The chakra stones

 The chakra stones

Tom Cross

Each Chakra Stone These centers control both the physical and spiritual parts of each being, and are known as Chakras. In addition, each of them has a direct relationship with a specific organ.

There are several chakras, but Seven of them are considered the main ones. Many times, due to negative energy, bad diet, and stress, they lose their balance and cause some not-so-positive situations, such as decreased health, disconnection with spirituality, and even, confusion of our emotions.

One way to energize and balance the Chakras is by using the energies of the Chakra Stones! Mantras and alternative therapies such as Reiki can also be used.

Effects of the chakra stones

The Chakra Stones are stones that vibrate in direct harmony with the petals of each of the 7 main Chakras we mentioned earlier. Therefore, these vibrations purify, activate, align, and harmonize the energies contained in each of them, besides helping to increase strength if used constantly.

Positive effects such as mood balance, improved energy, and a better physical and mental disposition can be felt within the first few days of using the stones.

What are the chakra stones?

1º) Root Chakra (base of the dorsal column):

Joshua Fuller / Unsplash

  • Color: red
  • Element: earth
  • Stones: ruby, red tourmaline, red garnet and red quartz

This chakra is related to a person's ability to survive, that is, it points to the primitive instincts he has and the basic needs of his life. If it is misaligned, it will bring fatigue, discouragement, insecurity, and a drop in immunity.

2º) Umbilical Chakra (below the navel):

Joshua Fuller / Pixabay

  • Color: orange
  • Element: water
  • Stones: imperial topaz, sun stone and cornaline

This chakra is related to a person's physical well-being and self-esteem, as well as indicating one's creative potential and sexual energy. If misaligned, it will bring guilt, jealousy, sexual difficulties, and distress.

3rd) Solar Plexus Chakra (navel region):

Hans / Pixabay

  • Color: yellow
  • Element: Fire
  • Stones: yellow jasper, yellow topaz, and amber

This chakra is related to a person's willpower. It is through this chakra that he finds courage, strength, power, and self-confidence. If it is misaligned, it will bring selfishness, irritability, digestive problems, and apathy.

4th) Heart Chakra (center of the chest):

starbright / Pixabay

  • Color: green
  • Element: air
  • Stones: green quartz, emerald and green tourmaline

This chakra is related to a person's emotions, meaning that it indicates how they deal with love, wisdom, and the vitality within them. If it is out of alignment, it will bring emotional instability and problems in relationships and in the heart.

5º) Laryngeal (throat) chakra:

pasja / Pixabay

  • Color: blue
  • Element: Ether
  • Stones: aquamarine, turquoise, blue quartz, lavender quartz

This chakra is related to a person's communication. It is from it that he expresses what he is thinking and feeling. If it is misaligned, it will bring about repression of emotions or lack of filters when communicating.

See_also: To Dream of Cockroach

6th) Frontal chakra (center of the forehead):

jia3ep / Pixabay

  • Color: indigo
  • Element: Light
  • Stones: sapphire, sodalite, blue quartz

This chakra is related to a person's spirituality. Through it, one can develop one's mind, imagination, and memory. If it is misaligned, it will bring tension, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, and confusion of thoughts.

7th) Crown chakra (top of the head):

Didgeman / Pixabay

  • Color: violet
  • Element: thought
  • Stones: amethyst, lolite and fluorite

This chakra is related to the higher entities and the universe, as a communication channel. Also, it is connected to the central nervous system. If it is misaligned, it will bring imbalance, sadness, alienation and hopelessness to humanity.

Where to find the chakra stones?

If you want to use the chakra crystals to harmonize your energies, you can purchase the kit with the 7 chakra stones in our online store!

How to use the chakra stones

You can use the stones in three ways: directly under the Chakras, next to your body, or, for example, wearing some jewelry that contains them.

To use the energies they emit, simply meditate with the stones. There is no limit to how much you can use them.

See_also: Healing Prayers for Health, Family, Friends, and Deliverance

You may also like:

  • Meditation for chakras in the pandemic: which chakras need the most attention during the pandemic?
  • Learn all about the chakras and how they work
  • Use chakra affirmations to achieve balance
  • Understand what drains your energy and how to recover it

Cleansing the chakra stones

Stones exchange energies with everything around them, so it is necessary to cleanse their energy. To cleanse their energetic charge, it is recommended to wash the Chakra Stones under running water with some coarse or sea salt.

To recharge their energy, just leave them in the sunlight for 30 minutes to 1 hour, but this care does not need to be constant, once a month or whenever you feel it is necessary is fine.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.