Meaning of the moons

 Meaning of the moons

Tom Cross

Few people know what the different types of Moons mean, what they represent, and how they influence people's lives. Besides the Blood Moon, the Blue Moon, the New Moon, and the Supermoon, there are some curious phenomena that also impact people's lives. Discover here the meanings of the different types of Moons and awaken in yourself the energy of each one of them!

Blue Moon

The Blue Moon is the second Full Moon to occur in a single month. Many people think that it is primarily connected with Astrology, but it is more connected with the Gregorian calendar, which is adopted by many countries. Although it is called "blue", it does not have this coloration, but it is possible that the Moon emits a kind of bluish glow due to some atmospheric conditions, howeverThe Blue Moon has this name because it refers to something powerful and rare!

Ondřej Šponiar / Pixabay

The Full Moon phase reflects everything that is in the astrological sky, so if the sky is happy, people are outgoing; if the sky is irritable or even explosive, this is also passed on to everyone - human emotions are more evident and at their peak! During this period the Moon has twice as much energy, making it a good time to realize dreams and invest in personal growth.

Note: The Blue Moon occurs every two and a half years!

Super Moon

When the Moon is closer to its perigee, it is closer to the Earth and appears "bigger", hence the name Super Moon. This phenomenon only happens in Full Moon phases, when the Moon appears to be 30% brighter and gives the impression that it is 14% bigger than in other phases. When this occurs, all people pay attention to the sky and, even if they don't know the meaning of the types of Moon,They strongly feel the energy that each phenomenon vibrates on Earth.

Gerd Altmann / Pixabay

As in any Full Moon phase, everything in the sky is amplified by it. All the feelings of human beings become more evident, so if you are sad, your sadness will be apparent; if you are happy, your joy will be in evidence. It is the perfect time to feel what is going on at the moment and bet on yourself.

See_also: To dream of a tooth falling out of your hand

Blood Moon

Some people get scared when they hear this name, but rest assured, the "Blood Moon" represents the reddish color of the Moon. When the Moon is hidden by the Earth's shadow from the Sun, it reflects a reddish color, hence the striking name! The Blood Moon, or Red Moon, is one of the most beautiful phenomena we can observe. This phenomenon is extremely rare and occurs during Super Moon eclipses.

Ulrike Bohr / Pixabay

Eclipses usually stir the unconscious and bring issues to be resolved! I don't know if you know, but Astrology indicates that the Moon rules the past, so when a lunar eclipse occurs, an invitation opens up for people to resolve old or pending issues that have been left behind. Things that are already part of your routine just as a habit may also come into questionat that point.

Note: It is estimated that the next Blood Moon will be seen throughout Brazil in the year 2022.

New Moon

The phase in which the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun is called the New Moon. It is difficult to observe it, because during the day the Sun does not illuminate its visible side, making it invisible at night. We will be able to see its luminous part, which will grow during the days.

G4889166 / Pixabay

As its name indicates, it is a Moon that marks the beginning of personal cycles and is therefore extremely favorable for starting projects and putting some life plans into practice. Changes are very welcome, so it is time to take the first steps! Now is the time to get the projects off the drawing board, because when the Full Moon phase comes all doors will open!

Note: The phenomenon in which two New Moons occur in the same month is called a Black Moon.

Waning Moon

This is the phase of the Moon when we can see only half of the lunar disk. From the southern hemisphere it can be observed as if it were an upside down letter C. This Moon rises at midnight and sets at noon, and loses visibility over the days until a new cycle begins.

exposimentofotologico / Pixabay

Since only half of the lunar disk is illuminated and it progressively loses its illumination, the Waning Moon period is indicated for new beginnings. This phase represents a time of introspection and reflection: you need to understand and analyze what is happening around you to start over and leave behind everything that is unwanted and does not do you any good! Focus your energies on what needs attention and don't letnothing for later!

Crescent Moon

Among the profound meanings of the Moon's phases, you may have heard a little about the Crescent Moon, a phase in which only part of its disk is visible, but with time it gains more luminosity and becomes more visible.

See_also: To Dream of Feces

exposimentofotologico / Pixabay

This phase represents resistance! In this period, all one's plans are practically tested and everything that is desired must be held with strength and stamina! The Crescent Moon is not a calm moment, because this is the time when the barriers gain strength and put our goals to the test, so it is necessary to dedicate yourself to the maximum and not give up or be discouraged from your desires when theIt is indicated that in this phase you allow new ideas to arrive and everything that did not go forward to be left behind! Bet on what you want, not on what is only convenient for you!

Full Moon

After the New Moon phase, the Moon completes its 180 degree rotation and its disk becomes fully illuminated, and can be observed at night.

Patricia Alexandre / Pixabay

Full Moon represents sensitivity, so all your emotions are on the surface. Everything in this phase is "too much" and you need to reconnect with your inner self so that nothing goes off the rails. Because everything is more intense and "brighter", this phase can make you feel more exposed than usual, but don't take a step backwards! Just as the Full Moon's energy makes everything evident, so does the Full Moon's energy.All this vibration can be channeled into your Being and make you excel in whatever you decide to do that is risky. Take more risks!

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Eclipse happens when a star is partially or totally darkened by a second star. There are two types of eclipses: lunar and solar.

Randy McGuire / Pixabay

Lunar Eclipse

This eclipse occurs when the shadow of the Earth that is generated by the light from the Sun "covers the Moon".

Solar eclipse

When the Moon gets between the Sun and the Earth, its shadow is projected onto the Earth, promoting a solar eclipse. In some regions of the planet, it is possible to observe the Sun being completely "covered" by the Moon, and this phenomenon is called total solar eclipse, while in other regions the Sun is partially covered by the Moon, thus being called partial solar eclipse.

As mentioned before, eclipses tend to stir the unconscious and foster issues from the past and even the future. These phenomena are phases in which it is indicated to take more care of yourself and deal seriously with some of life's uncertainties.

Now that you know a little bit about the meaning of the Moon's phases and their phenomena, share it with your friends and have all the information on the tip of your tongue when the next phenomenon happens!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.