Loving yourself may be simpler than it seems

 Loving yourself may be simpler than it seems

Tom Cross

Loving yourself is not as hard as some people think. Most of the time, what society does is problematize the subject, distorting the understanding about it. Many people often fill their chests saying "I love myself", but in reality, the attitudes they take with themselves and also with others show completely the opposite of what self-love is. Do you know, by any chance, whatWe will help you to understand a little more about it, and we will also give you some tips on how to promote self-love!

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The love of self

Loving yourself consists in respecting yourself, taking care of yourself, having a healthy self-esteem, and not always submitting to the whims of others. This act of taking care of yourself is so important that if every person in the world had the certainty of their own love, the love of relationships would not become an emotional dependence, which is precisely the result of the lack that human beings feel for themselves.

This kind of love is an understanding of oneself as a unique being, practiced through respectful attitudes, care and attention to everything that is said and done, always being aware of the reflections that such actions can cause firstly to us and then to our neighbor. But then you may ask yourself: "If I think of myself first, am I selfish?!", and the answer is very simple: "No"!Putting yourself first is also about taking care of others. If you are not well, you can hardly do any good for anyone else. Everything we do for others will come back to us at some point in life - and this you should already know.

To practice self-love is to accept yourself both physically and emotionally! It's to be patient with yourself, respect your own limits and understand that no one is perfect. It's also to recognize your mistakes and not to demand so much from yourself. The self-confidence resulting from the act of loving yourself allows frustrations to be a reason for learning, not a means to blame others or a burden to be carried. Who practices self-loveSelf-love lives in constant evolution and serves as an inspiration to those around it.

Image of Bessi by Pixabay

Self-esteem since childhood

To develop self-esteem, a child needs to hear praise from an early age, but many parents make a mistake when they only praise their child and forget to set some limits. It is necessary to assimilate the child's needs and maintain a balance between understanding and limits, because children need limits!

It is necessary to understand that, in childhood, the personality is being created, so the excess of criticism can trigger several traumas and sequels, keeping in mind that the first notions that the little ones have of self-esteem are precisely the looks that their parents have on them.

Excessive care can have a devastating effect on a child's life as an adult. The little ones must learn to deal with disappointments from an early age. If they don't, it is very likely that fragility in the face of frustration will be perpetuated. We know that a parent doesn't like to see their child face any difficulties, but it is important to encourage the child to face the obstacles.

Many adults are traumatized when it comes to self-esteem and cannot find a way to practice self-love, because in childhood they were spared all adversity and nowadays do not know how to deal with adverse situations.

From the moment we make a mistake, we understand what it takes to get it right and we still take the wrong attitudes with us as learning. If you were not pushed to move forward and accept your limitations when you were a child, you can deconstruct this pattern of behavior by not charging yourself so much. Start little by little, analyze your experiences and break the paradigm of societyYou don't have to follow a line, because you are a unique being, remember? If everything has gone wrong so far, know that you can make it right. Trust in yourself and emphasize every day how capable you are of facing life! Here are some tips to boost your self-love:

Image by Denise Husted by Pixabay

1. be who you really are

Do you want to dye your hair pink? do it! Do you want to wear pants that society says are out of fashion? wear them! Do you want to dance your way in the middle of a club? dance! Ignore the stares and comments of others. think only of the joy you feel when you do what you want to do or when you are exactly the way you are. this goes for your exterior as well as your interior. AAuthenticity gives you much more satisfaction than hiding behind a mask created to please someone else. You must love yourself first and care only about what you think about yourself!

2. value your ideas and opinions

One of the most important tips for self-love is to have the ability to say what you think, without thought of judgment - of course, as long as you are respectful and kind. Remember that saying that you are unique? Well, your ideas and opinions are unique too, so you must stick to your truth. Don't say what others want to hear for fear of displeasing them! If you happen to commitIf you made a mistake or if your opinion was not accepted in a situation, don't let it get you down. Everyone makes mistakes and learns from such situations.

3. don't give in to fear

It is normal to feel fear in some situations, but this should not be a reason for you to give up on something. Face it! Each time you overcome the barriers of the feelings that want to hold you back, you will achieve great personal development. Loving yourself also means trusting in your potential and believing that you can do it!

Image from Free-Photos by Pixabay

4. learn to filter criticism

Between constructive and destructive criticism, we usually listen more to criticism that only puts us down. Criticism that is only intended to point out mistakes makes a person feel inferior and even unworthy of good things - and, of course, with great difficulty to admire his own being.information and take with you only what can be used to evolve and improve. Instead of criticizing, highlight the good things! The goal is always to evolve, while being careful with yourself.

5. don't compare yourself to others

We come back to the premise that each being is unique and, therefore, there is no way to make comparisons. Every time you compare yourself to someone else, you make the feeling of inferiority dwell in your being. There are certainly people who have a thousand skills that you don't have, just as you are very good at certain things that others are not, that is, everyone has their strengths. Don't be sohard with you, because you are very special!

6. focus on your qualities

Start thinking about all your good points. Do you think you are good at something? Emphasize that within yourself! From the moment you start looking at your qualities and what you are good at, you will feel happier inside. Always remember that your good thoughts can attract good things. Don't be so negative!

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Image by Jess Foami by Pixabay

7. start practicing forgiveness

When practicing self-love, one of the foundations is not to cling to mistakes, but to recognize them and learn from them in order to move on. This also goes for the people around you: forgive! Holding on to resentments only makes you feel bad. Holding on to resentments causes part of your life to be stopped and not evolve. Practice self-love by releasing forgiveness!

8. have discipline

Create goals and persist in what you want! People without focus usually lack self-esteem and push life with their belly. Take charge of the situations in your life and be patient. Immediatists are insecure, and in the quest for self-love, you need to have responsible planning.

9. take care of your body

Love yourself also includes taking care of your own body. Eat healthily and don't be negligent with your physical health. Exercise and maintain a regular diet, with all the nutrients your body needs to keep it functioning well.

Image by ElisaRiva by Pixabay

10. distance yourself from certain people

We all know that many relationships are silently abusive. There are people who hurt us, put us down, and are rarely happy with our victories. People who don't love themselves often have a need for self-affirmation over others, so you need to watch out for these kinds of people.

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Understand that it is important to love yourself before loving others, and to love yourself you don't need to emphasize how good you are to anyone. Your improvement as a person will come naturally! Don't confuse self-love with selfishness, because selfish people need to be the center of attention, of others' admiration and care little for others. To love yourself first simply meanstake care of one's own being and understand that it is necessary to be well in order to do good.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.