Amethyst Stone: learn the benefits and how to use the crystal of spirituality

 Amethyst Stone: learn the benefits and how to use the crystal of spirituality

Tom Cross

If you had to name a natural element that is purple in color, you would probably mention the amethyst stone. Known for its unique and distinctive coloring, this variation of quartz catches many people's attention.

However, the beauty of amethyst is not the most important part about it. In fact, this natural crystal concentrates energies that can significantly help you in your daily life, besides being a stone that integrates numerous legends. So, if you want to know how amethyst can improve your well-being, read each part of the content below!

Meaning of amethyst

The word amethyst, which names a violet form of quartz, can be interpreted in two ways. According to the first meaning, "amethyst" is just a corruption of the oriental name that the stone is given. In other words, it is like a variation of another word.

However, a second meaning of amethyst comes from Greek. The term would be the joining of "a", meaning "not", and "methuskein", translated as "to intoxicate". By this interpretation, ancient beliefs say that the crystal would have the power to prevent the intoxication of an individual who uses it, protecting him from the effects of alcohol, for example.

What is amethyst used for?

Although amethyst was interpreted as an amulet in ancient times, there are other ways to understand the stone's effect on a person or a place.

1) Physical body

In your physical body, amethyst has three functions. First, it is able to calm the mind, warding off insomnia, fear, and anxiety; the crystal can even ensure that you have peaceful dreams. Second, amethyst supports the functioning of the metabolism, improving the digestion of food. Finally, the stone strengthens the immune system and aids respiration.

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2) Spirit

Amethyst is also known as the crystal of spiritual growth because it increases the level of concentration, allowing one to more easily meditate and connect with oneself. In addition, amethyst develops intuition, memory, and motivation, transforming negative energies into positivity.

3) Environments

By using amethyst in your home or office, you are activating the stone's transmutation of energies, so that all the negativity accumulated in a space is likely to be reverted into positive vibrations, which make the atmosphere lighter and more pleasant.

Amethyst symbology

After learning about the uses of amethyst, you will be amazed at the symbolism of this stone. There are many stories that show what powers it can have and how it can be used in your life. Check them out:

1) For Astrology

In Astrology, amethyst acquires the meaning of pioneering (in thought and attitude), of understanding the Universe, and of initiative. The stone is also related to some signs that we will present in the next topic.

2) For Valentine's Day

Amethyst is a stone commonly associated with Valentine's Day. The reason for this is that it strengthens faith, calms the spirit, and provides peace. In a relationship, these principles assist in the dialogue and growth of the couple.

3) For the soldiers

In the old days, soldiers used to add an amethyst to the handles of the blades of their swords. By doing so, they would have an amulet against death, clarity to make decisions, and consequent victory in battles.

4) For sorcery

When it comes to witchcraft, amethyst can be used as an amulet to protect against all kinds of negativity. If engraved with the names of the Sun and the Moon, the stone protects against all kinds of negative magic.

5) Into the Dream Universe

If you have experienced dreaming of an amethyst, you are likely to have protection in the journey you are on, whether it is a journey or building a career. The stone may also symbolize an increase in your faith and the development of new thoughts.

Amethyst Curiosities

Pixabay / hot-sun

By now you have learned about the uses of amethyst and the legends that refer to it, but there is still more relevant information about this crystal. Another characteristic of amethyst is that it represents some professions and some signs.

Amethyst and the professions

The professionals that are represented by the amethyst stone are:

  • Artists in all areas;
  • Astrologers;
  • Farmers;
  • Gardeners;
  • Politicians;
  • Psychologists.

Amethyst and the signs

Regarding the signs that are represented by amethyst, we have:

  • Fish;
  • Aquarius;
  • Aries;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Capricorn.

How to use the amethyst stone?

Anton Novikov / Getty Images / Canva

The powers that the amethyst stone presents can vary according to the way you use it. Learn more about this:

Amethyst Crystal

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An amethyst crystal can be used especially when meditating. Holding the stone in your hands will give you more concentration and more clarity to stimulate your thoughts.

Amethyst jellyfish

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The main function of the amethyst stone is the spiritual cleansing of an environment, so if you want to purify your home or workplace, place a drudgery of this stone in your decoration, removing all negativity from the space.

Amethyst necklace

Close to your chest, on a necklace, the amethyst will be calming your emotions. If you are going through a tense situation or a challenging period, it will bring calm and patience.

Amethyst Pendant

An amethyst pendant can be worn on a necklace, an earring, or a key chain. In all of these accessories, it is likely to bring a sense of tranquility and security, acting as a charm.

Amethyst ring

An amethyst ring is the perfect option to symbolize the union between a couple, since the stone increases faith and facilitates emotional control, being a fundamental support for maintaining a good relationship.

Amethyst earrings

Close to the head, an amethyst earring has the power to relieve the pain that can hit this region of the body. In addition, it can ease possible toothaches. But in both cases the stone only treats the symptoms, not the cause of the problems.

Where to buy amethyst?

If you like all the benefits that this stone can provide, you can purchase it from our online store. Which shape do you like the most?

How do I clean my amethysts?

MadKruben / Getty Images / Canva

Now that you know everything positive that an amethyst can bring you and the best ways to use it, it is important to learn how to clean it properly. Follow the step by step:

First, line the bottom of a bowl with coarse salt. Then, cover the salt with clean water. Next, place the crystal on top of this preparation and let it sit for a few hours.

After this period, you should rinse your stone under running water, making sure that no salt stone remains on it. If you wish, dry the crystal with a clean towel, without rubbing it.

How to energize my amethysts?

Cleaning the amethyst stone is important to remove the negativity from the crystal, but the rock salt discharges this element energetically, so it needs to be energized again to bring good vibrations back to you.

The quickest and simplest way to energize your amethyst is through the sun's rays. Since this stone cannot be exposed to heat for long, you only need to place it in the morning sun for five minutes. During this period, the crystal will already replenish the vibrations that were lost with the rock salt bath.

Precautions about Amethyst

Despite the remarkable benefits of amethyst, you need to take some precautions when using it. Because it is a crystal that is very sensitive to different energies and emotions, you should clean and energize it once a month to prevent it from accumulating negativity instead of emanating good vibrations.

You may also like:

  • Learn about the healing power of amethyst
  • Sun Stone: What it is for and how to identify if it is real
  • Balance your chakras with the ideal crystal for them
  • Discover how to choose your crystal protector
  • Learn which crystals energize the environment

Also, as explained earlier, you can't leave amethyst near heat for too long, so avoid wearing accessories with the stone on very hot days or placing it in a part of your home that receives direct sunlight.

From the information we have presented, the amethyst can become your daily amulet against bad energies. In addition, the stone will calm your emotions and help you when you meditate, increasing your well-being and your quality of life. Invest in this gift from nature to feel better!

Frequently asked questions about amethyst

What is the power of the amethyst stone?

The amethyst stone promotes spiritual growth, as well as calming the mind, aiding digestion, and relieving headaches and toothaches.

What is the sign of the amethyst stone?

The signs associated with the amethyst stone are: Aries, Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, and Sagittarius.

How to know if the amethyst is real?

To tell if an amethyst is real, look at its coloration. It is important that it has a range of purple hues, that it is transparent, and that it has some kind of imperfection, since real stones show wear over time.

How to meditate with amethyst?

When meditating with the amethyst, you should sit upright, hold the stone in your left hand, stare at the crystal, and then close your eyes. Imagine that you are inside the stone, and that you can see all the nuances of color it has. Then take a deep breath, feeling the violet energies.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.