Sahasrara - Reach spiritual elevation with the Coronary Chakra

 Sahasrara - Reach spiritual elevation with the Coronary Chakra

Tom Cross

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, also called the Higher Center, is the seventh chakra, which is responsible for our spiritual, being related to our life purpose. It is the most important of the chakras, for it is the bridge that connects us to the spiritual plane.

We prepared this article especially for you to understand a little more about this true portal that guides our spirit on the path of evolution.

What does Sahasrara mean?

Of Sanskrit origin, "sahasrara" means "thousand petals", "the lotus of a thousand petals", or even "wheel of a thousand spokes". It is the center of storage and distribution of our energies.

Its image is represented by a lotus flower with one thousand petals of different colors, distributed in twenty layers, each one with fifty petals. Its pericarp - that is, the outer layer that surrounds the seeds - is golden and houses a circle with a triangle inside, pointing up and down.

It is from this chakra that all the others emanate. It is the center of our higher intuition. It is associated with the bija mantra AUM. Some people also associate with it the sounds OM and AH (the latter used more frequently in meditation).

Bijas mantras are sacred sound vibrations that carry the power of a particular energy. When pronounced, these sounds potentiate, unblock, or activate the energy of the chakra to which they are connected.

Characteristics of the crown chakra

Sahasrara is situated at the top of the head, right in the center. Its function is to connect us to the divine, the sacred, the Universe, freeing us from patterns and dissociating us from our earthly concerns. It is considered a gateway to our cosmic self.

This chakra is governed by the pineal gland, also known as the epiphysis, which is essential for the regulation and functioning of all the other glands."biological clock".

Color, element and stone of the crown chakra

There are several factors with which the chakras are associated and which help establish our balance or even strengthen our energies - the main ones are the color, the element of nature, and the stone. Each chakra has its own.

The color of joy and optimism

The color that represents the crown chakra is violet. This color has the ability to transmute energies, having the power to elevate our frequency.of harmony with all that is divine.

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The color white is also associated with this chakra, and it is very appropriate, since white is the union of all colors, which are converted into light. So is Sahasrara, which is the sum of all the elements, and also because it allows us to reach the understanding of everything, connecting us to all things.

There are many ways to use color therapy to help balance the flow of energies in our body. For the crown chakra, a tip is to close your eyes, do some breathing, and then imagine the color violet, repeating the mantra AUM three times.

Sum of all elements

This is a chakra that is associated with all the elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Sahasrara is the thought, it is the bridge to spirituality, our connection to the Universe. Thus, it gathers all the characteristics: physical sensations, intuition, emotions and the self-conscious mind.

Thus, we can infer that the crown chakra has the expansion, light, and spiritual elevation of Fire; the materiality, empathy, security, and resilience of Earth; the mental aspects, gift of sharing, reason, and stimulation of Air; and the compassion, intuition, and emotions of Water.

Crystals and protection

There are some stones that can be associated with Sahasrara, among them amethyst, fluorite, diamond, and white quartz.

Stones and crystals have the role of balancing the chakras, besides contributing to the reestablishment of self-healing. Their action is through electromagnetism, and the vibrations they emit have the ability to purify, align, and activate the energy of the chakras, helping to intensify their properties.

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One way to use these elements to benefit the chakras is to practice meditation with each stone placed exactly over the corresponding chakra, all aligned. Be sure to keep them in this position for about 30 minutes on average.

Don't forget to always clean your stone after use by rinsing it under running water. You can also recharge its energy by placing it under the sun for an hour or so. Clean and energize your crystals whenever you find it necessary.

The use of your chakra stone, associated with chromotherapy, allows you to balance your energies and also drives away bad vibrations in any situation or environment.

What happens when the crown chakra is out of balance?

We have already mentioned in the previous topics that there are several ways to balance and strengthen our chakras, and this is a vital practice, since health, physical, or emotional problems can get us off track, also disharmonizing our energy centers.

Because it is connected to all the other chakras and also because it is closely associated with our spirituality, if Sahasrara goes out of balance, we can be gripped by a sense of loneliness, skepticism, and loss of spiritual connection. Mental disorders, such as phobias and psychic disturbances, can also arise.

In the physical realm, the unbalance of this chakra brings problems in the most varied spheres, since it is connected to the pineal gland, responsible for a series of factors that govern our metabolism. Hypertension and endocrine disturbances are among these problems, besides osteoporosis, deficit in cognitive functions, disturbances in the menstrual cycle and ovulation, Alzheimer's disease, and other illnesses.degenerative.

When it is too open, we are susceptible to obsessions and spiritual interference. On the other hand, if it is blocked, we feel psychically disoriented and alienated from our spirituality and emotions.

Therefore, achieving balance - neither too open, nor too blocked - is key to safeguarding our physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Balanced crown chakra

When balanced, this chakra allows us to contact our true self in a quiet, calming way. We are able to contact our wholeness.

The power of intuition and sensitivity is sharpened and our vision of our purpose becomes clearer, allowing us to find our purpose. We become better disposed for happiness and full consciousness.

Our physical body also benefits from this balance: regulation of the circadian cycle (acting positively on sleep and appetite), improvement of memory, good control of sex hormones, antioxidant effects (helping to maintain longevity), among others.

Aromatherapy is also an excellent adjuvant. In this case, essential oils help to recover and correct energies. The most indicated are: vetiver, elemi, myrrh, lavender, olibanum, and jasmine. Some contribute to the reactivation of creativity, others recover the notion of time and space, and there are those that stimulate the connection between the material and spiritual worlds.

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It is undeniable that what we mentioned in the previous topics is very important to keep the chakras in balance, working well and protecting our energies. But nothing prevents you from doing more for yourself. Try to take better care of your body: eat well, don't overdo it with alcohol, eliminate smoking from your life (if you are a smoker), drink plenty of water, and exercise.

And in caring for body and mind together, try Yoga - which is an activity strongly linked to the chakras. And to keep the good energy of thoughts, try meditation. It really works! And it makes perfect sense for this chakra, which is closely linked to thought.

Our body is our main home, the one we will walk with until the end of our journey. Nothing fairer than to follow this path being sheltered in a harmonic and healthy way - physically, emotionally and spiritually. So respect your home, take care of yourself, love yourself!

Getting to know the chakras

The chakras are energy centers connected along our spine and have the purpose of receiving and emitting vital energy at certain points in our body. They act continuously, transferring these energies between our physical body and the material and spiritual planes. They are a form of nourishment for our aura.

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Although there are passages in the Vedas (holy books of Hinduism) mentioning 32 chakras and others even indicating up to 88 thousand, the consensus is that there are seven main ones: basic, sacral, solar plexus, laryngeal, frontal, and coronal.

Keeping the chakras in balance guarantees not only a healthy body full of good vibrations, but also a full life, full of self-knowledge, self-esteem, and self-love.

Learn more about the chakras in this article:

Happy reading!

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Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.