Power animals: Eagle

 Power animals: Eagle

Tom Cross

Have you ever heard that we all have a "spirit animal"? According to shamanism, all people are spiritually connected to a different animal species, so finding out what this creature is is essential in our process of self-knowledge.

But what exactly is a power animal? What can the eagle, if it is your power animal, teach you? How to connect with it? Get all these questions answered in this article!

What is a power animal?

Shamanism is not an organized religion, but a set of beliefs that define a lifestyle that preaches that man and nature are not two separate things, but very closely connected. According to shamanism, everyone has three power totems, each one associated with one of the kingdoms of nature: Stone, Plant, and Animal.

Cindy Lever / Pixabay

According to this philosophy of life, the power animal is a spiritual archetype of our personality, so it is not a definer of who we are, but a symbol of the energies that can be found within us, often dormant, and that will guide our path of self-knowledge and our choices in life.

Connecting with this animal, therefore, helps to clarify thoughts and feelings, as well as directing them in the right direction.

Eagle as power animal

The eagle is a power animal that mainly symbolizes vision and strength, as it is known for its precise gaze, even from many meters away, and for being ruthless when it goes hunting. In addition, other characteristics represented by the Eagle Animal totem are courage, speed, healing, enlightenment of spirit, and wisdom.

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When we connect to the eagle, if it is our power animal, the main lesson it brings us is to expand our vision and see the whole. As human beings, we have limited vision, which can make small problems big obstacles. But if we align ourselves with the eagle, with its powerful vision, we can see much further.

In addition, the eagle teaches us that we should not be completely rational, since intuition and instinct should also be taken into account when we are making decisions. Even though it uses its sharp vision to identify its prey from miles away, the eagle moves based on its instinct, in line with the air, which it cuts to get closer to the hunt.

Frank Cone / Pexels

Another lesson from the eagles is about strength. The eagle weighs less than a domestic cat, but is able to attack and suspend animals much heavier than it, because it calculates very well and follows its instinct when it comes to grabbing its prey and shooting it down. Strength, therefore, is not directly related to physical strength, but to a set of several factors, such as intelligence, wisdom, preparation andinstinct.

Freedom and courage are two other characteristics we can absorb when connecting with the eagle, when it is the power animal. Freedom, because the sky is the eagle's "home", and it spends its days flying freely and identifying possible prey. Courage, because the eagle is one of the birds that can fly the highest, far above the treetops, so it takes many risks and is not afraid of theconsequences.

In short, learning to see the bigger picture, not just the step ahead, in addition to acting with courage, respecting our instincts and feelings, are some of the lessons that the eagle passes on to us as a power animal. It also teaches us that strength is not synonymous with physical strength, and that only when we exercise our freedom will we be fully ready to make the best decisionspossible.

How to discover my power animal?

There is no online test or quiz that allows us to discover what our power animal is, unlike the astrological Zodiac or the Chinese Horoscope, for example, which make use of our date of birth. To discover your power animal, you must, without fail, consult a master shaman, who will facilitate your encounter with the power animal, establishing a connection betweenyou and him.

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When they are not guided by a shaman and simply choose an animal or believe the result of any online test, people run the risk of connecting to an Animal totem that is not their true totem, so they end up assimilating an inappropriate power animal. It is important to say the power animal cannot be chosen, since it is already in you spiritually and represents theWhen you end up connecting to a power animal that is not your own, and discover the error, you can end up feeling frustrated and disillusioned, if you have ever tried to connect to it.

Dani Géza / Pixabay

Only a master shaman, therefore, can guide you on the path to discovering what your power animal is and how you can communicate with it.

It is also important to point out that, contrary to what common sense may make it seem, there are no "worse" or "better" power animals. So having the spider, for example, as a power animal is no worse than having a tiger or a lion. Each animal brings its own unique characteristics, and none is superior.

And how do I connect to my power animal?

When you consult with a master shaman, he will promote your first spiritual encounter with your power animal. It is important to make this initial contact in the presence of a master shaman, because you may end up frightening this animal, which will make the next encounter more difficult. After initiating you into connecting with your power animal, the master shaman will give advice that will indicate how youcan communicate with it.

But know that the journey of connection and harmony with your power animal is very individual and unique, so it is only you, little by little, as you come into contact with it, who will be able to determine what works, what pleases you and what pleases the animal. Don't forget that there is nothing rational and logical about the power animal. This is a spiritual connection, so it should be treated as such.

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As you strengthen your bond with your power animal, you will gradually assimilate what teachings and advice it can pass on to you, how you can please it, and what shakes the connection you are developing.

The master shaman is the best advisor to indicate how to connect with your power animal, but a simpler way is meditation, which allows endless possibilities, such as projecting a closeness to the animal and a contact between you and it or, for example, imagining yourself in its skin, facing the dangers of the woods, hunting and trying to survive, which will make evident some of yourmain features.

The power animal, therefore, is nothing more than a spiritual guide that can help us develop some traits that will be very important in our personality. Those who have the eagle as a power animal can learn from it to be wise, brave, and strong, all without giving up the freedom to fly around. Connect with your power animal and stay close to it!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.