What is spirituality?

 What is spirituality?

Tom Cross

Probably, at some point in your life, you have wondered about what is spirituality But are spirituality and religion the same thing? This connection with something much bigger and with a divine energy source that transcends everything and makes us want to seek a purpose has always been the focus of reflections throughout human history.

The word "spirituality" appeared in the 15th century, during the Renaissance, but this debate on the spiritual question was going on long before the Christian era, especially among philosophers such as Pythagoras and Plato - the latter being the greatest inspiration for the theme, since all his allegories were about the connection between the earthly and divine worlds through the soul.

Want to know more about what spirituality is - and what it is not - and all the good it can bring to your life? Check out this article specially prepared to clear all your doubts!

The meaning of spirituality

The term spirituality comes from the Latin word "spiritus", which means "breath". It is that divine breath of our souls, our encounter with our own essence in the search for something greater than ourselves.

To put it better: spirituality is basically a bond between people and God or any other divinity. It is related to our particularities - since spiritual awakening is experienced individually and at the time of each one - and, at the same time, to our role in the collectivity, since it has to do with our place in the world.

We can say that this awakening is that "slap" we have in life, often coming from a moment of "existential crisis" and questions about purpose and life mission, which go beyond materialism, being more associated with spiritualism and the value we give to the enrichment of our inner self, to then connect with what is outside and beyond us.

Quantum Physics and spirituality - what is the relationship?

This is not a new association and has been discussed even by scientists throughout the ages. This link between science and the spiritual world is a constant in humanity, making them complementary even when dealing with phenomena for which we have no explanation. This relationship, however, goes beyond this.

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Just as spirituality connects us to something that is intangible and invisible, Quantum Physics comes with the proposal to see matter beyond what is concrete, to what we do not see, but whose energy we know exists. It basically follows an idea similar to that of spirituality, even following the path of energies that connect us to the Universe.

We can conclude, then, that both - Quantum Physics and spirituality - deal with this connection of the parts with the whole and the micro with the macro in an endless exchange of energy. This attempt to unify spirituality, consciousness, and science is what we call quantum spirituality, which, in general terms, can be understood as a spiritualized "clothing" for Quantum Physics.

Quantum science also reveals this "exchange" between spirit and matter, which inevitably leads to reinforcing the issue of spirituality. And all this converges in the strengthening of our self-knowledge and our spiritual enlightenment.

And, by belonging to a very comprehensive universe, in which there is not only a scientific explanation, but also an analogical integration - and, as we have seen, inseparable - with science itself, spirituality transcends any convention. It even surpasses the concept of religion, making this difference even more evident. They are concepts that even talk, in a complementary way, but are notAnd that is what we will cover next.

The difference between spirituality and religiosity

From what you have read so far, you can already see that spirituality encompasses a concept that goes beyond believing in God and practicing an institutionalized rite. It is our spiritual alpha and omega, which connects us with the whole and with the divine, but is independent of religion to happen, it does not demand a specific prayer or a stay in a temple.

Spirituality is connection to the earth, to the wind, to God, to the angels, to the brightness of the sun, to the swaying of the trees, to the love we emanate, to forgiveness, and to self-knowledge. It is the ability to turn inward and expand this connection with everything around us.

Religion, on the other hand, is a set of dogmas and practices as worship of a deity or higher being. It also binds us to one god or more. A basic difference to spirituality, however, is the ritualization of belief. Cults are more standardized processes and do not imprint a preliminary particularity. There are patterns - for example, baptism, meetings in churches or terreiros(depending on the religion), established rules, among others.

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Which is better?

Different doesn't mean that one is better or more efficient than the other - just that they are not the same. Of course, a religious person practices his spirituality when he connects through a known prayer, when he makes an offering to an orisha, when he prays facing the Mecca... and so on.

On the other hand, a spiritualized person connects with this higher power through various actions, according to his individuality, according to what makes more sense to his essence. And, even though it is an individual experience, it is possible to start on this journey to work on your spirituality. Want to see how simple it is?

How to work on spirituality?

You may have your own way of finding your connection to your higher self, to your inner self, but there are general practices that can help "unblock" this wonderful path to spiritual resignification. Here's a brief start, but the rest of the path is up to you.

Pursue your purpose

It may not seem so simple, but it is. Just understand what values are important to you and what virtues you identify with. What moves you? What good can you do in your life and in the lives of others? Build your life mission, starting also to build good things and spread good, because this attracts higher energies!

Be grateful

It may sound cliché, but when we are grateful for things, people, and situations, we are happier and are able to access ourselves without obstacles. Everything flows within us, and thus we are able to better see the path to our inner self. Being happy is the nourishment of our essence, and gratitude is the means to that end.

Connect with Nature

Nature is the flame that keeps us alive. Without the sun, we don't live; without the air, likewise. The trees give us shade, fruit, and protect the ground that sustains us. We came from the earth and to it we will return.

So take the opportunity to feel the wind, sunbathe, listen to the sea waves, and look beyond the vastness of these waters to the horizon? even hug a tree (if you haven't done that yet, you don't know how powerful this energy is). Have a pet, take care of a garden? appreciate the beauty of nature around you. This is the purest form of connection with the divine.

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Meditation is silencing to listen, without judgment, to what is happening around you. Contrary to what many people think, it is not stopping to think or emptying the mind. It is being attentive, only in an organized and focused way.

Meditation calms, relaxes, connects you with your self, strengthening your bond with yourself and providing self-knowledge. There are many forms of meditation, including guided meditation (great for those who are not yet very familiar with the practice). You can even meditate while washing dishes!

Take care of yourself physically and emotionally

Our body is our temple and it carries our soul as well. Beyond the physical, a sick body does not function well emotionally or spiritually.

So eat well (body and soul), exercise - you don't need to become a gym aficionado; just move around, learn body awareness. A good option is to practice yoga, but a walk, jog, or dance already helps.

Pray, even if you are not religious

You don't have to say a familiar prayer, nor do you have to know the words or melody of a prayer or rite, just talk to the above, to the Universe, to a deity or a higher consciousness - something you believe in. You can do this during a relaxation session, or at bedtime, or in a moment of stillness and silence.

In fact, silence is a good practice to establish this connection with the divine. Learn to silence, to listen to yourself, to hear what is not apparent. It can be the sound of nature, your inner voice, a moment of epiphany. Try to slow down.

Find your way

After all these more general tips, it's time for you to find the way that best fits you to stimulate, nurture, and practice your spirituality. Find out what it represents in your life, how it manifests itself in your daily life, and then exercise your connection.

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Find a way that you identify with and feel comfortable in, and remember: the path needs to be clear and flowing. Think of something that gives you well-being, pleasure, and that is enjoyable.

You will realize how much good it will do you. Here is what you can gain by working on your spirituality.

The Benefits of Spirituality

Spirituality not only has benefits for self-knowledge (we'll talk more about that later), it also promotes well-being and balances our mental health. There are several studies that show the power that the practice of spirituality has on our lives.

At first glance, you can already feel a considerable improvement in the emotional aspect, as it reduces anxiety, depression, and stress. The spiritual connection is an ally of our mental health.

In addition, spiritual people tend to take better care of themselves, because they have a more careful look inside and outside of themselves, not to mention that practicing spirituality also reduces adrenaline and cortisol levels in the body (here we come back to the question of helping against stress).

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And, last but not least, to work on spirituality is to be in touch with ourselves. This allows us to know ourselves much better and to know what pleases or displeases us. With this, we know how to better deal with situations and our emotions about everything that happens to us. Having this ability developed, our life flows with more balance and self-respect.

Anyway, even if you are not religious, try to work on your spirituality. There is nothing more beautiful than a meaningful and purposeful life. Searching for our inner self is a way to also find ourselves outside of ourselves, to connect with something that is much bigger, that goes beyond what we can see. How about starting today?

See_also: 9 spiritual symbols you need to know, meaning and how to use each one

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.