23:32 - Meaning of the inverted hours and numerology

 23:32 - Meaning of the inverted hours and numerology

Tom Cross

Here's the situation: Every now and then you come across the same time on your watch - 11:32 p.m. You may at first find it curious, funny... You may even tell someone about it, but then, every time you look at your watch, there it is again.

You probably hadn't noticed it before, but now you start to wonder about this frequency: "Why am I seeing this schedule so often? Is it a coincidence?" Amidst the strangeness of the fact, you start to worry: "Is it good or bad?

First of all, you can believe it: is not pure chance. It's something we call synchronicity - a term coined by psychiatrist Carl Jung to represent these coincidences of life. For example, when you think of someone and soon after they call you, that's synchronicity. And seeing the time reversed all the time is another example of this phenomenon.

There are different times repeated and reversed, and each one of them has its own symbologies and messages. And when we are frequently seeing the time 11:32 p.m., what subliminal message does it convey to us? If you have been experiencing this, you have come to the right place to know: check out everything about this sequence of numbers with the article we have prepared.

The meaning of the inverted hour 11:32 PM

Fasten your seat belts, because here comes turbulence. Your life is going to shake out Don't put off meeting yourself!

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This schedule also comes with the message that you will be able to capture the good energies of optimism and gain more courage to face the ups and downs of everyday life. So start building an open and positive mind.

Success goes hand in hand with gratitude and hope, so cultivate both so you can get closer and closer to your goals. Just take it easy and be patient, because haste is indeed the enemy of perfection. And don't stop self-motivating, because otherwise you will stagnate.

The meaning of 23h32 for Numerology

According to Numerology, in the sequence 23h32, we have, alone, the numbers 2 and 3. 2 brings cooperation, partnership, and greater awareness. It evokes balance and duality, so beware also of the negative aspect - in this case, indecision is a point to work on. 3 brings us to the place of adventure, communication, and creativity. Social ability is our strength.

Adding or joining this numerical sequence, we have 5, 23, and 32. 5 sharpens our free spirit and versatility. It is a number that does not like the comfort zone. 23 brings the energy of creativity and expressiveness. 32 is associated with optimism, presence of mind, and expansion.

The meaning of 11:32 PM for Astrology

In the mission to define our personality and trace our steps towards evolution, stars and numbers unite to enhance our achievements.

In Astrology, the time 23:32 is associated with a conscientious, affectionate and warm personality. It is also the portrait of versatility, of balance with a pinch of daring and intelligence to find solutions.

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Focus on what the hour 11:32 PM evokes, for it is at this time that it gives you the ability to put these qualities into practice. This sequence calls you to take momentum in pursuit of your achievements.

The 23h32 for spirituality

When the hour 11:32 PM comes around, it comes at a time that asks you for your wits, positive outlook, and commitment. Don't underestimate yourself, you can do it!

This message directs you to the right attitudes, which will guide you to success in your purposes. Belief, hope, and gratitude are its propellants.

In this respect, just like all the other times, 23:32 also has an angel that represents it. This is what we will talk about in the next topic.

The Angel 11:32 PM

The angel that comes to bring us messages at this time is Haiaiel. He is the one who guides us on the journey to success, inspiring courage, boldness, and an open heart and mind.

Haiel equips us with willpower, focus, and faith to find our purpose. He helps us build our critical thinking and discernment skills, and gives us the power to know the difference between truth and lies. By praying to him, we can connect with this essence and activate these potentialities:

"Divine Angel Haiel, protect me against all the evil ones and against all those who want to oppress me.Bring to my life peace and victory over my enemies.Give me strength and energy today and always.Amen."

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Prayers are always very welcome, no matter the time or the occasion. Just invoke Haiaiel, and he will answer your call. But if you need a more powerful connection, say the prayer to him on the days when he is active on Earth: January 3, March 17, May 29, August 10, and October 22.

To strengthen the connection, add to the prayer the following elements associated with the angel: light a white candle and a rosemary incense, use essence of wormwood or eucalyptus, and complete the ritual with white quartz.

The psalm dedicated to Haiaiel is 108, verse 29: "Let those who accuse me be covered with infamy, and let shame cover them like a cloak."

Where else can the number 23h32 appear?

Beyond the typical clock time, the sequence 2332 can appear in any other situation, because the Universe does not spare even one opportunity to bring us a message, even more so when it is essential to our lives.

So you can expect to find this number on license plates, document numbering, addresses and zip codes, captions, billboards, telephone numbers, and so on.

But don't pressure yourself to see this sequence, just be prepared, serene, and receptive.

What to do when watching 23:32?

No sign from your angels and ascended masters is something to be feared. They come to us for guidance, help, and welcome. And even if they are a warning, they come with the proper protection for each situation. They don't abandon us, believe me.

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So seeing this time is no reason to panic. It is an opportunity to analyze your life Is it time for a change? Do the turbulences come to make me a better person?

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Don't let any questioning go unanswered. Reflect, plan, take a breath. Count on Haiaiel to take this important step, to soar to new heights, to fulfill your purposes. It is he who will guide you.

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Angels don't come to meet us just to test us. They also come to teach us, guide us and show us the right path. It is up to our free will to allow us to follow it. That is why these beings of light send us subtle messages. So don't ignore them, do your part in the transition of this world to a better place. Be a better person, look at life with optimism andGratitude that the hour 11:32 evokes. Nothing happens by chance. Have faith!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.