How to make the Law of Attraction work using Equal Time?

 How to make the Law of Attraction work using Equal Time?

Tom Cross

Wouldn't it be nice if we could strengthen our connection with the Universe to attract good things and lead a harmonious life, using all the tools it makes available to us? Well, know that this is exactly how the Universe works: adding forces, allying, and synchronizing energies.

And did you know that, in this energetic realm, we can unite the law of attraction with equal time to attract all the best that the higher instances can provide us? And that is what we are going to talk about in this article.

But first let's understand a little more about these two universal phenomena to better understand their uses and put this powerful union into practice.

How does the law of attraction work?

In a nutshell we can define the law of attraction as the ability to co-create the reality we find ourselves in, using our thoughts and emotions. But this happens in both positive and negative aspects, since we basically attract what we think. So, if we think negatively and express ourselves in that same vibration, we will attract negative things to ourlives.

Therefore, we need to think positively and balance our emotions in order to allow good vibrations to come to us, since our thoughts are much more than mere mental concatenations. In order to keep good thoughts, we need to take care of our emotional and spiritual side.

And how to do this process? Well, basically we should guide our thoughts to that which we have set as a goal. It doesn't mean, however, that just because we put mental effort into such a goal we will get everything we want.

tadamichi from Getty Images Signature / Canva

We must also idealize our actions to achieve our goals, and make ourselves available to put this idealization into practice. To imagine that we are capable and deserving, but also to roll up our sleeves and live in favor of these actions. After all, nothing falls from the sky.

Imagine that you have a very important job interview, which can make you very anxious and apprehensive, can't it? If you think negatively, that you are not capable, that the position is not for you, it is almost certain that you will plunge into this reality, even acting in a way to sabotage yourself.

But if you think positively and imagine the situation with lightness, knowing your potentials and that you are worthy, everything will flow better. And the Universe keeps an eye on these feelings, certainly waiting for the time to reward you, because it reflects what we vibrate.

And the law of attraction can operate in all areas of our lives - at work, in our love relationships, in everyday life in general. We need to be aware that it is always at work, and not let opportunities slip away when they signal.

And the equal hours, where do they come into it?

It is precisely in this awareness of the signs of the Universe and of higher entities that equal hours come into play. Beyond being a mere work of chance, equal hours are a way of being warned about the availability of opportunities in our lives.

Each hour represents a specific message for each one of us - that is, each message is always associated with our reality, with our life context. Therefore, the meaning of the hours may even be the same, but the way we apply it in our lives will depend on what we are experiencing at the moment.

RBStocker from RBStocker / Canva

This is why equal time and the law of attraction are so closely connected, since we are what we think, the messages from the Universe sent through these hours will be directed to our particularities. We will talk more about this later.

You know what each of the repeated hours means Take note to know how to work your mind in order to attract that which is aligned with what the Universe tries to communicate to you:

01h01 - Bring freshness to your life, learn a new process, explore a new talent.

02h02 - And sharing experiences is very good for the spirit and enriches our lives.

03h03 - Find a way to establish balance in your life. Don't keep jumping between poles (negative and positive). Nothing in life is black and white. Seek the middle way.

04h04 - Disconnect a little from materialism and worry less about it. Organize your tasks and expenses in a list, avoiding occupying your mind with the memory of responsibilities.

05h05 - The time has come to show the world your talents and put your face in the sun. If introspection gets in your way, seek help to deal with it.

06h06 - Don't forget that family carries a lot of karma, and this can reverberate beyond the home, crossing the years and interfering in our life.

07h07 - focus more on your studies and choose an area that you want to learn more about in order to progress. But be dedicated and go all the way.

08h08 - pay more attention to your finances, not only balancing your spending, but planning and avoiding setbacks.

09h09 - take those projects out of the drawer... good ideas may be dying for lack of proactivity and motivation.

10h10 - It's time to leave the past behind, focusing on the here and now. Organize your life, starting with your home, donating clothes and things you no longer use. Physical and mental cleaning.

11h11 - this is a powerful hour, it is a portal to awareness, it is a call to spiritual awakening.

12h12 - you need to establish a balance between body, mind, spirit and emotions. Connect with yourself.

13h13 - The news come to give you a boost in your life, to bring you energy so that you don't fall into the doldrums or feel depressed or hopeless.

14h14 - You have to come out of your hole, socialize, and be in a group, instead of isolating yourself from the world.

15h15 - Don't get caught up in what people think of you, do what needs to be done, and be true to your own desires instead of meeting the expectations of others.

16h16 - To evolve, you need to listen more and talk less, study tirelessly, and be resilient. These are the guides on your journey of progress.

17h17 - Seek prosperity in all aspects of life: health, happiness, good relationships, and money. These are the pillars of a good spirit.

18h18 - Put an end to everything that hinders your progress: clothes, things, and people that no longer fit you. Free yourself from everything that hinders your happiness.

19h19 - Have you ever stopped to think about what you need to evolve in order to continue your journey and your life cycle here and beyond this world?

20h20 - It's time to pick up the pace, to get moving, to stop procrastinating. Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Let's get to work, because your dreams will not come true by themselves.

21h21 - Speaking of purpose, you need to think about your mission to others, about how to help people progress and become enlightened. One candle, when you light another, never goes out.

22h22 - How is your health? You need to take care of your body, because it is your temple. Eat well, exercise, meditate, drink more water, and try not to stress yourself. Take care of your emotional and spiritual health, because when they are not taken care of, they cause diseases.

23h23 - you have potential and talent, you are worthy and you can do more. believe in yourself!

00h00 - You have everything to achieve your maximum power. It's up to you - whether you succeed or fail. You are a seed that will become a tree capable of bearing other seeds. Go for it!

There are also other hours, such as 1h11, 2h22, 3h33, 4h44 - and so on - which, although not doubly repeated, repeat their unique numerals and can bring the energies of the hours that have the same numerals above.

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Uniting the two in our favor

As you have seen, the law of attraction is basically the mechanism of putting our thoughts into practice to align ourselves with the Universe's "ears" and expect it to respond on the same frequency. And the equal hours are a way for the Universe to call us into contact.

So it may seem difficult to associate these two issues, but it is easier than we imagine. And there are several relationships between these two phenomena, some related to the apparent randomness created by the Universe, and others more dependent on our actions.

In the context of apparent chance, we can experience something called synchronicity - a concept created by Jung that explains coincidences meaningful (for example: thinking about someone and then that person sends you a message).

fran_kie / Shutterstock

See_also: 06:06 - What is the significance of seeing this schedule often?

So, it may be that we are mentalizing a certain event and, by an act of God, we are thinking about it. synchronicity It is as if the repeated time, in this case, is a response from the Universe to what we are thinking. So, take the message from the Universe to make your decisions and go into action.

In a context that depends more on us, the opposite can happen, and we start seeing the time repeating itself before we have even formulated a thought. In this context, the great thing is to understand the message of the time and focus our thoughts on the change we want to make.

For example: you have constantly seen the time 9:09 a.m., which refers to getting projects off the paper. When you see the clock again at this time, start thinking positively, mentalizing the realization of this project and its success. Imagine all the steps and everything going very well. There you go! You will have made the law of attraction begin to act.

As we showed above, each hour has its own celestial message. Take the opportunity to read more about the equal hours with the content we have prepared here at Eu Sem Fronteiras and sharpen your instincts about everything the Universe has to offer to your personal evolution.

Reinforcing what we have already mentioned in this article: it is not enough to know all this and just think and wish. It is necessary to direct your actions in accordance with your thoughts and feelings.

For example: Do you want a better life? Thinking positively is the first way to achieve this - a strong, healthy, positive mind helps you to live in balance. But you have to work hard and strive for a successful outcome that meets your desires.

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  • Learn more about the meaning of each equal hour
  • Check out this step by step guide to adopt the law of attraction into your life
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The Universe has many ways to communicate with us, be it through equal time, the law of attraction or any other resource it puts in our lives. Don't ignore these calls, and the most important: be open with heart and soul, vibrating positively, because everything you vibrate comes back to you and to everyone around you. Therefore a positive connection with the Universe revertsin a better world for all of us!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.