Moon in Taurus - Understand its influence on you!

 Moon in Taurus - Understand its influence on you!

Tom Cross

Stubbornness, protection and jealousy are just some of the many characteristics associated with Taureans, that is, people who have Taurus as their sun sign. But if you understand a little Astrology, you know that the sun sign is important, since it defines the contours of our personality. But it is the planets and the stars, such as the Moon, that determine the more specific characteristics of who we are.

It is therefore important to understand how each of the stars and planets are influenced by the signs in your birth chart, because this way you can understand every little detail of your personality. If you have Moon in Taurus, for example, understand right now what this planetary position says about you.

The Moon in the Birth Chart

If you want to know how the position of the Moon in Taurus influences your personality, first of all you need to understand what the Moon says about you, according to Astrology. As explained in the introduction, the sun sign is the one responsible for defining the most general characteristics of who we are, but it is the stars and planets that dictate our individualities. The Moon, for example, determines howWe react emotionally and sentimentally to everything that happens to us, as well as how we deal with our feelings and emotions.

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In addition, the Moon is a symbol of femininity and motherhood, so it represents the mother, the one who nurtures, shelters, cares for, and protects. In this way, it dictates the way we deal with our family and our past, especially childhood. Some astrologers even quote that the Moon is the one that defines "what nourishes our soul," that is, what is most intimate in us.

Moon in Taurus

What does it mean to have the Moon in Taurus anyway? Before going into the characteristics that this astrological placement brings to the personality of those who are influenced by it, it is important to explain what it means to have the Moon in Taurus. In short, it means that the Moon was transiting exactly the sign of Taurus at the time you were born, so it is specifically this sign that will influenceCheck below the main characteristics of those who have the Moon in Taurus.

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Characteristics of the person with Moon in Taurus

The person who is influenced by the Moon in Taurus is usually very calm and has a lot of patience, tranquility, and emotional maturity when it comes to analyzing his feelings and emotions. He is a person who needs to constantly analyze his ways and rethink his steps, because he needs to feel that he is always going in the right direction, in the direction that will help him grow and evolve in life.

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A characteristic that can be both positive and negative: this person has a lot of filter, so he/she hardly explodes with someone and takes out feelings like hatred and anger on people. He/she is calm, centered and tranquil, so he/she avoids recklessness and impulsiveness. The downside of this is that an excess of filters can make this person unspontaneous and cause problems like difficulty inmake decisions based more on intuition than on in-depth analysis.

Another very striking attribute is that this person communicates very well and can make his voice heard very often, so he develops strong opinions on almost all the subjects to which he is exposed. The downside of this is that he may develop a certain difficulty in listening and considering the opinions of others as relevant as his own.

The man with the Moon in Taurus

The man influenced by the Moon in Taurus feels a great need for stability, so he is always looking for serious relationships, jobs that bring this stability, and also material achievements, which promote a sense of comfort and achievement.

This all happens because this man has a very great need for a sense of security, for feeling comfortable and secure that things are not going to change so drastically overnight.

Another characteristic is that he knows very well how to reconcile all his desires and define the right time to pursue a certain dream, so he is a great strategist when it comes to defining what his plans are and how he wants to realize them.

Angelina / Unsplash

The woman with the Moon in Taurus

The woman influenced by the Moon in Taurus has a very difficult time dealing with unfinished business, so situations like knowing that there are many things to do, but little time for them, or knowing that there is an important and path-defining conversation pending with your partner, can keep you awake at night and disrupt your life in a very worrying way.

Another negative point is that this woman needs to learn to control the feeling of possession she has for what she loves and holds dear. Jealousy in love relationships, envy at work, and little companionship with the people she loves are some of the possible consequences of this behavior, which can be very harmful.

Personal relationships of those who have Moon in Taurus

Whether in a friendship, family relationship or love relationship, people influenced by this position are very jealous, so they have a very strong need to be around their loved ones all the time and to share every bit of their life with them. If they are sharing their life with someone who works a lot or travels for work, has many friends or prefers to dosome activities in a solitary manner, this can be very difficult for them.

Since they are always looking for security and stability, this person definitely can't be in relationships that break up and come back again all the time, so weekend-on-weekend, weekend-off relationships don't work for this person. The same goes for friendships where friends often go a long time without communicating and sharing their lives.

The good thing about being a calm person is that, although she is often jealous, she is not a show-off, because she likes to solve her problems based on dialog, instead of getting into fights, arguments, and yelling, which only create even more problems or accentuate the ones that already exist.

Jason Briscoe / Unsplash

The challenges of those who have Moon in Taurus

The biggest challenge in this person's life is to deal with the feelings of jealousy and possession. It is necessary to understand that nothing belongs to us, except our own life and what we buy with our resources. The sooner this person understands that she should not try to take control over something that cannot be controlled, the happier she will be.

The second big challenge is to understand that, despite the need for stability, life doesn't always have this to offer us, so developing some resilience and learning to be flexible in dealing with problems is essential; otherwise, the suffering can be great, since life is a box of surprises, as they say.

It is also very important to confront this importance given to a sense of security, since we give up part of it the moment we throw ourselves into the world and start exposing ourselves, for example, to love, to a work environment, and so on.

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In summary, these are the main characteristics of the people who have the Moon in Taurus in their birth chart. But all this should be understood only as a basis, because all planets interact with each other, building little pieces of our personality. So do your complete Astrological Chart and check to what extent these traits brought by this astrological position influence you.

Also learn about the meaning of the Moon in other signs:

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.