18 things that can improve your life

 18 things that can improve your life

Tom Cross

Table of contents

I f you feel that your life is not the way you want it to be and you need to find a new way to carry on with your days, this article can help you. It is through small acts that we can achieve a considerable improvement in our lives.

Check out the list below and put it into practice:

1- Change the way you organize your obligations

Making a to-do list of your day is a great way to organize your time and make sure you don't forget anything really important. However, it is always a risk to overload yourself and make your day too full. Try changing your to-do list to a can-do list. Demanding too much of yourself is one of the things you should avoid the most.

2- Wake up with pleasant sounds

Programming music into your cell phone, a message from a loved one, or even sounds of birds, can be a much better way to wake up than with a siren or a repetitive annoying noise. It is one of those simple things that makes a big difference.

3- Lengthen your muscles

Allow yourself to wake up slowly, with your eyes still closed, feel every muscle in your body awaken at your own pace, and stretch for a long time. Your body needs to be stimulated so that it can give the best of itself.

4- Listen to music

No wonder we even have a science that uses music to bring well-being and assist in healing processes. Music really is a therapy and has extreme powers over our mood, thoughts and memories. Always have a playlist Whenever possible, disconnect from the world and give yourself over completely to one of your favorite songs of all time.

5- Adopt healthy habits

You don't need to abolish your favorite foods from your menu or become an athlete, but having a life full of sedentary lifestyles, processed foods, and fast food Try, little by little, to make small changes in your lifestyle. Try a new food every week, or walk around your neighborhood without commitment. In time, you will feel a difference in yourself and become even more willing to make new changes.

6- Get organized

The premise is simple: if you do a little each day you don't have to do a lot in one day. Keeping a clean and organized home is much easier than spending a weekend doing all the cleaning all at once. That way you don't get tired and discouraged of having to "waste" so much time on it.

7- Pamper yourself

Giving gifts is wonderful, but giving yourself gifts is even nicer. Don't wait for a visitor to buy flowers to decorate your house or a special occasion to make your favorite food. You are the most important person in your life, so it makes all the sense in the world to take good care of yourself.

8- Keep in hand some things that are good for you

Whether it's a picture of an important trip on your cell phone, a picture frame with loved ones on your desk at work, or something that brings back good memories in your purse, it's important to have things that make you happy around at all times. When you're feeling down in a boring meeting, for example, looking at a dear face can make all the difference.

9- Disconnect

Forget a little bit the social networks, the little games on your cell phone, and the countless notifications that appear on your screen. Disconnect from everything virtual and connect with real life. Pay attention to the people around you and concentrate fully on the project you are executing. Virtuality and technology can wait.

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10- Make appointments at any time

We tend to schedule a lot of dinners and some lunches, but why not innovate and arrange to see your friends for breakfast? Good conversation and sincere laughter are great ways to start a day. Always make time for these meetings. They are the ones that invigorate our souls and put a good dose of pep in our lives.

11- Walk, whenever possible

Have you ever noticed how when we travel we walk a lot more than we do in our daily lives? And have you ever noticed how it's on those walks that we discover the coolest and most interesting places? Not to mention that even when we walk we tend to feel more rested and energized. Whenever possible try to walk instead of using any means of transportation. Walking is good for the body, for the mind, and it also gives you the best ofbest ideas.

12- Have practicality in your favor

Having the right places to put things can save you a lot of time and stress. When you need things you know where they are, and you don't have to fumble around the house to find that your remote control went into your silverware drawer. Be practical!

13- Don't accumulate

All energy needs circulation and this also includes your clothes closet and all other areas of your house. Don't keep anything just because you think that in a distant and remote day you will be able to use it, even because if that day comes you are very likely to forget what you already have and buy another one just like it. Put it into practice: if you don't use something for six months it's time to give it a new destination.Never accumulate!

14- Take care of yourself

Set aside at least one day a week or fortnight to take care of yourself. Set aside the day for appointments that focus on your physical and mental well-being. Massage sessions, yoga classes, a good hair moisturizing session, or that rest hour with no end in sight are all worth it. No matter how much you have things to do, being well is indispensable. Never forget to take care of yourself!

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15- Remember your childhood

It could be a scene from a movie, a cake your grandmother baked, or a new visit to a place you used to frequent. Our childhood tends to be the happiest and most emotional phase of our lives, so revisiting it can bring us an amazing sense of well-being. Whenever you feel a little down, try going back in time a little. Just don't get too nostalgic and make it worse!

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16- Take an invigorating bath

Once again it's a task that a busy life - and the need to save water - makes a bit difficult to accomplish. But a good bath doesn't necessarily have to be long. Just abuse the scents you like and the temperature that suits your body best. Feel all the impurities and bad energies going down the drain.

17- Expand your horizons

Watch documentaries or movies that can add knowledge, read books by different authors and nationalities, visit exhibitions and theater plays. Art is one of the best ways for us to learn new things and expand our repertoire.

18- Talk to your friends

Maintaining relationships in which we can talk openly, let off steam, exchange experiences and also talk a lot of nonsense just for fun is paramount. Always talk to the people you trust. This exchange of ideas makes us a much better, lighter and happier person!

Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.