Onyx Stone: meaning, how to use and how to energize

 Onyx Stone: meaning, how to use and how to energize

Tom Cross

Used for over a thousand years as an ornament and as a protective amulet against negative energies, the onyx stone has many benefits for those who wear it! Besides bringing security and transmitting confidence, this powerful crystal is an important ally to ward off bad omens from environments and from ourselves. Its use, however, requires extra care. Learn more below!

The History of the Onyx Stone

The stone onyx began to be used in Egypt. However, the etymological origin of "onyx" comes from Greek and Latin, meaning "claw" or "nail". Because of this, Greek mythology says that onyx were Aphrodite's nails, cut by Eros and spread all over the world. Even if the legend is not believed, it is a fact that the stone is present all over the Earth.

From Asia to the Americas, onyx is found in many regions of the world. Its use - whether as adornment for household utensils or as a therapeutic stone - dates back to the Second Dynasty in Egypt, where it was used to make pottery bowls and items. In addition, there are records of its use in ancient Greece, India, and Persia.

The etymological origin of the word "onyx" comes from Greek and Latin, referring to "claw" or "nail". According to Greco-Roman mythology, Cupid (Eros, for the Greeks) is said to have cut the nails of Venus (Aphrodite), which, in turn, were scattered across the Earth, later becoming the onyx stone, which would carry the energy of the Goddess of Love.

A semi-precious variety of chalcedony quartz, onyx is commonly found in black with small white stripes or spots. However, there are variations of this mineral, including carnelian onyx, which has white and red stripes in its composition, and green onyx.

How to clean onyx stone

Since onyx stone absorbs a lot of negative energy, it is essential to clean it every two weeks. To do this, you can leave the stone in the rain, or wash it in running water, with coarse salt. After cleaning, simply place the stone in contact with earth (in a vase, for example), under the sun's rays for one hour, or under the moon's rays for four hours.

Precautions for onyx stone

Even though onyx is very beneficial, it is important to take some precautions with the stone. Firstly, you need to remember to clean and energize it often, as onyx absorbs a lot of negativity. Secondly, you need to prepare yourself to deal with your pain and trauma, as the stone will bring your shadows to the surface.

Meaning of the onyx stone

The word "onyx" comes from Latin and Greek, meaning "claw" or "nail". This is because there is a variety of onyx that has bands that resemble fingernails.

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What is the purpose of the onyx stone?

The onyx stone is considered a protective amulet. According to belief, the use of this crystal amplifies our mental strength and drives away negative thoughts. In addition, it purifies our personal energy field, and is a great ally against spiritual attacks.

This stone attracts dissonant and unbalanced energies, absorbing them and disintegrating them within. Negative vibrations such as the evil eye and envy are attracted by the magnetism of the onyx stone, and are dissolved by it.

Among its therapeutic properties, one can also highlight the increase in emotional stability thanks to its ability to balance the yin and yang energies in our body. By helping to control our emotions, this black quartz helps us to avoid impulsiveness and disharmony, keeping us away from fights and conflicts.

Symbology of the onyx stone

Vvoevale / Canva

Besides the etymological meaning, the origin of the name of this stone is also associated with several other symbologies that we will see below.

Onyx in Folklore and Astrology

According to Roman mythology, the name of this black quartz is due to the belief that the god Cupid cut the nails of the goddess Venus and scattered them across the Earth. The splinters from these nails eventually became onyx, which evokes the energy of the Roman goddess and has the function of a protective amulet for love affairs.

Other civilizations also believed in the powers of this stone. In some ancient beliefs, onyx had medicinal and therapeutic properties. In addition, it was a stone widely used by the Indians for witchcraft, especially for protection against the evil eye.

For Astrology, it is the crystal that symbolizes strength and self-control, bringing clarity and the ability to transmute energies, making them positive.

Curiosities about the onyx stone

Because of its properties of protection, transmutation, and ability to transform darkness into light, onyx is a stone that can be associated with various signs, bringing to each one of them the protection and effect due, besides also representing some professions, in view of its benefits and characteristics.

Onyx also represents the wedding of 12 years of union, also called the silk wedding.

Onyx and the professions

As a stone used as a protective amulet, it is not uncommon for onyx to represent professions such as detective, investigator, and policeman. It is also a stone associated with the profession of radiologist.

Onyx and the signs

This crystal is associated with the signs of Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Its strength and resistance help these natives, especially the Capricorns, to overcome adversity. It works as a shield, protecting and providing perseverance, serenity, and resilience.

Where to buy onyx stone?

If you like all the benefits this stone can provide, you can purchase it from our online store. Choose the desired shape below:

How to use the onyx stone?

Vitalii Tiahunov / 123RF

Onyx can be used both for personal use and for energizing the environment. In both cases, this crystal helps cleanse energetic impurities, attracting and dissolving all disharmonic and negative vibrations.

If you wish to use it in an environment, give preference to a medium or large sized stone. This way, besides working as a beautiful decorative item, the onyx stone will work more efficiently in cleaning the space and preventing the accumulation of astral impurities in your home or workplace.

On the other hand, if you want an onyx stone for personal use in daily life, it should preferably be worn on the left side of your body. You can also wear it around your neck, on a necklace, or sleep with it next to your bed. In the case of meditation, it is best to hold it in your hand. In this way it will be more effective in filtering out negative vibrations.

How to clean onyx stone?

It is not easy to absorb so much bad energy on a daily basis! Because of this hard work, the onyx stone needs extra care to get rid of the disharmonic vibrations accumulated inside. It is recommended to clean it every two weeks, however, if you notice that the stone has worked harder than usual, clean it as soon as you have time!

There are a few processes for cleaning onyx stone. Among them, it is advisable to leave the mineral in the rain. If the rainy days are over or far away, you can wash it with running water and coarse or sea salt.

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Once this is done, to reactivate the energetic power of the stone, it is recommended to put it in contact with the earth - it can even be in the pot of some plant in your house! The important thing is that it be close to this element, in order to absorb the beneficial properties of nature.

Another way to recharge the onyx stone's energy is to leave it in the sunlight for about an hour. You can also keep it under a moon bath for about four hours.

With this care, your onyx stone will be recharged, balanced, and ready for use!

Precautions for onyx stone

KristofferVaikla / Getty Images / Canva

Because it absorbs an absurd amount of negative energies, onyx needs constant cleaning - on average every two weeks. It is a stone in great demand for protection against very heavy vibrations, which ends up causing it to suffer great energetic wear.

To clean the stone, it is necessary to leave it in the rain, wash it in running water or with water and coarse salt. The re-energizing consists of placing the stone on a place with earth, so that it can again capture the energies of nature.

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It is a stone that helps to retrieve physical memories, helping to heal traumas and hurts that are still active in our present. But if the person is not prepared to deal with their pain, it may be that this retrieving of memories opens up the wounds even more, increasing the traumas, instead of healing them.

It is undeniable the power that crystals have in our lives, each one with its own properties. The onyx stone, without a doubt, is one of the most powerful when it comes to shielding our aura and keeping us away from all the negative energies that come from the spiritual plane. And it not only protects people but also helps to harmonize the environment, especially for meditation, because it cleans the energies andMake the best use of all that crystals can provide!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.