The seven spiritual bodies

 The seven spiritual bodies

Tom Cross

Sometimes we wonder what and who we really are. In the search for answers, we end up finding a thousand more questions. The fact is that many people look only at the physical and forget to look at the spiritual bodies. Did you know that they exist?

Have you ever heard of Subtle Bodies, which are nothing more than the existence of several bodies within our own? While many people consider only the existence of our physical plane, today we will delve into the spiritual realm and help you understand a little more about the wholeness of humanity and its bodies and levels of consciousness!

What are spiritual bodies?

The human being is composed of the physical body and of the Subtle Bodies: an individual's total of spiritual bodies is seven! Besides the physical body and the soul, there are five other bodies - also called levels or dimensions - that are indispensable for human matter to be able to support all the spiritual energy that comes directly to us. It is as if the dimensions act as a filter that protects theour physical and keep us "whole" and connected to all that we cannot see.

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These bodies are with us throughout our lives and work together, even if they are in different dimensions. They complement each other, providing a greater depth of being before the whole Universe.

Get to know the Seven Subtle Bodies and learn all about them:

First, you must let go of the idea that we are just flesh. There is much more you need to discover to understand what you really are and how it works. The seven bodies of every human being are: physical, etheric double, astral, lower mental, higher mental, buddhi, atma or spiritual - each of them is composed of specific functions that complement each other. Understand more about this:

1. Physical body

This is nothing more than the body we can see. The physical body is the matter and everything that is part of it: skin, cells, organs, etc. It has the function of receiving energy and information from the plane above it. It is like a garment we received when we incarnated in this world. For this reason, we must accept it, take care of it and keep it always in good condition, even ifAs this body is visible, it is the only one of the subtle bodies studied and accepted by most scientists.

2. Etheric Double Body

It is made up of chakras, aura and nadis, and is thus considered a bioelectromagnetic body. Because it is made up of a large amount of energy, it has a shiny appearance that can be blue or orange. When broken, it can interfere with the individual's life, because it does not renew itself and cannot be renewed - unlike the physical body. The etheric double body of aThe individual is the same during his entire trajectory on earth.

3. Astral body

Many people call it the soul, but its name is actually the astral body. This body changes its appearance in the course of its energetic travels and is extremely sensitive - it is responsible for our feelings and desires. When we sleep, our physical body rests, while the astral body travels! Do you know what we call a dream? It is actually a journey of this body, but because it does notHaving consciousness about these bodies and not yet having evolved to this point, we remember only small parts of what was dreamed and call such a trip a "dream".

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4. Lower Mental Body

It is not the brain, but our mind! The lower mental body organizes everything we think, so that our thoughts are then manifested by the brain. It is the rational body that deals with our cognitive issues, evaluates our attitudes and absorbs our material attachments. What we think and feel tends to be fixed in this body.

5. Higher Mental Body

This body is practically a storehouse of memories from all our lives. It holds countless ideas and abstract concepts and is considered the source of intuition, creativity, and desires - it also has a strong connection to the individuality of the being and is the source of past experiences that need resolution.

6. Buddhi

Also known as the cosmic body, it has no connection or relationship with time. Of all the subtle bodies, it is in the buddhi that real wisdom is found. It is the high point of enlightenment that is hardly reached, but it is connected to all things and is extremely distant from the physical plane and from the capacity of understanding of human beings. Even though it is still little known, it is thelevel that many people try to reach through spiritual and mental evolution.

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7. Atma or spiritual

Of all the bodies, this is the highest and is above all the planes. Regarded as the pure consciousness, it is formed practically of light and is the apex of enlightenment of spirit. Many know it as the Divine Self or Spirit of Essence. It is the deepest connection with the Divine and the Universe, and can be called the "coordinator of all the bodies.

As you have seen, there are levels of consciousness and planes that are not easily accessible to us. The search for understanding the human being is practically infinite, but the more we know about our own being, the more we will be on the path of evolution. The seven bodies work together and are always operating so that we stand firm, strong, and in search of light and wisdom!

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Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.