the number 9, so it is important that you delve deeper into this subject, in order to put an end to all your possible doubts about the message that the number carries.

In numerology, 9 is the last nuclear number. After it, all the numbers will represent more than one vibration, mainly because of the possibility of being added and resulting in a third number.

From this, we interpret that the 9 is the end of cycles, at the same time that it refers to the idea of completeness. It is like the satisfaction we feel when we finish a task, or the peace that takes over our minds when we realize that everything is going well in our lives.

For this reason, 9 is also the number of universal love. As such, it helps us to see the good side of life, stimulates prosperity, optimism, kindness, and gratitude. But there are other meanings associated with 9, as we will see below.

09:09 and the card The Hermit in the Tarot

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Tarot and numerology can be related in order to find the archetype that symbolizes a number. In the case of the equal time 09:09, the archetype associated with the number is The Hermit. According to Liggia, it "represents the wisdom that illuminates one's own path and those who follow it."

Other essential characteristics of the Hermit are patience and caution. To develop wisdom and know which steps to take, it is important to analyze the situation well, to wait for the timing of things, and only then to take action. Think about this when you are facing a problem, to keep calm and solve everything with balance.

The angel 09:09

Most of the times when we are in a difficult situation, it is challenging to use patience and believe that everything will be alright. To make this process not so distressing, there is an angel that can help you, related to the equal time 09:09. See what Liggia says about him:

"Within Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to the earth around 09:09 is the angel Seheiah. This angel assists against disease, protects against mischief, and favors to have a long life."

This means that you can make a prayer to the angel Seheiah after visualizing 09:09 frequently. By taking this action, the angel will help you overcome the evils that have hit your life, bringing you more longevity, wisdom, and patience.

Color 09:09 - purple to expand consciousness

The good vibrations brought by the equal time 09:09 and the angel associated with it will be even more powerful if you use the color that represents this number. Liggia makes the following suggestion, for this case:

" The color associated with number 9 is purple, a color that transmits the feeling of prosperity, nobility, and respect that every hermit deserves! Use this color to expand your consciousness about having wisdom in what you need ."

Therefore, you can intensify the energies that the 9 stimulates with a purple stone, with clothes in this color, or with a colored candle. The simple gesture of surrounding yourself with this hue will already help you to expand your consciousness.

You may also like

  • Know other meanings of equal hours too!
  • Delve deeper into the meaning of the number 9
  • Why should we exercise patience more?

Broaden your knowledge of the world

As the same time 09:09 is all about nurturing your wisdom, developing your patience, and making balanced decisions, we have put together some content that will help you learn more about the world. Expand your repertoire with the following suggestions:

  • 1) Book "Antifragile: Things that Benefit from Chaos" (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)
  • 2) Book "Women, Race and Class" (Angela Davis)
  • 3) Book "The Beauty Myth" (Naomi Wolf)
  • 4) Book "The Power of Stillness" (Susan Cain)
  • 5) Book "Animal Farm Revolution" (George Orwell)
  • 6) Book "The Art of War" (Sun Tzu)
  • 7) Documentary series "Love and Sex around the World" (2018)
  • 8) Documentary series "Caliphate" (2020)
  • 9) "Unorthodox" series (2020)
  • 10) Documentary series "Tales by Light" (2015)

Taking into account the information presented, you have found that the frequent visualization of the time equal to 09:09 is a positive sign from the Universe. Through this message, you can expand your wisdom to solve the problems that are still bothering you. Follow our tips to feel better!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.