Pitanga: Learn all about this powerful little fruit

 Pitanga: Learn all about this powerful little fruit

Tom Cross

The pitanga is a sour fruit with a watery pulp that comes from the pitangueira tree (Eugenia uniflora), of Brazilian origin, but which is cultivated as far north as Argentina. Its production is predominant in the Northeast region and it is native to the Atlantic Forest regions. Despite this, it is a species of easy adaptation, making it quickly accustomed to various types of soil and climate conditions,It is distributed around Brazil almost entirely and in some parts of the world, so much so that there are records of pitanga in places like the United States, China, France, the Caribbean islands, among others. It is also common to find pitanga trees in the backyards of some homes and in public squares throughout the cities.

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The pitanga tree grows predominantly in the Atlantic Rain Forest, reaching a height of about 4 meters, and in some cases can reach up to 12 meters in height, while the fruit itself measures between 2 and 3 cm in diameter. The name "pitanga" has indigenous origin and comes from the Tupi-Guarani "pi'tãg", which means "red", in reference to the color of the pitanga.

Although the main colors are usually white, orange, and dark red, the coloration of this little fruit can vary from orange to purple; it has this red coloration due to the presence of lycopene, an antioxidant effective in fighting cancer.

What is pitanga used for?

The pitangueira contains several types of vitamins: A, C, B complex, besides minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. Its reddish or orange coloration also helps to determine the presence of flavonoids, carotenoids and anthocyanins, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antihypertensive properties, which help fight premature aging, symptoms ofThus, the more of these compounds in the pitanga, the more red or purple it will be.

The leaves of the pitangueiras are medicinal plants that offer health benefits, have the same phenolic compounds as the fruit and medicinal properties, being diuretic, anti-inflammatory and hypotensive. The Guarani indigenous people already used these leaves to help symptoms of poor digestion and diarrhea. They were also used as a tonic.Another fact about the pitanga leaves is that its extract has antiviral action against the influenza virus, the main cause of the flu.

Some studies conducted in 1987 stated that the leaf of the pitanga tree causes a stimulating effect on the body, due to the inhibitory action of the enzyme xanthino-oxidase, which can be potentiated by adding it to coffee beans, black tea leaves or yerba mate. Besides all the other benefits, pitanga also helps to maintain healthy and beautiful skin, to have good vision and aids inweight loss, because it has few calories, besides being nutritious and having a diuretic action, which reduces the body's swelling.

How to consume pitanga

The consumption of the pitanga is quite varied. It can be eaten raw, like an apple, for example, and can be found in supermarkets in the form of ice cream, jam and other kinds of sweets, besides jelly, as a frozen pulp for juices, sachet soft drinks, essential oil, desserts, juices, vitamins and cakes. With its leaves, it is possible to prepare baths; the bath with the leaves of the pitanga contributesfor cleansing and controlling the oiliness of the skin and hair, besides helping to calm the body and attract good energies.

Nutrition table

Table based on each 100g of fresh pitangas

Amount per serving:

Energy 46.7 Kcal
Proteins 1,02 g
Fats 1,9 g
Carbohydrates 6,4 g
Vitamin C 14 mg
Vitamin A 210 mcg
Vitamin B1 30 mcg
Vitamin B2 60 mcg
Calcium 9 mg
Phosphorus 11 mg
Iron 0.20 mg

Benefits of the Pitanga

Although small, this medicinal plant has several health benefits, such as physical and aesthetic well-being, mainly because it is rich in antioxidant compounds. Some of these benefits are:

  1. Improves and supports the immune and respiratory systems

  2. Helps in slimming and improving skin quality

  3. It prevents arthritis and gout:

  4. It improves skin health:

    Vitamin A and C also help fight aging skin. Vitamin C increases collagen production, which combats sagging, wrinkles and expression lines, while vitamin A protects the skin from sun damage, which is responsible for skin aging.anti-spot, healing, softening, and moisturizing.
  1. It prevents cardiovascular diseases:

    The antioxidant action of polyphenols and vitamin C reduces cell damage, leaving the blood vessels healthy, making the arteries work better, protecting the heart from related diseases such as heart failure, stroke, and heart attack.functioning of the cardiovascular system.

DaviPeixoto / Pixabay

Pitanga in spirituality

Pitanga is used to attract love, and its orange color is also a great ally for those who want success and prosperity. It helps thinking, aligning everything in its proper place, helping to find the right path, increasing self-esteem, eliminating tiredness, besides being great for those who want to get rid of sadness and depression, clearing stagnant negative energies. It can beconsumed in the form of tea and food, and bathing with its leaves is good for the skin, hair, and the vital part of the body.

The indigenous Tupi-Guarani people use to bathe with these leaves to drive away laziness and also for love rites, in which women rub the leaves on their bodies during the full moon to increase fertility. It is believed that blessing a branch of the leaves and beating them on the person's legs helps them not to lose direction and to remain firm in their battles. In Umbanda, the pitangameans elevation, increasing vibrations; it is also linked to cleanliness and prosperity, and is attributed to the orixás Oxum, Ogum, Iansã, and Oxóssi.

Its leaves are used to line sheds on days of rites to the orixás, in order to attract prosperity. For them, when the leaves are used in smokings, they dissipate dense energies that are stuck. In baths, they help remove negativity. According to ancestral African mysticism, the pitangueira receives influence from the Fire element and has the power to move andstimulate, can open paths, attract good energy, strengthen extrasensory fields, and improve relationships and finances.

Therapeutic baths made with herbs and plants have properties that promote benefits for body and soul; one such bath is the bath made with pitanga leaves, which is usually used by umbandistas, but, regardless of the spiritual line one follows, it can be used for various purposes, due to its revitalizing, purifying, energetic and vibrational properties. WhenThe pitanga leaves are used in baths, they favor spiritual cleansing, strengthen confidence and decision-making capacity, which contributes to unlocking life.

Regardless of its mystical and religious use, the bath with pitanga leaves removes tiredness, improves mood, cleanses energies, and is good for the skin and hair. Check out some recipes for baths with this plant:

Cleansing and energizing bath

To make this bath, you will need 10 pitangueira leaves and 2 liters of water.

To prepare, bring the water to a boil, and then, when the water boils, turn off the heat. Add the pitanga leaves, cover the pot, and let it infuse for 10 minutes.

Take a bath as normal, then pour the infusion of pitanga leaves from head to toe, if you do not have any religious restrictions, as can happen if you belong to Umbanda. In this religion, the bath is done from the neck down. As the water wets the body, feel yourself energizing your vital field.

Bath to Activate Prosperity

In this bath you will use several plants that promote energy increase, raising your vibration and aligning you to a state of prosperity. Take 8 pitanga leaves, 3 cinnamon sticks and 2 liters of water. Bring the water to boil and add the cinnamon sticks. Let it boil for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and add the pitanga leaves, leaving it to rest for another 10 minutes. Strain the leavesand cinnamon sticks and use them as fertilizer in the garden, so there is no waste. Take a bath as usual. Then, pour the pitanga and cinnamon water over your body, feeling like a prosperous person.

Spiritual Protection Bath

You will use 3 eucalyptus leaves, 3 boldo leaves, 3 pitangueira leaves, and 2 liters of water.

Bring the water to a boil, turn off the heat, add the leaves, cover, and let it infuse for 5 minutes. Take the bath as usual. After your usual bath, take this herbal bath and feel all the negativity being dissipated.

Path Opening Bath

This bath promotes more mood, improves the mood and amplifies the mind. You will use 5 pitangueira leaves, 2 rosemary branches and 2 liters of water. Boil the water and turn off the heat. Add the herbs, cover and let them rest for 10 minutes. Strain the leaves and dispose them in nature.

After your routine bath, pour the herbal water over your body. Breathe in the aroma of the plants to feel lighter.

Abundance Potentiating Bath

Use 5 pitangueira leaves, 5 bay leaves, and 2 liters of water.

Boil the water and turn off the heat. Place the leaves in the water and let them infuse for 10 minutes. Then, strain the leaves and place them on your plants. Bathe as normal. Then, with this infusion, and as this water wets your body, mentalize the increase of your vibration.

Are there any contraindications in the consumption of pitanga?

Pitanga is contraindicated for people with heart problems and those undergoing treatment for hypertension, because its diuretic action and hypotensive effect (drop in blood pressure) can interact with medications, altering their effects and generating clinical complications, if consumed in excess. Other than that, there are no side effects that pitanga causes in other people.

Everyday recipes with pitanga

Here are some simple and tasty recipes with pitanga to be made during everyday life:

Pitanga tea: good to fight diarrhea


2 tablespoons of fresh pitanga leaves;

500ml boiling water.


Pitanga juice: good for losing weight


Half a cup of fresh pitangas;

100ml of ice water;

1 teaspoon honey.


mandarpramim / Pixabay

Pitanga Caipirinha


4 dessert spoons of sugar;

60ml cachaça, sake, or vodka;

Ice cubes;


Pitanga Mousse


400g Greek yogurt;

200g frozen pitanga pulp

3 egg whites;

2 tablespoons of brown sugar.


Pitanga jelly


2 cups of sugar;

See_also: Undoing Magic

1 lemon;

Peel of an apple;


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  • Powerful Spiritual Cleansing Baths

As we have seen, the Pitanga has several benefits for us, mainly medicinal. We can use it to prevent aging and even fight cardiovascular problems. The Pitanga can be a natural and efficient solution for those who do not like to be bound to synthetic drugs, although this requires medical monitoring. Never replace a medicine with it without talkingThe medicinal attributes of the Pitanga also have an effect on spirituality, because it is through the treatment done with spiritual baths that this herb can increase our energy, revitalize and purify us. So, what did you think about the benefits and uses of this great little fruit?

Other medicinal plants

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.