The flower of life: meaning and use of this spiritual symbol

 The flower of life: meaning and use of this spiritual symbol

Tom Cross

If you had to represent life, what symbol would you use to do so? Before you waste your neurons thinking about it, let us introduce you to the flower of life. It is possible that this symbol has already appeared before your eyes, and you may not have realized what it meant.

However, even Leonardo da Vinci had already studied this unusual design full of symbolism. In other words, there is a universe of information to explore about the flower of life. Continue reading the content we have prepared to surprise yourself with the meaning of this very popular object.

What is the flower of life

The flower of life is a circle that has at least seven overlapping circular shapes inside. They form a pattern of designs resembling flower petals. Because of this geometry, the symbol may contain slightly triangular shapes, which give an impression of three-dimensionality.

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There is no single color for the flower of life. It can be represented on a white background, with multicolored lines, or on a black background, with lines in vibrant or more sober tones. The important thing is to respect the circular formations that compose it.

Origin of the flower of life

One of the first appearances of the flower of life was observed in Ancient Egypt, approximately 10,000 years ago, in the Temple of Osiris, one of the Egyptian gods; but other variations of the symbol show that the origin of the flower of life is not so exact.

In China, India, and in the synagogues of Israel, it was also possible to find the flower of life. In some Catholic churches, the form was observed in stained glass windows and paintings, because it presented a harmonic and geometrically pleasing appearance.

Later, Leonardo da Vinci devoted himself to studying the flower of life, as he studied mathematics, geometry, and the patterns that nature formed. He even discovered that the pattern of the flower of life was present in various phenomena in nature.

Today, the flower of life is still relevant, not only in the religious environment. This design is used all over the world, because it has a very elaborate and surprising symbolism, which you will discover in the next topics.

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What the flower of life means

Before understanding what the flower of life refers to, let's investigate what the flower of life means, i.e. why this design is given such a name. The reason is that the geometric shapes inside the symbol look like the petals of a flower, which justifies the first part of the name.

But the flower of life means more than just flower. This symbol also makes a reference to the stages of development of life, according to sacred geometry. But that is a subject for the next topic. Dig deeper!

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Kerstin / Canva

Symbolism of the flower of life

It is impossible to talk about the symbolism of the flower of life without talking about sacred geometry, so, first of all, it is fundamental that you understand this concept. Sacred geometry is what concentrates everything that gave birth to life and to what exists around us. Everything that is part of nature follows a set of patterns, which integrates sacred geometry.

In this way, the symbolism of the flower of life is intertwined with every stage of the development of the life of all that exists. It concentrates the seed of life, which is the starting point of the flower; the egg of life, which forms the first seven circles of expansion of consciousness; the fruit of life, which forms 13 circles of protection; and the tree of life, which sums up all the vibrations of existence.

In a simplified way, the flower of life represents the origin and the expansion of the Universe. From it, it is possible not only to connect with life in the present time, but also to free oneself from past consciousnesses that involve traumas, pain, and suffering. Therefore, it is a way of vibrating better energies, putting oneself in contact with existence.

How to use the flower of life

To harness the positive energies that the flower of life emanates, as well as to free yourself from the memories that disturb you, there is a main way to use this symbol. By meditating looking at the flower of life, you will feel your body connecting with the representation of the origin of the Universe, making it easier for you to reflect on your purpose and your anguish.


However, you can also use the flower of life in other ways. One of them is to add it as a decorative object in your home, as a keychain or a piece of jewelry. It is also possible to leave this symbol in a private place in your work environment, when you feel you are disconnecting from yourself.

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The information we present about the flower of life will help you to enjoy the benefits of this symbol on a daily basis. From it, you will feel that you are part of the Universe, and that your existence is infinite. Motivate others to make this reflection by sharing this content.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.