How do you stop thinking about something or someone?

 How do you stop thinking about something or someone?

Tom Cross

Everyday, we are hit with countless information, facts, feelings and so many other things that the rhythm of life dictates. In addition, we live at a fast pace, very common these days, especially with the possibilities we have at hand: cell phones that connect us to everything all the time. These are anxious times in which mental health has been a frequent topic of conversationand in the public debate.

Everyone has experienced some embarrassing moment in life, be it something irrelevant or something really unforgettable, be it saying something out of turn, taking a tumble on the street or sending a message and regretting it later when it can no longer be erased. Sometimes it happens that these moments get stuck in your head, as if you can't forget them, and suddenly that memoryAnd this becomes a vicious circle and the thought becomes a kind of obsession.

Reflect on what you think

It is extremely important to reflect on your thought, to reflect on the root, the essence and the reason why that thought is here. Ask yourself this. For example: there is a serious discussion between you and someone in your family, a lot of things you wanted to say you didn't say. You go back home mulling over those unsaid words, suffering for having missed the opportunity to say what you wanted to say.You spend days obsessing over that situation and it starts to hurt so much and become so prevalent in your life.You barely remember the discussion itself, you only think about what you didn't say. This is an example that fits any situation.

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Understand the reason for the thoughts

There comes that moment when the solution is to understand the origin of that thought, how it got there, and what makes it stay inside your head. Pending things always generate that never-ending feeling. The solution is not always what we want, because sometimes what we need is different from what we long for, and for this reason, understanding those thoughts is the first thing that must be done.Think rationally, reflect on the whole, observe every fact, every anguish and every impulse, because these thoughts can be treacherous and make the situation even worse. Take a deep breath and look at the situation calmly and carefully.

Ron Lach / Pexels

Am I becoming obsessed?

When you lose sleep because you can't turn your thoughts off from a certain situation, when you can't concentrate on everyday things, when you lose yourself from your responsibilities, when anything generates in you some trigger that puts you back in that cycle of obsessive thoughts related to that situation. These are some signs that you are becoming obsessed,It's as if that thought imprisons you in a dome that you can't get out of, as if it were a problem without solution, and it seems that life only works within that obsession until it is solved. It doesn't solve itself, because you are the one who has to go after stopping it.

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After all, how do you stop thinking about something or someone?

Occupy Your Mind

Watch that series you like, the one that is a comedy with light themes and makes you laugh, the one that distracts your head and doesn't make you dwell on feelings that are too deep, because sometimes it's good to be a little shallow.

Share your feelings with another person

Seek out that friend who always offers you a welcome and a listening ear, and say everything you feel in detail, because just saying it will relieve your heart and give you a breather from the anguish that plagues your thoughts.

Distance yourself from the target of your thoughts

Run away from the triggers, be it that song, that movie, that place, or that social network profile. You need to take a breath and recover, the healing is in that distance, because when you distance yourself from what hurts you, it is easier to look inside yourself.

Be self-conscious and realize that you are thinking too much

The state of denial does not help at all, you need to recognize that there is a problem with your current thoughts. Recognizing the problem is fighting against it, it is the right impulse to find help.

Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Live the present

Look around you, look at the love that is sticking to the walls of your house, embrace that friend who is always supporting you, be grateful for what you have, what you have achieved, live your present, live what is there to do you good in the now.

Solve the problem that bothers you

After recognizing the problem, evaluating and thinking hard about what is making it stay that way, it is time to seek to solve the problem. In a rational way, to find the best solution so that this emotional pendency is finalized.

Seek professional help

It is essential that you seek professional help, because the problem solved today can become another one tomorrow if your behavior is the same. And, to treat these destructive behaviors, the right person to help you is a professional. So, look for a professional in psychology or psychiatry in order to be referred to the right treatment.

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Some things hurt and are hard to be solved. Besides, it seems that nothing will ever go back to its place and everything becomes a big mess, the thoughts imprison you, seeming impossible to escape, but there is a solution, the place of these thoughts is not inside the head. With focus, help, welcoming and love, everything will be solved. It is necessary to want and believe.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.