Triquetra: meaning and use of this spiritual symbol

 Triquetra: meaning and use of this spiritual symbol

Tom Cross

When you think of "triad", you probably think of the Christian triad: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. However, know that this idea of a triad long, long predates Christian knowledge. One proof of this is the Christian symbol known as the "triquetra" or "triqueta", which has existed for at least 10,000 years.

Check out, in this article, what a triquetra is, what its origin is, what it means, its symbolism, and how to use this symbol!

What is a triquetra?

The triquetra is a Celtic symbol formed by three arches connected by the same stroke. While forming a triad, it also forms a unique symbol, since all the strokes start from the same place and meet at the same time.

Original from the Celtic people, who lived mainly in Ireland, it has gradually been incorporated by other pagan and neo-pagan beliefs, such as Wicca and other practices that claim to be witchcraft.

Origin of the Triquetra

The origin of the triquetra dates back many millennia, the oldest one found being from the year 8000 B.C. This symbol has been found, by archaeologists and researchers, in inscriptions on stones, armor, helmets, and other objects and environments.

The two biggest probabilities were that the Celts used them to symbolize the seasons of the year and also the three elements they believed in. You can find out more details about this in the following topic.

What triquetra means

The meaning of the triquetra is not exact, since the Celtic people passed their knowledge on orally, so there are no written records that can be studied about the meaning of the triquetra. In general, according to historians, the triquetra means the elements and also the seasons.

Unlike us, who consider four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter), the Celts considered only spring, summer, and winter.

Furthermore, unlike most common Western knowledge, which also considers the elements to be four (fire, earth, water and air), the Celts considered only the sky (air), the sea (water) and the earth (earth and fire).

Later, when Christianity arrived in the region occupied by the Celts, the Christians appropriated it and gave a new meaning to the triquetra, which is that of the Christian trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Until today, Irish Christian churches use the triquetra as a symbol that the country has become Christianized, but has kept its historical roots.

Symbolism of the triquetra

The symbolism of the triquetra, initially, as explored in the previous topics, was a reference to the elements of nature and the seasons. Gradually, it was incorporated into Christianity, as the symbolism of the Christian triad.

In addition, another symbology of the triquetra is used to show pride in Celtic roots and being part of the Irish people. It is very common for Irish people to tattoo this symbol, especially those who feel very connected to the traditions and customs of the ancient Celtic peoples of pre-Christianity.

Some historians also advocate other symbolism, such as body, soul and spirit, but these theses are far less accepted than those described earlier in this article.

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More recently, appropriated by neo-pagan religions such as Wicca and others that claim to be witchcraft, the triquetra has also come to signify the three manifestations of the Goddess, according to these beliefs. Thus, the symbol represents the Maiden, the Mother and the Old Woman, which are the three forms in which the Goddess presents herself.

How to use the triquetra

The triquetra has become a very common symbol in culture in general. It has appeared in TV series such as "Charmed" and "Dark" and even in a soap opera from Rede Globo, "Eternal Magic", so, like everything that becomes pop, it ended up losing some of its original meaning.

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Today, the triquetra is widely used for tattoos, for example, and is also a common amulet on necklaces, pendants, and earrings, among other accessories, as some believe that this symbol has the power to protect us against negative energies or to increase spirituality during sacred rituals and/or energy invocations.

It is common, among people who follow neo-pagan beliefs and religions, to use the triquetra both as a blocker of negative energies and as an "amplifier" of positive energies. This is why it is very common in rituals of these beliefs.

When buying an accessory with a triquetra, give preference to noble metals, because costume jewelry is not an energy conductor. When cleaning your accessory, do not use chemical products, and to better preserve it, do not expose it to humidity.

Anyway, this is the main information related to this powerful and popular Celtic symbol called the triquetra. Why don't you give this sacred amulet a chance to protect you from negative energies and enhance your spirituality?

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.