Coriander: Benefits as a medicinal plant

 Coriander: Benefits as a medicinal plant

Tom Cross

In cooking, it is widely used to impart a special flavor to dishes. But cilantro is much more than a tasty spice. Its natural properties also make it a potent medicinal plant.

Its origin is somewhat uncertain, but the plant is probably native to the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia. In Brazil, it is commonly used as a seasoning in the northeastern and northern cuisines.

Its scientific name is Coriandrum sativum L., and the plant belongs to the Apiaceae family. Its flowers are small and aromatic, pink or white. And its usefulness is such that everything in it is used: from the leaves and flowers, to the seeds and roots.

The benefits are diverse, and it is worth knowing them in order to use the plant for the benefit of your health. So keep reading this article and find out all that this popular herb has to offer.

Coriander for spirituality

In ancient Egypt, cilantro was already seen as having spiritual power. For this civilization, the plant was considered the herb of immortality, as they used it to embalm bodies.

The coriander bath is used to attract healing, protection, and prosperity. Thus, the herb is seen as a means to drive away negative energies and attract good energies in return.

There are different recipes for preparing a good coriander bath, and we will look at one of them later. But the principle for any application is faith. During the preparation and execution of the bath, it is necessary to mentalize what you wish to attract, whether it is money, love, or protection. Only then can the effects be felt.

Health benefits of cilantro

While spirituality shows one path to healing, natural medicine points to another. Coriander has very interesting health benefits, from the skin to the heart.

Prevents certain types of cancer

Rich in tannins, flavonoids, and carotenoids, whose antioxidant power is high, coriander helps prevent the development of breast, lung, and prostate cancer. This is because it acts against the negative effects of free radicals in our body.

It is good for digestion

Its anti-inflammatory action helps improve the digestion of food, and also facilitates the absorption of nutrients by the body. Incidentally, cilantro is also a good ally against gas and nausea.

Keeps your skin health up to date

The high antioxidant power present in cilantro is also responsible for taking care of skin health. Acting against free radicals, it protects cells from weather and sun damage, consequently preventing premature skin aging.

Controls high blood pressure and cholesterol

Coriander is an excellent ally for the heart because it decreases the risk of heart problems. Besides preventing high blood pressure, it also regulates the levels of LDL, popularly known as bad cholesterol. This is due to the potassium and magnesium present in the plant.

Prevents diabetes

Studies show that coriander leaves and seeds reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Consequently, this prevents the development of type 2 diabetes, since high sugar levels are a risk factor for the onset of the disease.

Brett Hondow / Pixabay

Detoxifies the liver

Again, the presence of antioxidants in its properties makes cilantro also useful for liver health. This antioxidant action helps in the elimination of toxins and toxic metals, such as mercury.

Helps balance the intestine

The amount of fiber present in the plant helps regulate bowel movements, reducing the occurrence of constipation. In addition, its antimicrobial properties balance the intestinal flora, acting against diarrhea and infections.

Nutrition table

Calories 5.15 kcal
Liquid carbohydrates 0,21 g
Carbohydrates 0,37 g
Proteins 0,26 g
Total Fats 0 g
Saturated fats 0 g
Dietary fiber 0,16 g
Sodium 2.70 mg
Vitamin C 6.3 mg
Phosphorus 3.6 mg
Potassium 54 mg
Magnesium 2.6 mg
Iron 0.19 mg
Calcium 9.8 mg

Values referring to 10 g of fresh cilantro

How to consume cilantro?

The herb is most popularly consumed as a seasoning, especially in the northeastern Brazilian cuisine, and in Indian, Mexican, Peruvian, and Thai cuisines, worldwide.

To take advantage of the nutrients in the most natural way, it is interesting to consume the plant in its raw and fresh form. After all, as the variation in consumption, the properties of the plant also change. Dehydrated cilantro, for example, is much more caloric than fresh cilantro and contains less vitamin C. On the other hand, fresh cilantro loses in fiber, calcium, and magnesium, for example.

Other ways to use cilantro

But cilantro is not only a foodstuff; it can also be consumed in other ways.

The essential oil can be bought in health food stores. Made from the seeds of the plant, it is used in canned foods and in preventing contamination of other foods, for example.

The coriander tea is also well used to help with health, providing the body with the benefits already mentioned above. Other options for use are the footbath and the coriander bath.

Are there any contraindications?

In food, there are no contraindications, because cilantro is usually used in small quantities as a seasoning, but in other forms of use, such as essential oil and tea, it is necessary to be careful, since its properties are much more accentuated.

Pregnant women, the elderly, and infants should avoid consuming the plant. People who suffer from respiratory problems like bronchitis and asthma or use anticoagulants also need to be careful.

By the way, the use of cilantro beyond the common diet should only be done with the recommendation of a health professional, especially in case of chronic diseases.

Difference between cilantro and parsley

It is very common to confuse these two plants, and not for nothing: they look very similar.

One of the biggest differences is the smell. The aroma of parsley is more citrusy and mild, while coriander has a stronger smell, reminiscent of grass. The color of parsley is more intense, and its leaves are elongated, while coriander has a more opaque color and rounded leaves.

Finally, another difference that can be crucial when buying your cilantro is the fact that it is usually sold with the root, and parsley is not.

Recipes with cilantro

Now we will present some recipes with cilantro for you to add to your daily life. Enjoy the benefits for your physical and spiritual health!

Coriander tea

With digestive properties, this tea is a good alternative for those who have a busy day and want to improve the functioning of their body.


200 ml water


Coriander Sauce

How about a simple sauce recipe to add a special touch to your dishes? With simple ingredients and easy execution, this sauce is a must.


2 tablespoons of lemon juice

1 clove of garlic

2 tablespoons of olive oil

1 teaspoon salt

½ cup of water

½ cup cashew nuts


Foot scalding with coriander

To relax your body and bring purification to your day, this cilantro-based footbath is a great option.


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1 Tbsp. coriander seed

1 cup infusion of coriander leaves

Sodium bicarbonate


New Africa / Shutterstock

Coriander bath to attract prosperity and protection

Those who need protection and prosperity, and enjoy energetic baths, will like this recipe. Just remember to apply it with faith.







At the end, cover the pot and turn off the heat. Wait a few minutes and take your bath with the mixture. You should always use the liquid from the neck down, mentalizing good things. For disposal, just throw it away in a garden

Coriander bath for unloading, purification and healing

And if you need a spiritual cleansing and deep healing, we also have a coriander bath to point you to. Purify yourself with this powerful blend.


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Coarse salt





7 cloves

1 myrrh incense


Let the mixture rest while you take your usual bath. Then, light the incense to relax and pour the cilantro bath from the neck down, visualizing problems leaving you.

Let your body dry naturally and put on clean, light clothes, while what remains of the bath can be disposed of as normal in the garbage.

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Now it's clear that cilantro is much more than a tasty spice, isn't it? This medicinal plant is capable of helping to cure and prevent different health problems, and can be used in different ways, according to your taste and purpose.

Other medicinal plants

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.