21:21 - What is the significance of seeing this schedule often?

 21:21 - What is the significance of seeing this schedule often?

Tom Cross

In a hurry? Check out this short summary and save the whole article for later 😉

  • 21:21 is the time of prosperity: Take advantage of the good results of your efforts to extend all the prosperity that will be part of your life.
  • Something is working out for you: Your plans are finally reaching the results you have dreamed of, and it is time to enjoy them.
  • Fullness to live life: the Universe is showing you the importance of living in a full, balanced, and happy way.
  • Realization is a driving force: With the feeling of accomplishment with an achievement, you should start your next plans to continue growing.

You know when you see the same time over and over again? This is a sign that the Universe is trying to communicate with you. If you are seeing 21:21 several times and accidentally, for example, it is likely that you are about to receive good news.

Through Numerology, we can understand what numbers can mean in our lives. According to numerologist Liggia Ramos, the equal hours 21:21 are "the fullness that fills the existential emptiness of life and the feeling that luck is on your side". Learn more about this with the following content.

What is the meaning of see 21:21?

First of all, you may be wondering what the Universe wants to tell you when the clock keeps showing 21:21. Let's start with a short and simple explanation, offered by Liggia:

" If lately you have been asking for a sign from the Universe, here is the confirmation you needed. The tendency is toward the positive, as long as your motivation and desire are also positive. So analyze your intentions well. "

So, visualizing the time as 21:21 is a positive sign for your life. It's as if you can take a deep breath and relax, because your plans will work out. Moreover, it is possible that you will receive good news in the coming days.

21:21 - Accept who you are

Another lesson brought by the same time 21:21 is that you must connect with your essence, discovering who you are and accepting what is most beautiful in you. In this sense, you will only reach your fullness if you are able to know yourself.

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Therefore, it is fundamental that you reflect on your choices, on the path you have taken, and on what you want for the future. Are your achievements in line with your true dreams? Or is there still something that needs to change?

Time to live your life purpose

After the introspective exercise, you can take some actions to live your real life purpose. After all, it is the path you will trace for your real desires that will bring you fulfillment. Otherwise, you will be living someone else's desires, which will not satisfy you.

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So do whatever it takes to direct your life toward your purpose. This may involve making difficult decisions, but the Universe is by your side to help you along the way by sending you the best vibrations.

Have you seen another time like this? Find out what it means

What do you do when you see the time equals 21:21?

You already know the theory about the equal hours 21:21. So how do you turn theory into practice? Liggia describes what you should do when you are visualizing the equal hours 21:21 frequently:

" Feel lucky, reinvigorate your energies, and position yourself to conquer the world according to your goals or the beginning of new cycles. In case of loneliness, give thanks and understand this as a sign from your guardian angel guiding you to seek help from a health or holistic professional. "

Put another way: it is critical that you show your gratitude to the Universe for sending you positive vibrations that will help you make the best decisions in your life. To connect even more with your purpose, discover the other characteristics that the 21:21 Equal Time can boost in you.

The Meaning of Number 21 in Numerology

As Numerology analyzes the meanings behind numbers, this theory can show us the exact ideas that are associated with 21, which stars the equal time 21:21. Check out Liggia's explanation on the subject:

" In 21, we have the change in the order of the feminine and masculine frequencies, showing that achievement is a feeling (of the number 2 vibration) about a certain attitude or initiative (of the number 1 vibration), resulting in plenitude, that is, it is the vibration that brings the true feeling of 'mission accomplished' and the pride of the work done or the goal conquered. "

Therefore, number 21 concentrates the energies of number 2 and number 1. While 2 is feeling, sensitivity, perception, and pondering, 1 is leadership, initiative, independence, innovation, and movement. But there is still another factor to be analyzed in number 21.

When we add the number 2 and the number 1, we get the number 3, which also vibrates energies for the equal time 21:21. In this case, 3 symbolizes communication, creativity, happiness, and success.

21:21 and the card The World in the Tarot

In addition to Numerology, the Tarot helps us to capture the vibrations that a number emits. By this theory, it is necessary to find the card that is associated with the number 21, which is part of the equal time 21:21. And the answer is: The World. See what Liggia says about this card:

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" It is the culmination reached or simply the natural end of a cycle. It can be characterized as good luck and good prospects for a new cycle. This arcane helps us to understand deeply that life is made of stages: beginning, middle, and end. im."

In this way, we understand that The World, like the equal time 21:21, symbolizes the end of a cycle and the beginning of something new. From this card, we also understand that it is necessary to have harmony and balance with our essence, in order to follow the path we want.

The angel 21:21

You may find it difficult to absorb the energies that are all around you. Fortunately, Liggia presents a divine being who will empower you during the equal hours of 21:21:

" Within Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to Earth around 9:21 p.m. is the angel Damabiah. He is the angel that protects against negative omens, helping to obtain triumph on the path ahead, just like the arcane The World in the Tarot. "

This means that to ensure that only prosperity and positivity will enter your life, the best thing to do is to pray to the angel Damabiah. With him, you will illuminate your thoughts and fulfill what the equal time 21:21 calls for.

Color 21:21 - magenta for prosperity

According to Liggia, there is another way to connect with the vibrations that the equal time 21:21 stimulates. She explains that there is a color associated with this time, which brings the right energies to you:

" The color associated with the number 21 is magenta (or purple), a color that conveys a sense of prosperity, nobility, and respect. Use it to celebrate your achievements or to start believing in yourself again ."

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So, whenever you achieve something you really wanted, use the color magenta in your celebration. It can be in an outfit, in a candle, in a decoration... free your creativity to feel the good energies of this color.

Raise your prosperity with simple changes

Since the equal time 21:21 brings a lot of prosperity into your life, it is important that you reap all the luck around you. For this reason, we have separated some tips that will bring good vibrations to you, in simple ways:

1) Always have a note of money in your career, even if it is of a low value.

2) Avoid putting your bag on the floor, so as not to empty it of good energy.

3) Put a bay leaf in your wallet to attract more money.

4) Carry a Greek eye as an accessory or as a keychain, to protect yourself.

5) Leave a pyrite on your desk for professional prosperity.

6) Take a bath with rosemary once a month to raise your vibrations.

7) Keep your home and work environment organized.

8) Thank the Universe for the prosperity you receive.

9) Light a magenta candle when you need more luck to do something.

10) Look on the bright side of every situation in your life.

From this indication from the Universe, you should take advantage of the paths that are before you and enjoy the journey. Do this by putting into practice the tips we present to you!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.