What is esotericism?

 What is esotericism?

Tom Cross

Esotericism in general refers to a set of practices, rituals and knowledge that are secret and are only shared and transmitted among a minority. The central theme of esoteric knowledge is one that every thinking being cannot help but ask: "What is the origin and purpose of our existence and of the universe?", "What validity does human knowledge have?"

In this text, we will talk more about what esotericism is, what an esoteric person is, esoteric beliefs and rituals, and indicate books to help you understand esotericism.

What is esotericism?

The definition of esotericism refers to the search for something occult, it is connected to inner knowledge, that is, to the spirituality of the human being and its evolutionary process. Esotericism is not satanic and it is not witchcraft.

This term, in its etymology, comes from the Greek "esōterikós" - composed of "esōtérō", meaning "further within", similar to the etymology of the word occultism from the Latin "ocultus", meaning "secret". In this list of what is esoteric study, we can include traditions and disciplines such as Hermeticism, Astrology, Kabbalah, Tarot, Numerology, meaning of dreams, clairvoyance, I Ching, runes, Alchemyand many others.

But what is esotericism for? This set of practices, rituals, and knowledge concerns aspects of the nature of life that are subtly hidden. It is necessary to understand well its meaning and not to interpret it as something like witchcraft or sorcery, as it was for some time propagated. Esotericism is a serious study.

Difference between esotericism and exotericism

And what is the difference between esoteric and exoteric? According to the academic dictionary, "esoteric" means "reserved; hidden or impenetrable to the uninitiated." However, "exoteric" is the opposite: "public; common or accessible to the common people." So these terms should not be confused.

Esotericism and its benefits

Any study can bring benefits to the human being. The same applies to esotericism. Sometimes, the solution we seek is right before our eyes, by means of a reading. That is, the benefits can mix from a clarity about something to even a knowledge about what you are seeking. In this sense, self-knowledge is certainly one of the greatest benefits of esotericism. ByTherefore, taking courses and reading renowned books is important for those who are going to study esotericism and have benefits in this area.

What is it to be an esoteric person?

Esotericism is the term used to indicate, in a broad sense, spiritual doctrines of a partly secret or reserved nature. The hidden truth or hidden meanings of such doctrines are accessible only to so-called adepts, often providing different degrees of initiation.

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In this sense, what an esoteric person does is to study the ancient arts and mysteries that have disappeared or have been forgotten by man. From Arithmosophy (the science of numbers) - the fruit of ancient sources of thought -, the fusion of Greek Philosophy, Gnosis, mysticism, and above all Kabbalah, to the most mysterious astrological and arcane sciences.

How to acquire esoteric knowledge?

In the old days, attaining esoteric knowledge meant being initiated into the mystical arts, learning secrets unknown to normal people. Now, when a subject is called esoteric, it is usually something not so mystical, but difficult to understand.

But what are esoteric practices? In various historical epochs, esoteric knowledge, which by its very nature is destined to be the privilege of the few, has shown itself capable of profoundly influencing subtle consciousness and also determining epochal events. From a purely geographical point of view, there are two seemingly different approaches to esotericism: the Eastern and theWestern.

Apparently different, because Western culture has shown a different approach only in the last two millennia (even more so in the last millennium), but it was deeply nourished at the origins of all the philosophical, religious and worldview contributions that Eastern culture provided.

The East knew how to preserve traditional knowledge that only now the West is re-evaluating, aware that the Western path allowed the conquest of well-being and material domination, but cost in terms of spiritual anxieties, only partially relieved.

What can be considered esoteric?

Esoteric knowledge functions as an alternative to understanding the procedures of humanity and the reason for the things that happen. Although it is considered an innate aspect, over time individuals develop it to a greater or lesser degree. Examples of esotericism include:


Although it deals with deeper precepts, they are a form of communication with higher entities that send messages in the face of specific issues.

Feng Shui

This esoteric practice consists in identifying in a certain space - such as a house, for example - places that attract positive and/or negative energies. In Brazil, it has been gaining more and more visibility, and even large companies have hired this type of service.


Astrology studies the movement of celestial bodies and their interaction with our lives. This practice has inspired reverence and adoration and allowed us to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This field has also gained more visibility.

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In addition, there are other examples ranging from the occult to mysticism.

Esoteric beliefs and rituals

When talking about esotericism, we cannot fail to mention esoteric beliefs and rituals. What are esoteric beliefs? Esoteric beliefs are all those that are based on magical-religious events and on the existence of deities or saints that are used as a reason for worship, refuge, and help for believers. Many people who hold these esoteric beliefs may be part of a particularreligion, but it is not the rule.

Furthermore, symbols are essential to man and can represent and exemplify life itself, which goes far beyond human knowledge. The symbols of protection esotericism are powerful and date back to ancient times. There are several protection symbols, each with its own particularities.

A very recurrent symbol, although not exactly defined as esoteric, is the lotus flower. This flower is present in many ancient cultures and has mysterious origins. It was taken to its maximum expansion by Buddhism, which considers it a symbol of purity, well-being, and regeneration.

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The lotus flower has the ability to grow even in stagnant water, sinking its roots into the mud and keeping its natural beauty intact. Because of this, it is universally recognized as the representation of those who can remain pristine and pure despite the many difficulties and temptations of the world. Often combined with the famous Om, it can be used as a symbol of protection, purity andharmony.

How to practice esotericism?

In fact, it is also possible to get in touch with esotericism without being linked to any institution. The practice of esotericism consists in studying things that are hidden. Therefore, those who decide to study this science need to focus their attention on knowing the basic concepts, always very seriously. In this way, books and courses are essential to increase the capacity to understand and to understand.understand this world.

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What does it take to follow an esoteric activity?

Do you want to start studying esotericism? To enter the incredible world of magic, the occult, and the enigmatic, take into account that in the beginning you may encounter a number of obstacles. But don't be discouraged: in the end you will find the right path.

Today there is a plethora of literary works, workshops, courses, and countless subjects classified as "esoteric," which can cause enormous confusion in those who want to get started in the world of esotericism. As if this were not enough, there is also an enormous commercialization of the teachings and a lot of charlatanism and superficiality around the esoteric planet.

Esotericism: past, present and future

This secret tradition follows the spiral of centuries and civilizations from the most advanced to the most primitive or ancient. Each form of creed has always had its dual aspect - esoteric (reserved for the few) and popular; or exoteric, i.e. open to all, easier to understand and accessible to all.

In the past, access to these teachings was often sealed by the strictest secrecy, and to some extent this is still the case today. In fact, there was an ancient law handed down from initiate to initiate defined by some ancient authors as the "Discipline of the Arcanum". That is, it was forbidden to divulge this type of teaching to the masses, the incorrect understanding of which would have caused an incalculable amount of damage toEvident traces of this are found, for example, in the mystery cults, in Egyptian religion, in Vedic India.

Talking about esotericism today, and speaking clearly, has become more and more important and current: the need for each person to understand in a more mature and profound way what religions divulge, but often do not explain to their faithful, is growing.

We live in a time when people's crisis of conscience is coming to a head, and while there are sincere seekers of truth scattered throughout the world, these seekers often find themselves so isolated and confused by a swarm of opinions, concepts, and philosophies that in the end they all turn out to be disappointing, when they are not even nebulous, ambiguous, and deviant.

In turn, esotericism and the New Age represent the historically innovative phenomenon: the New Age is a re-reading of Western esotericism and considers the divinatory arts as a key discipline for the revelation of a hidden wisdom that can be unveiled.

Books to help you understand esotericism

There are many esoteric books to get us started in esotericism. Some can be difficult to read, as they have not been updated for today's audience and require essential care on the part of the reader.

In esoteric literature, there are the works written by Helena Blavatsky: "The Secret Doctrine" and also "Isis Unveiled". Both books were written at the end of the 19th century.

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In "The Secret Doctrine", the author deals with such topics as the evolution of the Cosmos and also ideas about Theosophy and Anthropogenesis. In "Isis Unveiled", considered one of her most essential books, she talks about the creation and development of the occult sciences, the roots of Christianity and the failures of Christian theology, and the origin and nature of magic.

A very popular book among those who want to start training in esotericism is the "Elementary Treatise on Practical Magic". The author is Gerard Encausse, who often wrote under the pseudonym Papus. The book is a practical manual that describes certain exercises or tests of an esoteric nature and simple works of magic that those interested can perform.

Esoteric Orders," written by Dion Fortune, explains the work of the spirit schools without excessive technicalities. The book deals with such topics as the origin of secret esoteric societies, their traditions and rituals, and the requirements and obligations of their members.

To delve into studies about esotericism, 4 books are recommended: "History of World Esotericism", "The Biology of Belief", "Witches' Grimoire", and "Esotericism and Magic".

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So this is just a short description of the world of esotericism. None of them have scientific validity, but they arouse great interest in people with a taste for the unknown, for spirituality, and for the divinatory arts.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.