Gypsies and the Origin of Spirituality

 Gypsies and the Origin of Spirituality

Tom Cross

The gypsy culture has always been for me something mystical, mysterious, magical and sublime. They came out of nowhere, with their own culture, language and religion. Often marginalized, treated with contempt and prejudice, they have always kept their faith and belief ahead of any burden. In my opinion, creatures of nature and lovers of freedom. Nobody knows for sure where they came from and even less where toThe Roma people are not a religion or an occult group as they were formerly known, much less witches or child thieves, but a people that has maintained its form and content for centuries. In a surprising way, they cross borders and, at each conquest, plant their flag, but do not take possession of the land.

The gypsy culture is agraphic, that is, it is passed on orally. A people closed in its mysteries with its own language of Roman origin that, due to its peculiarity, has no spelling, except that which is written in the same way it is spoken. Because of this, the lack of research material is enormous, leaving researchers distressed, and their work, inconclusive. But some researchers go back toThe origin of the gypsy people goes back to two or three millennia before Christ and they believe that the largest number of gypsies began in India. Others still attribute it to Egypt and ramifications throughout Europe in general. After many studies and research, it has come to the not 100% conclusion that our mysterious gypsies are Hindi, a language derived from Sanskrit, and therefore Indian. It is not known in which part of India,but it is believed to be from Pakistan around the year 1000 of the Christian era.

See_also: To Dream of a Green Snake

Maintainers of their customs and traditions, their knowledge, origins and mysteries passed orally from the elders to the youngsters, who should, since childhood, familiarize themselves with their roots, loving, respecting and keeping them secret. For, throughout the centuries, they have been victims of persecution and prejudice, mistaken for people of bad character and even for deceivers and child thieves. NeverAlways peaceful and party-goers, their habits have always caused admiration.

Gypsies and spirituality

History shows all the mysticism that accompanies these people, as well as the gifts of strong intuition, they bring experiences from all over the world, especially those acquired from the Hindu people, such as chirology, others more exercised by the innate sensitivity that they emanate, and develop in their children, such as clairvoyance, the glass with water, the magical rituals linked to nature, the fortune reading through theAs well as the experience brought by spiritual genetics, providing this exercise.

The gypsy people, as well as other peoples with their own distinct egregores, have a past in the plane of spiritual service of great relevance. Their known phalanxes, as well as many groups and collective masses of spirits, are placed in various galactic dimensions and destined for incarnation, within a divine criterion of evaluation and evolution. The spiritsThe gypsies who today bear this name and who were brought from another galaxy to reincarnate en masse on our planet Earth, immigrating by divine order from other planetary dimensions, carry with them the wisdom, the customs and the knowledge already achieved and who, for millennia, have been reincarnating following the natural order of evolution, managing to conquer their space, producing their ownuniversal force charts on the spiritual plane.

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The Gypsies in Umbanda

Gypsies are from the East, so their culture differs from the African, working in the vibration of the right, and those who work in the vibration of the left are not gypsies, but the exus of Umbanda. In this line of protection, gypsies and gypsies called Gypsy Guardians work in pairs and protect all 9 Gypsy Clans. They all work in the divine light. Each one has a name, like Pablo,Wladimir, Esmeralda, Sarita, and many other names, acting in every segment of life, such as love, finances, luck, health, etc. Some places call the Guardian Gypsies exus, such as 7 Saias Gypsy, of the road, and Padilha, but this is not true, because they are distinct lines. Sometimes this occurs as an order from the Umbanda house, and, since they also need to do charity, they end up obeying this order.Gypsies don't do works like the exus, they use colors, spices, water, candles, incense, flowers, crystals, fans, musical instruments and oracles, cards, hand reading, dice, coins, medals and even cooking. They work with the four elements - Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Only the guardian gypsy clan uses alcoholic beverage, because they work with unloading. The other clans don't, onlyTo be a gypsy, one must be born of a gypsy father and mother.

See_also: To Dream of a Gray Rat


This is one of the instruments most used by gypsies and has left the mark of this people, since it is the most used to read luck, the deck of cards, as well as the reading of hands, dice and coffee grounds. This teaching has been passed down for centuries by aunts, grandmothers, mothers and Puri Dei of the gypsy clan, known as lucky gypsies, to gypsy girls from an early age. Always remembering thatThe activity in question is characteristic of gypsies, which is not to say that gypsies don't practice it. However it is an old custom carried on by gypsies.

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The dice are also of millennial use and follow in the gypsy tradition being used always to solve internal questions or of interest to the clan itself, being also used for free consultations in certain regions. They carry an incomparable power of response and help a lot in people's daily life, especially in spiritual matters, being able to ask the desired questions, always in aspecific to get clear and quick answers.

All the working materials are consecrated by the four elements and offered to the gypsies. If you are interested in knowing who your gypsies are, look for someone you trust to teach you how to set up your altar and make your dedications.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.