Aquamarine: Unveiling This Powerful Crystal

 Aquamarine: Unveiling This Powerful Crystal

Tom Cross

Brazil is the largest producer of aquamarine in the world, but not all Brazilians know everything about this crystal. You have probably heard about this stone, because it has an unmistakable bluish color. However, do you know how it can act on your body and mind? Solve this mystery, below.

Meaning of aquamarine

The name "aquamarine" was not chosen by chance for this stone, it is actually a variation of the Latin "aqua" and "marinus", representing sea water, so the stone is named according to its ocean-like color. Find out if the crystal's energies also relate to the sea in the next topic.

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What is aquamarine used for?

It is possible to establish a relationship between the powers of aquamarine and seawater. This is because water itself is a symbol of lightness, tranquility, and feelings, while salt is able to purify what it touches. Understand how these energies manifest themselves in the body, in the mind, and in an environment:

1) Physical body

In the physical body, aquamarine helps to regulate hormones, strengthen immunity, and improve eyesight. In addition, it provides a feeling of muscle relaxation.

2) Spiritual body

The action of aquamarine on a person's spiritual body is directed at their feelings. This means that the stone is able to calm emotions, relieve the weight of traumas, and reduce fear and stress.

3) Environments

When applied in an environment, aquamarine acts as an amulet of protection against negative energies. Also, the stone is capable of stimulating the intuition of those around it, offering clarity of thought.

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Stone Symbology

It's easy to see that aquamarine offers us sensations very similar to those that a calm, blue sea brings us, isn't it? And the ancient peoples also realized this. The Greeks, for example, took advantage of the stone's powers to bring more tranquility to marriage, increasing the happiness of a couple.

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Eliasphotography / Pixabay

But there was another outstanding use for aquamarine. In ancient times, the Greeks also believed that aquamarine was an amulet against the unknown creatures of the sea. Therefore, it was essential to carry this stone on a ship.

Curiosities about Aquamarine

The aquamarine stone may be responsible for prolonging a marriage and keeping a sea creature from attacking you, but these are not its only qualities. Depending on your profession and your sign, it is likely that this crystal will act more intensely on your body and mind in different ways. Learn more:

Aquamarine and the professions

The professions that have aquamarine as a power stone are those that require transparency, emotional control, and sensitivity:

  • Telemarketing agents;
  • Therapists;
  • Teachers;
  • Journalists;
  • Secretaries;
  • Divers;
  • Speakers;
  • Artists.

Aquamarine and the signs

As far as signs are concerned, aquamarine acts in different ways for some of them. Note which natives can benefit most from the stone's characteristics:

Anup Sheikholeslami / Pixabay

  • Scorpio: helps in the connection with one's own interiority;
  • Libra: favors the balance of feelings;
  • Taurus: develops the tranquility to achieve goals;
  • Fish: stimulates intuition;
  • Aquarius: provides clarity of thought.

How to use the stone?

If you can't wait to feel all the vibrations that aquamarine has to offer, just find the best way to use it, according to your goal. To protect yourself from negative vibrations, add the stone to your home or office, on top of a central table.

On the other hand, you can use aquamarine when meditating, to enhance your intuition and the clarity of your thoughts. Just hold the stone in one hand, with your eyes closed, and imagine a blue light traveling through your body.

However, if your goal is to reap the energies of aquamarine every day, go for a piece of jewelry with aquamarine in the design. Make sure that the stone used is real, to get the expected result.

How do I clean my aquamarine stone?

You will feel so good with the energies of aquamarine that you will not stop using it. As a consequence, it is likely that the stone will accumulate some impurities. To clean it, you should wash the crystal in running water and then leave it to rest for an hour in a container of drinking water.

How to energize the aquamarine stone?

After cleaning the aquamarine, it is essential to energize it, so that the crystal will continue to bring the benefits you seek. To do this, place the stone in contact with the sun's rays for only 30 minutes.

Precautions about aquamarine

As for the energies that aquamarine can offer you, they will always be positive. Nevertheless, there is one precaution you should take with this stone. Never leave it exposed for too long to the sun's rays, because the color of the crystal can change.

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Based on the information you have just read, we understand that aquamarine is a calming stone that supports our emotions and intuition. In the form of jewelry, in an environment, or for meditation, it is the perfect choice. Get yours to feel good every day!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.