What are the symbols of the signs and what do they represent?

 What are the symbols of the signs and what do they represent?

Tom Cross

If you believe in the teachings of Astrology, surely you know the symbols of most of the signs: the ram in Aries, the crab in Cancer, the scales in Libra? all famous and well-known symbols. But have you ever stopped to wonder where do these symbols come from and what do they mean?

Understanding the symbol of each of the signs is essential to delve deeper into what they say about our personality, so check below what is the origin of the symbol of each sign and why it was chosen to represent a certain constellation:


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The symbol of Aries is a ram, one of the most fearless animals in the animal kingdom, and capable of incredible feats, such as climbing mountains and living in freezing temperatures. This sign is usually represented by the ram's head, which symbolizes leadership; the horns of the animal also refer to the aggressive and determined ways of Aries, who are able to overcome anyobstacle.


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Symbolized by the face of the bull itself, this animal was chosen to symbolize this sign for two main reasons: the first is that bulls are very protective fathers, a characteristic very closely linked to Taureans. Besides this, bulls are very aggressive if they feel threatened or if they see any member of their herd in danger, so they are peaceful, but only until provoked.

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Nowadays, many people symbolize the sign of Gemini with some illustration of twin brothers, but this is not the original symbol of this sign, which is represented by four sticks, two horizontal and two vertical, a symbol very similar to the number two in Roman numerals. The symbol refers to the twins Castor and Pollux who, according to Greek mythology, were given a place in heavenmythological as long as they were never separated.


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This sign is represented by a crab, which, according to many ancient beliefs, was related to the female breasts, because of the shape of its claws. This symbol was chosen because the breasts are what satisfy the hunger of newborn children, and this sign is very much related to protection and nutrition.grasp, and the shell represents a protection to their extreme sensitivity.


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Strong, courageous, and a born leader, there would be no other symbol for the native of this sign than the animal that is known as the strongest of all, and therefore the king of the jungle. Besides the characteristics of strength, the lion's exuberant mane is a reference to the need that Leonines feel to always be in the limelight.


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The classic and original symbol for the sign of Virgo is a woman carrying corn in her hands. Although it may seem somewhat abstract, this symbol is a reference to the commitment and determination that the Virgoan has to work hard and reap what he has planted.


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This sign is the only sign of the zodiac that is represented by an inanimate object, that is, one that is not animal or human. The sign of Libra is represented by a scale, which makes a direct reference to the need for the natives of this sign to always be in search of balance and harmony in their lives, besides representing that they are always measuring weights, making comparisons, and seeking justice in their actions.


DarkmoonArt_de / Pixabay

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The only sign represented by two animals, the sign of Scorpio has as its symbol a scorpion and an eagle, which refer to the idea of the clash between the material and the spiritual.


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The symbol of this sign is the mythological animal centaur, which has the lower half of its body with horse limbs and the upper half of its body with human limbs. According to Greek mythology, the centaurs stood out for being very wise and, at the same time, agile, characteristics strongly associated with this sign.That is why the bow with an arrow being shot also represents this sign.


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Another sign represented by a mythological animal, Capricorn is symbolized by the animal capricornus, which has the upper half of the body of a goat and the lower half of a fish. The idea of this symbol is related to the ambition of the Capricornian: he can either climb mountains and show his strength on dry land, or swim and perform well in the sea.


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It is represented by a camphor tree spilling water and by two waves in this water. The symbol is related to the characteristics of independence and freedom of Aquarians, who, like water, can adapt and assume any form, as long as it can circulate freely. Water is also related to fluidity, a characteristic of Aquarius natives, who are very progressive.


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The symbol of this sign has two fish joined by a string as they swim in opposite directions. This symbol is realized with the duality in which the Piscean always lives: the anxiety to unveil the greatest mysteries of the world, so he is going towards the heavens, but also the will to explore the pleasures of the Earth, symbolized by the fish going down.

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So, were you surprised to find out what the symbol that refers to your sign means? Do you think that another symbol would better represent the sign of which you are native? Tell us about it in the comments!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.