Foods to eat (and avoid) during menstruation

 Foods to eat (and avoid) during menstruation

Tom Cross

During the menstrual period, many women experience pain, discomfort, and indisposition. To get around the painful effects of menstruation, then, it is common for them to resort to hot water bags, tips from friends and family members, and some remedies available in pharmacies. But these are not always the solution.

The foods we eat are crucial on those days. Some foods can reduce bloating, improve your mood, and ease menstrual pain, while other foods can be responsible for making you feel even worse, weaker, and more bloated during that part of the month. Have you ever stopped to think about it?

What can't you eat when you are menstruating?

What foods make colic worse?

The foods that make colic worse are those that stimulate uterine contractions, or that inflame the body. If you suffer from these pains, it is best to avoid them:

1) Fatty foods

Fatty foods are inflammatory to the human body. This means that they alter the normal functioning of the body and can intensify menstrual cramps.

2) Sugar

Refined sugar causes an even greater imbalance of glucose during menstruation. As a result, a person may have more difficulty fighting the cramps of the period.

3) Coffee

Coffee and other caffeinated beverages stimulate the production of stress hormones, which make a woman's entire body more sensitive, especially during menstruation.

4) White rice

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Since white rice turns into sugar in the body, as soon as it is eaten it deregulates blood glucose levels and causes more cramps than normal.

5) Red meat

Just like fatty foods, red meat is inflammatory for the human body. For this reason, it intensifies menstrual pain.

6) White flour

Just as with white rice, white flour disrupts blood glucose levels when it is absorbed into the body, resulting in more cramps.

7) Industrialized sweets

Industrialized sweets are rich in sugar, which is an ingredient that should be avoided during menstruation, because it disrupts the normal functioning of the body.

What foods make menstrual bloating worse?

During menstruation, it is common to feel your body is swollen, but there are foods that make this worse:

1) Industrialized food

Processed foods are rich in sodium, which promotes the retention of liquid in the body. Therefore, they increase the feeling of swelling.

2) Salt

Salt is nothing more than sodium, so overconsumption of salt during the menstrual period also causes fluid retention and worsens swelling.

3) Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks, such as soft drinks, are also high in sodium, meaning that they cause you to store more fluid in your body, increasing your swelling.

4) Frying

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Fried food compromises the emptying of the stomach and makes the digestion process more difficult. Because of this, their consumption increases bloating during menstruation.

5) Fatty meats

Because fatty meats are rich in fat, they slow down digestion. As a result of this process, the body can become more bloated than normal.

6) Alcoholic beverages

The alcohol present in alcoholic beverages disrupts the normal functioning of the body and causes a feeling of bloating, especially during the menstrual period.

What foods not to eat during PMS?

Before menstruation begins, premenstrual tension (PMT) is a challenging time for many women, and some foods can make this phase even worse when consumed in excess:

1) Milk and dairy products

The high fat content in milk makes it unsuitable during PMS. After all, fat inflames the body and intensifies the signs of menstruation.

2) Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages alter a person's hormone levels, so if he is in PMS, which already represents an alteration in this aspect, the imbalance will be even greater.

3) Industrialized broths

Industrialized meat and vegetable broths are high in sodium, which increases fluid retention and can make PMS even more uncomfortable.

4) Drinks rich in caffeine

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Caffeine-rich beverages stimulate the production of stress hormones, which intensify the irritability that precedes menstruation.

5) Foods rich in sugar

Foods high in sugar are not indicated for PMS because they alter the blood glucose levels, which can aggravate the bad symptoms of menstruation.

What foods help relieve colic?

If your biggest problem during menstruation is cramping, you can consume some foods that help your body to give your uterus a workout. Check them out:

1) Oilseeds

Oilseeds such as nuts and almonds have an anti-inflammatory action on the body, so they help relieve the discomfort caused by cramps.

2) Cabbage

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Kale and other dark green vegetables are rich in magnesium, which is one of the best nutrients to combat discomfort resulting from blood loss during menstruation.

3) Dried fruit

Dried fruits have nutrients such as omega-3, protein, and magnesium, which restore the body's function and relieve menstrual cramps.

4) Tuna

Rich in omega-3s, tuna is one of the fish that can fight inflammation in the body, which ensures that menstrual cramps are not as painful.

What foods help reduce menstrual bloating?

Swelling of the body during menstruation is temporary, but many people are bothered by it:

1) Water

Water is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the body, in all aspects. Furthermore, when we drink water, we cleanse our body, eliminating toxins that cause swelling.

2) Teas

Teas are diuretics and can also combat other symptoms of menstruation. You just have to choose your favorite flavor and enjoy the feeling that the drink brings.

3) Papaya

Any Lane / Pexels

Rich in fiber, papaya is ideal for deflating the body by facilitating bowel function and eliminating what is no longer useful to the body.

4) Plum

Like papaya, the plum is rich in fiber. If bloating is a consequence of constipation that occurs during menstruation, the fruit can help.

5) Whole grain cereals

Whole grains are also indicated to combat menstrual bloating. Thanks to the fiber in these foods, it is possible to deflate the body.

What foods decrease the flow of menstruation?

Another common complaint during menstruation is blood flow. When the body releases blood in large quantities, it is essential to eat foods that control the bleeding:

1) Carrot

The carrot stimulates the production of hormones in the body and is rich in iron, so besides replacing nutrients lost in the blood, it can speed up menstruation.

2) Dark green vegetables

Dark green vegetables are rich in iron and magnesium, proving to be essential when it comes to controlling menstrual flow and replenishing what has been lost with bleeding.

3) Edible seeds

Edible seeds, such as pumpkin seeds and flaxseed, are rich in nutrients (zinc and omega-3) that control blood flow and balance the body.

4) Beans

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Beans are an important food for raising iron levels in the blood - which can decrease during menstruation - as well as regulating blood flow.

5) Chickpeas

Chickpeas are another food rich in iron, which is indicated to mitigate the negative effects of heavy blood flow during the menstrual period.

Which foods reduce the desire for sweets and fried foods?

As we saw earlier, sweets and fried foods are not recommended during menstruation. To control the urge to eat them, try other foods:

1) Grilled meats

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Grilled meats are healthier than fried foods and bring a feeling of satiety, ensuring that you don't feel the urge to eat a fatty food.

2) Farofa

If what you enjoy about frying is the crunchiness, adding farofa to your plate is a healthy alternative to control the craving for something fried.

3) Fruit Popsicle

abdul sameer / Pexels

A fruit popsicle is sweet, refreshing, healthy, and brings a feeling of satiety.

4) Dehydrated fruit

Dehydrated fruits are a great way to get around the desire for sweets, mainly because they have a natural sweet touch, which is not industrialized.

5) Almonds

Because they promote satiety, almonds replenish nutrients in your body and send away that craving for sweets.

What can you eat when you are menstruating?

What foods help with PMS?

PMS is one of the most uncomfortable times of the month for menstruating women, and any strategy to alleviate it is welcome:

1) Whole grains (whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, etc.)

Whole grains bring carbohydrates and fiber to the organism. Through them, you will feel more willingness and less swelling, passing through PMS with less difficulty.

2) Salmon

As we have already mentioned, because it is rich in omega-3s, salmon acts as an anti-inflammatory in the body and ensures that the body continues to function normally, with as little change as possible.

3) Dark chocolate

Towfiqu barbhuiya / Pexels

A square of dark chocolate can bring a sense of comfort and relief from cramps, which are characteristic of the period before menstruation.

4) Avocado

The avocado's fiber improves bowel function, while the magnesium in the fruit stimulates the production of serotonin, which increases happiness.

5) Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are also rich in magnesium, and are indicated to elevate the mood and to combat menstrual pains, which affect the abdomen and the head.

6) Chestnuts

Nuts and other oilseeds regulate the body's hormonal fluctuations, making PMS a less unbalanced process.

Why do we have more cravings for some foods during this period?

Yes, it is normal to feel like you are eating or craving too much food during menstruation! This is because of the hormonal changes that happen in your body during this period, such as the increase of cortisol, which is nothing more than the stress hormone, and, with this, your body acts trying to balance itself with foods that provide you well-being. The act of eating, then, works as asource of satisfaction and tranquility in the face of this hormonal stimulus, which is often disturbing; hence, their desire for certain foods.

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With the information we present, you can make your menstrual cycle lighter and more enjoyable. If you eat the best foods for the menstrual phase, the symptoms of these changes in your body will pass quickly. Renew your menu with awareness!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.