The meaning of brown: learn how to express yourself with the color

 The meaning of brown: learn how to express yourself with the color

Tom Cross

Human curiosity about colors is as old as vision itself, so it is difficult to pinpoint when color psychology, a study of how the brain behaves when faced with visually captured information, became something really serious.In audiovisual productions, colors are used to convey subliminal messages, create the appropriate atmosphere, and convey different emotions to viewers. In packaging, colors have the goal of attracting and inducing the purchase of a product.

When we think about persuasion, manipulating emotions is what can bring the most results, and there is nothing better than colors to accomplish this feat, after all, they influence everyone. Colors have the power to alter moods and influence decision-making, allowing ideas to be conveyed more effectively when combined with the right colors.

Colors impact each person differently, that's why they are tested, and that way we can find out which one is more suitable, in general, to each case. And that's the psychology of colors, the way we, human beings, link each of the light spectrums to certain emotions we feel. There is no exact way to approach color psychology, because differentlyof mathematics, the possible answers for each color are infinite, and tests need to be made with the target audience to find out the best way to influence them according to the desired purpose.

History of Color Psychology

Since prehistoric times, colors have been known by human beings and recorded in the well-known cave paintings. Later on, colors would be studied by great philosophers; there are records from the 4th century B.C. in which the philosopher Aristotle talked about blue and yellow as primary colors, but some attribute this study to Leonardo da Vinci, others prefer to start from experimentsscientific and give credit to Isaac Newton, who coined the first color theory by noticing the scattering of white light, in the 17th century.

But it was later, in the 19th century, that the author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe began to study the effect of colors on the human psyche, giving name to the "sensorial-moral effect of colors", in which he defended that color does not depend only on the light and the environment, but also on the perception we have of the object, and tried to understand colors from the human emotional perspective. Today it is a very used techniquein design and also in marketing to affect the consumers' perception of a certain product, making it more attractive to buy, for example.

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Why is color psychology important?

Images are very important for marketing strategies, because through them it is possible to impact consumers and gain their attention just by viewing them. Meanwhile, texts need the engagement and interest of consumers, so that they read the message and interpret it, which is a longer and more laborious process than viewing an image, which happensinstantly.

Colors are an integral part of images, and after knowing and understanding the meaning of each one, it will be possible to create images with greater potential to arouse interest in the target audience, just by looking at that image. The correct choice of colors also allows for the creation of a consistent brand identity, capable of winning over the audience more easily.choices will help to transmit more clearly the company's values, promoting the identification process of the company by the public.

Meaning of the color brown in psychology

DAPA Images / Canva

Although the effect that colors have on the human psyche varies according to individuality and culture, there are some commonalities detected by science, and they are a powerful influence in inducing certain desired emotional states; using the right colors in the right places and at the right times can help achieve the expected results, mainly by triggering mental triggers based onemotions.

Women usually find brown a boring color, which reminds them of dirt, so it is wise to avoid this color when you want to positively reach the female audience, but also when you want to convey seriousness and sophistication, the color brown is the best representative of these characteristics, because it is a sober color that can convey confidence and refers to rural environments, such as cottages andyour decks.

Natural and organic products also go with this color; it is common to see it in their advertisements and logos; the feeling of the natural and rustic brings a kind of warmth and security, and exactly because it transmits these sensations, the color is also used in furniture, flooring, and all kinds of interior design, in organic or gourmet food industries, and in companies that work with landscaping.

In the corporate world, brown conveys seriousness, commitment, sobriety, and organization. The color is linked to maturity, open air, countryside, earth, comfort, resistance, coziness, elegance, durability, and simplicity, but also to conservatism. Being the color of coffee and chocolate, it is common to find brown in the color palette of places that work with sweets and also in coffee shops.

Meaning of the shades of brown

  • Grayish brown: this shade is a great option for those who want to show commitment and modernity.
  • Dark brown: This tone, by being more closed and stronger, gives an air of security, confidence, and rusticity.
  • Brown: is the most traditional color variation, referring to simplicity, nature, and also maturity.
  • Light brown: This shade of brown gives the feeling of tranquility, warmth, and modernity, and is a great option for those who want to convey the feeling of "home".
  • Almond brown: This tone has a sophisticated and discreet air, also reminding the feeling of comfort.
  • Bordeaux Brown: This tone, for being softer and with a touch of red, besides referring to the earth, gives an air of power and seriousness.

Brown in Spirituality

The meaning of the color brown in spirituality can change according to religion and location. In Christianity, this color is associated with the renunciation of material possessions, and is therefore often used by monks and priests. In esoteric symbolism, the color represents life springing up in the warm womb of the earth, and the expectation of a new season of harvest.

In Ethiopia, the color brown represents mourning, and in China, the color represents the past, while in Feng Shui, the color brown represents material prosperity and security. In general, the color brown invokes the earth element, which represents the past and the spirit, bringing up the feeling of comfort, home, security, and also renewal and rebirth.

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How and when to use brown

Naletova Elena / Shutterstock

The color brown brings a sense of comfort, simplicity and security, and is also a great color to combine with other colors, because it has a wide variety of shades and combines very well with dark blue, orange, yellow and and cozy or to reinforce the feeling of closeness to nature.

Chromotherapy in decoration

When talking about the color brown, one must consider both sides of the coin, after all, this color is full of meanings, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, and depending on how it is used, it can become the success or failure of the decoration. Brown is associated with nature, comfort and simplicity. It is also the color that connects us to what comes from the earth, bringing stability and confidence.

However, brown can also indicate conservatism, old and outdated things, resulting in a color full of moralism. Because of all these characteristics, brown ends up being the color that most provokes effects of sobriety, maturity, responsibility and security.Perhaps this is the main reason why the color is so often used in rustic projects.

In Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese technique for harmonizing environments, brown is also the color of prosperity and material stability.

Meaning of the color brown in the new year

Like trees and rocks, the color brown represents security and simplicity, essential things for every human being. But more than that, the color brown conveys calmness, maturity, and simplicity, an excellent way for those seeking to achieve maturity and stability in life as a whole, as well as change in the new year.

As we have seen, the color brown has great influence in the world around us, starting with nature and going all the way to advertisements. After learning a little about this color and its power, how about sharing this new knowledge with your family and friends so that they can also benefit from the color brown and color psychology?

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.