Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer: 21 days of cleansing and protection

 Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer: 21 days of cleansing and protection

Tom Cross

Since we are children, we are taught to pray to give thanks for good events and for the life we have been given. But, most of the time, we only remember to pray when we face problems and difficulties or when we want to fulfill some desire and for this, we need to count on the help of the angels and God. In this article we will teach you the Archangel Michael Prayer!

This prayer must be said for 21 uninterrupted days, at a time that suits your daily life, preferably during a period in which you cannot suffer interruptions.

The Archangel Michael Prayer was psychographed by medium Greg Mize and provides an inner cleansing of the spirit from all kinds of limitations of those who perform it, whether known or not, as well as providing healing and protection.

Those who have had it done report the occurrence of strange dreams between the first two weeks of its realization. It is also normal to only have deep reflection in cases of suffering.

Archangel Michael is known in several religions and his name means 'the one who is similar to God'. He is the angel of protection, of faith, and capable of delivering us from all the evil that surrounds us.

After this period of prayer, you will feel more clarity and tranquility, and in every way, your life will change for the better.

Who was St. Michael the Archangel?

Also known as the Archangel of Repentance and Archangel of Justice, Saint Michael the Archangel is the heavenly guardian of the throne of God. He is at the head of the battles against evil forces and is considered a warrior and prince by Christian doctrines, according to the Holy Bible. In the scriptures, Michael is considered the most powerful angel of all. In the book of Daniel 10:13, he is described as a prince: "ThenMichael, one of the supreme princes, came to my aid...", and in Revelation 12:7-9, as the leader of a battle against the devil: "Then there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon...".

In Hebrew, Michael means "he who is like God". In some reinterpretations, he became a great symbol of simplicity and humility before the well as from evil spirits.

In the fourth century, Archangel Michael was regarded as an angel responsible for healing, but over time he became a protector and the one who leads the heavenly armies against evil. Present in some doctrines - although he is invoked more within Catholicism - he is seen in different ways: for Jehovah's Witnesses, Michael and Jesus Christ are the same person; for SeventhMichael was a second name given to the Divine Word, for the Mormons, the archangel is Adam. Still within certain beliefs, annually on September 29th is celebrated the Day of Saint Michael the Archangel, being indicated that its followers strengthen themselves with the three weapons of Saint Michael: the act of prayer, of consecration and of praying the Saint's Litany.

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Nowadays, Saint Michael the Archangel is the great protector of evil and a strong fighter in the battles that human beings fight on earth. This saint protects those who ask him for help, deliverance and protection. It doesn't matter if you follow a specific religion or not, just believe that he will answer you! Filled with healing and deliverance energies, Michael is the just saint that is alwayswilling to defend his faithful!

Benefits of the 21-Day Prayer to Archangel Michael

To answer this question, think about all the aspects that make up your routine and your essence. Think about your work, your leisure time, your relationship with other people, and your projects for the future. If there is a problem in any of these aspects, it is likely that you need a spiritual cleansing.

This is the main objective of the 21 days of Prayer to Archangel Michael. By praying to this protector, you will perform a kind of cleansing of your soul, because the frequency of prayers to the archangel will help you eliminate the negativity that is around you, even if it has been attributed to you through a spell.

By expelling the negative energies that have taken over some part of your life, you will reap many benefits:

1) Troubleshooting

The bad vibes we accumulate make a problem seem much worse than it really is, but with Miguel's support, you will realize that no issue is bigger than your ability to face it, developing a more optimistic way of dealing with routine.

2) Sense of peace

No matter how complicated the difficulties you are facing, communicating with the archangel will bring peace to your heart through intense spiritual cleansing. As a consequence, the conflicts you cultivate with other people tend to decrease, as well as daily stress and tension.

3) Door opening

Prayers to Archangel Michael will help open new doors in your life. Once the negativity is gone from your body and soul, you will receive new, more positive vibrations that will bring you motivation, inspiration, and courage, so you will enjoy life with confidence and intensity.

4) Connection to a higher plane

The connection with a higher plane is only possible when we are willing to connect with what is beyond our fleshly existence. In this sense, the 21 days of prayer will help you to open your heart and mind to this other reality. During the process, you may have some strange dreams or notice coincidences that look more like divine signs. Pay attention!

5) Healing of body and mind

The accumulation of negative energies can lead to the development of bad feelings and body aches, so by doing an energetic cleanse, you are likely to experience an improvement in your well-being. With a healed body and mind, you will discover that you have unlimited potential and will achieve your goals.

How to pray the rosary of St. Michael the Archangel

To pray the Saint Michael Archangel rosary, first of all you need to be in a calm place, with peaceful mind and heart, and ready to receive the protection of this powerful angel. Preferably have an image of him and light a candle. Let's see the step by step of this magnificent ritual.

Maria Marganingsih / Shutterstock

Praying the medal or the crucifix

V: God, come to our help

A: Lord, help us and save us.


Glory to the Father

Then, one must move on to the greetings, skipping the next 4 beads. The rosary of St. Michael the Archangel has 9 distinct greetings, each with its own prayer.

1st Greeting

  1. Glory to the Father
  2. Our Father
  3. Three Hail Marys

Over the large beads, say the following prayer:

St. Michael the Archangel, Prince of the Heavenly Militia, you who were chosen to overcome the forces of evil, you before whom every enemy recoils, come to help us, come to protect us. Cast away everything that could hinder our path in Faith and Holiness. With your sword cut through the flank of the one who wants to take us away from our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lead us always to our FatherHeavenly, there, where we must dwell as heirs of the Kingdom, Amen.

In the sequence, pray:

  1. Creed
  2. Our Father
  3. Three Hail Marys
  4. Glory to the Father

On the small bills, pray:

St. Michael the Archangel, Prince of the Heavenly Militia, protect us, defend us, come to our aid, Amen.

2nd salutation

  1. Glory to the Father
  2. Our Father
  3. Three Hail Marys

3rd salutation

  1. Glory to the Father
  2. Our Father
  3. Three Hail Marys

4th salutation

  1. Glory to the Father
  2. Our Father
  3. Three Hail Marys

5th salutation

  1. Glory to the Father
  2. Our Father
  3. Three Hail Marys

6th salutation

  1. Glory to the Father
  2. Our Father
  3. Three Hail Marys

7th salutation

  1. Glory to the Father
  2. Our Father
  3. Three Hail Marys

8th salutation

  1. Glory to the Father
  2. Our Father
  3. Three Hail Marys

9th salutation

  1. Glory to the Father
  2. Our Father
  3. Three Hail Marys

After saying the prayer of the ninth salutation, pray:

Almighty and eternal God, who, by a prodigy of goodness and mercy for the salvation of men, chose as prince of Your Church, the glorious Archangel Saint Michael, make us worthy to be preserved from all our enemies, so that at the hour of our death none of them may disturb us. Saint Michael the Archangel, with you, by the grace of God the Father, we want to cry out in Heaven:"Who like God?!" Help us to always choose the good and to put away from us all evil, everything that can hurt the heart of God. Help us to be worthy of our baptism, so that on the dear day, we can reign with our Father and pray for the souls that are straying from the Kingdom of God. Saint Michael the Archangel, we have confidence in you, we believe in all the power that God has given you to save thesouls and overcome the forces of evil.

Afterwards, pray the following four beads (from top to bottom), in this order:

  1. Our Father to Saint Michael the Archangel
  2. Our Father to Saint Gabriel
  3. Our Father to Saint Raphael
  4. Our Father to the Guardian Angel

In the sequence, recite:

Most Glorious Saint Michael, chief and prince of the heavenly armies, faithful guardian of souls, victorious over rebellious spirits, beloved of the house of God, our admirable guide after Christ; you whose excellence and virtues are most eminent, deign to deliver us from all evils, we who have recourse to you with confidence, and grant through your incomparable protection that we may advance each day further in thefaithfulness in serving God, Amen.

V: Pray for us, O blessed St. Michael, prince of the Church of Christ.

A: So that we may be worthy of his promises.

Finish by praying:

Pray for us, blessed St. Michael, prince of the Church of Jesus Christ, that we may be worthy of his promises. O radiant lights from Heaven, triumphant army of the Heavenly Court, assist Holy Church and give her victory over all her enemies. O admirable choirs of the heavenly hierarchy, who serve God in Heaven and on earth opposing evil, grant that the good may always triumph in the name ofTriune God, Amen.

Bet on this powerful sequence of prayers to St. Michael the Archangel, asking him to protect you and your family from the traps of evil in all aspects of your life. Count on this powerful spiritual help, which strengthens our faith and our purposes with God and keeps us vigilant against the dangers of the world that so destabilize our spirit.protector here on earth

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How to do the Archangel Michael Prayer

Luisquintero / Pexels

To pray the Michael Archangel prayer you need commitment, first of all. The text of the prayer should be repeated for 21 consecutive days, including Saturdays and Sundays. Do this in a private place, preferably in your home, where you won't have to deal with interruptions. As you say each word, you should reflect on them, demonstrating your faith.

If you want to intensify your connection with the archangel even more, you can create an altar for him. It is important that you use elements in blue, which is the color of Michael, to show that you really want to connect with him. Since the archangel is also represented by fire, you can light a blue candle at the moment of prayer. If you do so, concentrate on the flame while repeating thesayings of the prayer.

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Archangel Michael Prayer

"I call upon the Christ to calm my fears and to erase every external control mechanism that might interfere with this healing. I ask my Higher Self to close my aura and establish a Christic channel for the purposes of my healing, so that only Christic energies can flow to me. No other use can be made of this channel other than for the flow of Divine energies.

I now call upon Archangel Michael of the 13th Dimension to completely seal and protect this sacred experience. I now call upon the 13th Dimension Circle of Security to completely seal, protect and enhance the shield of Archangel Michael, and to remove anything that is not of a Christed nature that currently exists within this field.

I now call upon the Ascended Masters and our Christed assistants to completely remove and dissolve, each and every implant and its seeded energies, parasites, spiritual weapons and self-imposed limiting devices, both known and unknown. Once this is completed, I call for the complete restoration and repair of the original energy field, infused with thegolden energy of Christ.

I am free! I am free! I am free! I am free! I am free! I am free!

I, the being known as (state your name) in this particular incarnation, do hereby revoke and renounce each and every loyalty commitment, vow, agreement and/or contract of association that no longer serves my highest good, in this life, past lives, simultaneous lives, in all dimensions, time periods and locations. I now command all entities (who areconnected with those contracts, organizations and associations I now renounce) to cease and desist and to leave my energy field now and forever and retroactively, taking their artifacts, devices and seeded energies with them. To ensure this, I now call upon the Sacred Spirit Shekinah to be witness to the dissolution of all contracts, devices and seeded energiesThis includes all alliances and beings that do not honor God as Supreme. Furthermore, I ask that the Holy Spirit "witness" this complete liberation from all that infringes God's will. I declare this forward and retroactively. So be it.

I now re-secure my covenant with God through Christ mastery and dedicate my entire being, my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being to the vibration of Christ, from this moment forward and retroactively. Further, I dedicate my life, my work, everything I think, say and do, and all things in my environment that still serve me, to the vibration of Christ as well.

Furthermore, I dedicate my being to my own mastery and to the ascension path of both the planet and myself. Having declared all of this I now authorize the Christ and my own Higher Self to make changes in my life to accommodate this new dedication and ask the Holy Spirit to witness this as well. I now declare this to God. Let it be written in the Book of Life, so be it, thank God.

To the Universe and the entire Mind of God and every being contained therein, to all places I have been, experiences I have participated in, and to all beings who need this healing, whether known or unknown to me: anything that stands between us, I now heal and forgive.

I now appeal to Holy Spirit Shekinah to Lord Metatron to Lord Maitreya and the Saint Germain I forgive you for whatever needs to be forgiven between you and I. I ask you to forgive me for whatever needs to be forgiven between you and I. Most importantly, I forgive myself for whatever needs to be forgiven between my past incarnations and my Higher Self.

We are now collectively healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven. We are all now elevated to our Christed beings. We are full and surrounded with the golden love of Christ. We are full and surrounded by the golden Light of Christ . We are free from all 3rd and 4th dimensional vibrations of pain, fear and anger. All psychic cords and bonds attached to these entities, implanted devices, contracts or seeded energies, are now released and healed. I now call upon Saint Germain to transmute and rectify with the Violet Flame all my energies that have been taken from me and return them to me now in their statepurified.

Once these energies return to me, I ask that these channels, through which my energy was being drained, be dissolved completely. I ask Lord Metatron to release us from the chains of duality. I ask that the seal of the Christ Realm be placed upon me. I ask the Holy Spirit to witness this being fulfilled. And so it is.

I now ask Christ to be with me and heal my wounds and scars. I also ask Archangel Michael to mark me with his seal, that I may be protected forever from the influences that prevent me from doing the will of our Creator.

So it is! I give thanks to God, the Ascended Masters, the Angels and Archangels, and all the others who participated in this act of healing and continuous elevation of my being!


Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of the universe! ("Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth")

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.