Urgent Healing Prayer: Restoring Health by Faith

 Urgent Healing Prayer: Restoring Health by Faith

Tom Cross

An urgent healing prayer may be just what you need to help your loved one or to recover your health, be it physical or mental. From your faith, it is possible to utter the words that will bring the best vibrations to those who need help. So check out the prayers we have separated to bring you tranquility and hope in a delicate moment:

Prayer for a sick person in the hospital

If a person is sick in the hospital, he will have all the support he needs to recover. However all help is welcome. Repeat the prayer that will strengthen him in this situation:

"Lord Jesus, by your word and the gestures of your hands, you have healed the blind, the paralyzed, the lepers, and so many other sick people. Animated by faith, we also plead for our sick.

Give it to them, Lord:

The grace of perseverance in prayer, despite the discouragement that comes with illness.

The grace of courage to seek healing, even after several attempts.

The grace of simplicity to accept help from professionals, family and friends.

The grace of humility, to recognize one's own limitations.

The grace of patience in the pains and difficulties of treatment.

The grace to understand, by faith, the transitoriness of this life.

The grace to understand that sin is the greatest of all diseases.

May we all have the understanding that, in human suffering, your Redemptive Passion is completed.

If it is for your glory, we ask for the healing of all our sick.


Prayer for healing and deliverance

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Healing doesn't just occur through medicine, new habits, or healthier eating. In fact, healing and deliverance can come from the mind of an individual. To clear the energies that are around you or in someone you know, pray:

"Jesus, shed Your precious Blood on my person, my feelings, and my wills. Purify me, Lord, from every desire for sin, whether my thoughts or actions.

Precious Blood of Jesus, heal me from sadness and depression, from fear and all spiritual and mental illness. Heal me from anything that may be tying up my life.

Jesus, put on Your open side my whole family, the most difficult cases that I live in my home; those who are far away from You and are living in sin and addiction, I ask You Wash them with Your Blood and deliver them from every evil.

Blood of Jesus, source of all grace and deliverance, deliver us from the evil one. I renounce all evil and proclaim Your Lordship in my life. Free also all those in my family from the clutches of evil.

I cry out the Blood of Jesus over my entire home, my work environment, and the colleagues who work with me. Deliver me from all envy, disputes and unfair competition, accidents, and anything that can and wants to harm me. Deliver me from unemployment and material deprivation.

I want, together with the Virgin Mary, who was with you at the foot of the Cross, to consecrate my whole being to the Most Precious Redeeming Blood of Christ, my savior and liberator. So I can give thanks and say: who can resist if Jesus is shedding his blood here in this place?


Catholic healing prayer

A Catholic healing prayer is one that relies on the powers of a saint of that religion. St. Camillus, for example, is a saint who dedicated his life to caring for the sick, so he can help you in this scenario:

"Dear St. Camillus, you knew how to recognize in the faces of the sick and needy the figure of Christ Jesus himself and helped them to see in their illness a hope for eternal life and healing. We ask you to have the same compassionate look upon (say the name of the person), who at this moment is in a painful period of darkness. We want to ask you to intercede with God, so thatLet there be no suffering during his recovery period. Guide the hands of health professionals so that they can make a safe and accurate diagnosis, giving a charitable and sensitive treatment. Be favorable to us, St. Camillus, and also do not allow the evil of sickness to come into our home, so that, healthy, we may give glory to the holy trinity. So be it. Amen".

Healing Prayer for a Friend

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Seeing a friend suffering is a situation that no one wants to go through, so it is understandable that you would resort to any means to solve the problem that has hit you. Try the following healing prayer:

"Merciful God, yours is the kingdom of heaven and the souls of all humans who worship you faithfully. I come to you in times of greatest need and you have always helped me, God, because your mercy has no limits.

Today I pray and pray for my friend, because his health has deteriorated to a great extent due to a disease attacking him. I fear that this will bring him to the end of his days.

I ask you, God, to give him your mercy and help him to overcome this disease that so afflicts him and deteriorates his life, that of his family and close friends. Give him the opportunity to live fully in the company of the people he loves most.

I ask you, God, to improve his health and give him the strength to overcome his illness. He has the support of all the people who love him and I know that the love of the Lord welcomes and protects him. Bless him, give him your unconditional protection and let him emerge victorious from this illness.


Prayer for the healing of a son

Fulfilling the role of caring for and protecting a child, you can turn to a healing prayer when he or she is experiencing some difficulty related to physical or mental health:

"Beloved Lord,

You know the heart of your children

See_also: Forgiveness Prayer by Cristina Cairo

and you do not remain indifferent before the poor who beg you.

I come today as an officer of the King of the Gospel,

ask you to come down and heal our sick son.

Even with all the worry, the pain and the bewilderment,

we know that this disease is within what You allow

and accept this moment as an opportunity for purification,

of abandonment in your hands,

of generous offering of our lives.

With this suffering, we unite ourselves to the pains of Christ

for the salvation of the world.

By the power of the mystery of your childhood

and of your hidden life in the home of Nazareth,

we ask you, Lord, to heal [say the son's name],

whom You know and love.

Take care of your body and your soul.

Restore his health, according to your will.

See_also: Moon in Taurus - Understand its influence on you!

You, who received the loving care of Mary and Joseph,

comforts and strengthens his father and mother,

don't allow them to fall into despair,

in doubt, in depression.

That in their pain they may know how to turn to You

as a source of true, full and lasting

healing of body and soul.

We present to you the place where this son is:

Fill this space with your strength and grace.

It removes from him everything materially or spiritually,

can be an obstacle to the recovery of health.

We introduce you to health care professionals

who attend this son: clothe them with your wisdom,

enlightens them, so that they can get the diagnosis and treatment right.

May they be instruments of your healing.

Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother,

you who cared for Jesus with care and constancy,

obtains the grace of trust for the mother of [say son's name],

so that she, like you, can see her child grow

in stature, age and grace before God and men.

Dear St. Joseph, you were the protector of the Holy Family

and defended it from all dangers,

intercedes before Jesus for the father of [say son's name],

so that you can stay strong in the midst of pain and worry.

Lord, You have told us that we must believe that

we have already obtained the grace we asked for with faith in prayer;

now I raise my voice and my arms to give you thanks

for the health that [name your child] will receive,

by the power of your love that hears this confident prayer.

We recognize that You are already acting and healing, Lord.

And we praise You with faith.

You are the Lord and Savior of our lives.

We love you and recognize your greatness.

To You all glory, now and forever.


Prayer for health

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If you want to improve your health in general, or just prevent any harm from coming to your body, the prayer for health is the most suitable prayer for your situation:

"Lord, give me health for my body and may I cooperate with a disciplined life to be worthy of Your help. Lord, for honoring You and reporting to You thanks and praise, how much You enrich me, never letting me lack what I need, crowning with great success all the journeys that are not always easy. How much I praise You for such great kindness! May I thank You, Lord, not only withYou who punish those you love, like a father who punishes a rebellious son whom he cherishes, I thank you for all the times I have suffered, feeling Your heavy hand upon me, but always so full of mercy. How much I have learned and am learning from You, my Father! Nothing can equal Your love. Thank You, Lord. Your ways areSown with many renunciations, but only those who walk through them can experience their unequaled delights."

What is the healing psalm?

Psalm 61 is one of the most widely used Psalms to promote a person's mental and physical healing. When repeating it, you must mentalize all your faith, connecting with each word of the prayer:

"Hear my cry, O God; answer my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to you, when my heart is faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been a refuge for me and a strong tower against the enemy. I will dwell in your tabernacle forever; I will shelter in the hiding place of your wings (Selah). For you, O God, have heard my vows; you have given me the inheritanceOf those who fear your name. You will prolong the king's days; and his years shall be as many generations. He shall stand before God forever; prepare for him mercy and truth that will preserve him. So I will sing praises to your name forever, to pay my vows from day to day."

From this psalm, you will show your devotion to God. More than that, you will commit yourself to keep your faith in the Creator, as he will help you to live well and in peace. When a malaise takes hold of you, repeat the psalm to prolong your existence through faith.

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With the healing prayers we present, you already have everything you need to face difficulties in your health. Remember to repeat the prayers with hope, with solemnity and with a peaceful mind, preferably in a quiet place. God will be by your side!

Check out our series of prayers for healing

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.