10 steps to take control of your subconscious mind

 10 steps to take control of your subconscious mind

Tom Cross

There are two parts to our brains - the conscious mind, which deals with all the things we know, and the subconscious mind, which controls everything else. As I also teach inside the Mind Alchemy Academy The conscious mind works only part of the time (when we are awake), but the subconscious mind is always at work.

Wherever we are, conscious of it or not, your subconscious mind, not including involuntary physical behaviors like breathing and heartbeat, works with signals sent from the conscious mind. In other words, everything we spend our conscious time thinking about becomes a point of interest to our subconscious mind. And once our mindsubconscious is always at work, she makes a great effort addressing these topics.

Have you ever gone to bed shortly after watching a horror movie? More often than not you have some kind of nightmares, right? Even if you cannot remember being woken up from the nightmares, there is a good chance that you have them. The occurrence of nightmares is an excellent example of the incredible power of our subconscious minds.

See_also: To Dream with Crab

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While you were watching the movie, your conscious mind was creating thoughts and images of the parts you found frightening. If you don't change these thoughts before you go to sleep, then your subconscious mind has nothing to work with but the movie you just watched. During sleep is the most effective time for the subconscious mind, because there is no chance for conflicting signalsThis is why, when making an important decision, people sometimes want to "sleep".

Ultimately, your subconscious mind knows what is best for you and will push you in that direction. Without the negative influence of the conscious mind, which tends to make decisions based on emotion rather than logical thinking, your subconscious mind is free to do what it does best. That is, to help you achieve what you want .

Now that we have determined that sleep is the best time for your subconscious mind to handle its work, we need to make sure that the horror movie thoughts are replaced with positive, productive, problem-solving thoughts. That way, when your subconscious mind starts working, it is addressing the issues of greatest importance to you and not involved withtrivial matters that are out of your control, anyway.

The following is a list of 10 ways that you can apply in your life that will help you access your subconscious mind.

While the ideal situation is to apply these tactics right before bed, it is not practical to expect that. I also think there are advantages to applying them throughout the day so that you can be sure that the desired things are reaching your subconscious mind.

Like anything else, these concepts will become easier with practice, but even when implemented improperly or inadequately, you should still begin to see substantial results.

1. leave reminders


The easiest way to make sure you are thinking about important things is to leave physical reminders.There are several ways to do this.The simplest is to write notes.A to-do list can be helpful, although it is easy to have your main goals combined with other less important daily activities.

What I suggest instead, and have found personal success, is to firmly and clearly write your goal or desire on a note card or piece of paper and place it in a strategic location. I did this with my recent weight loss goal. The idea is that you will see it often, and the goal or thought will begin to fester in your mind, even if you are not aware of what you arehappening.

Physical reminders use your conscious mind as a bridge to reach your subconscious mind. First, by creating the reminders (i.e. drawing the notes) you are instilling the thought first in your conscious mind, and then in your subconscious.

Second, when you place the reminder in a strategic place, where you will see it often, you give the thought the opportunity to go directly to the subconscious.Think about subliminal messages.If advertisers take advantage of this method so freely and so successfully, why can't we "trick" ourselves too?

2. meditate

Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

I am a person who goes into deep trances on a regular basis, and I test all kinds of meditations and breathing, so I can attest to the benefits of allowing your mind to be brought into a relaxed, unthinking state.

"Thoughtless might be the wrong word; focused is probably more accurate."

Next time you catch yourself daydreaming, stop for a moment and think about how focused and in tune you were with your thoughts. That's the state of mind you should shoot for when meditating. Relax until you are literally lost in thought.

Make sure you have a focused topic while you are immersing yourself in meditation or your thoughts may be misdirected. Take a minute to specifically identify the goals you want to achieve or the problem you want to solve. Once you have them clearly in mind, close your eyes, control your breathing, and relax your body. Don't allow thesethoughts leave your head. Now visualize (see step 3) yourself reaching goals or functioning in a world where your problem has been solved.

Continue in this state for as long as you feel necessary and repeat as needed.

3. view

123rf/Alberto Andrei Rosu

Visualization works best when it accompanies meditation, but it doesn't have to. Meditation puts you in a relaxed state, which makes it easier to create visual sequences. By creating visual sequences, you put yourself in a situation that you anticipate before it actually happens. This allows your brain to adapt to the situation that is about to occur.

Essentially, visualization is practice for the brain. It is not unlike practicing a sporting event, but instead of training muscles, you are training your brain, so you know how you want it to respond in a specific scenario.

To visualize, all you do is create mental images (some people prefer videos) of yourself successfully accomplishing something. You would actually see yourself performing the task, either in third or first person, whichever you prefer.

It is important to remember to create the image in as much detail as possible, noting things like sounds and smells. The more detailed the visualization, the more successful it will be.

Visualize through the entire event or performance, imagining the desired result and all the excitement that comes with it. Allow yourself to feel the joy you will feel when you successfully complete the task. Make it as real and accurate as possible. Repeat as needed and don't stop until you are convinced you have achieved the goal.

4. tell others about your goal

Ekaterina Bolovtsova / Pexels

If you were to state your goal or desire out loud on a daily basis, your subconscious mind would have no choice but to listen. To speak, your brain needs to formulate thoughts, and to formulate thoughts, your brain must first compile and organize those thoughts. Something as simple as telling others about your plans requires you to make important decisions before you cando so.

See_also: Contempt: how to deal with this feeling?

"The whole process is orchestrated by your conscious mind, which transmits the plan to the subconscious mind."

Suddenly you have opened the communication channel between the two minds by simply stating your thoughts. While you are explaining, your subconscious has already started working on how you will reach your goal.

A beneficial byproduct of this step is the accountability factor.This is another strategy I used when I started my weight loss plan.The more people who tell you about your plan, the more people you will lose if you fail to achieve it.For me, the accountability aspect adds an extra element of motivation to my already desired goal.It is also a great help when dealing withprocrastination.

5. talk to people who have already been there

123rf/Antonio Guillem

Trails are climbed for a reason. Can you imagine if every time you wanted to do something you had to start completely from scratch? What if recipes had to be invented new each time? Or if computers were not created based on successes and failures of previous constructions? Imagine how impossible progression would be on this planet.

Fortunately, this is not the case in manufacturing and cooking, and there is no reason for this to happen in life. If there is something you would like to do with your life, talk to someone who has already done it. If you can't get in touch with them, read all you can about them or study their career. Do everything in your power to follow the path they have created for themselves. If there issomething you prefer to do differently, you can always deviate, but there is no need to insist on being a pioneer to get to the same place someone else already has.

You don't have to stop being your own person to follow a success plan.

Having a plan that is already proven successful will allow your subconscious mind to work with the details of the plan, rather than designing its own plan. The closer you can get your subconscious mind to the heart of the matter, the better.

It begins with starting down the right road.

6. set a deadline

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Tell your subconscious that you are serious. If you were to combine a deadline with the factor of responsibility, you would have no choice but to meet your goal.

A deadline tells your subconscious mind that there is an urgent matter at hand and this must be resolved immediately. Your mind will sense the importance of the matter and will make all necessary adjustments to make sure that proper attention is given to solving this problem, which it perceives to be the most urgent.

Even if it is not the most important thing going on in your life, a deadline will keep your mind working until it is met.

The amazing thing about the subconscious mind is that it does whatever it takes to accomplish the things you ask. Attaching a deadline to a specific goal simply increases the rate at which the subconscious mind works, without you realizing it.

7. keep the focus

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"It is extremely easy to get distracted from the most important goals."

Usually, when you lose focus on what's important, it's because your conscious mind gets busy with something. Although your subconscious mind wants to keep working on the original plan, your attention is diverted from the end goal to something more timely, but usually not as important.

When your focus shifts, the ability of your subconscious mind to take on and solve the problems you have laid out becomes significantly less. To compensate for this, you need to make a conscious effort to keep your focus on the problems you want your subconscious mind to concentrate on. By this I mean that you need to be aware of the distractions that are presented to your mindconscious and do their best to expel them.

Once you understand how to filter your thoughts so that only the absolutely important ones reach your subconscious, you will be well on your way to realizing your potential.

8. chart progress

The only way to really understand progress is to see where you were and compare it to where you are now. Seeing a visual map of the road you have traveled is an important step toward reaching your ultimate goal.

To start, follow the goal you would like to achieve, the one you are calling on your subconscious mind to accomplish, and write everything down in as much detail as you can.

Next, identify some of the stages or milestones that you plan to reach on the way to achieving that goal. Keep them in your mind as necessary references.

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Now, by addressing these benchmarks, you can see how far you have come and how much further you need to go.

The roadmap lets your subconscious know that you are on the right track, that you are making progress, and what the next benchmark is, so that you can apply your efforts accordingly.

9. be realistic

123rf/Piotr Marcinski

It is easy to tell your subconscious that your goal is to end world hunger, however when you do this and realize that this goal is beyond your scope, you have committed yourself to failure. As a result, you become discouraged and risk losing faith in yourself.

A better way to achieve your goal is to set a goal that challenges you, but is realistic. If ending world hunger is your ultimate goal, how about setting your first goal to end hunger in your community? Once you achieve that goal, you can broaden your scope and work on something bigger.

Give your subconscious mind a challenging goal, but take it in stride. Going for everything right off the bat is a recipe for disaster.

10. persevere and persist

Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

"Understand now that there will be setbacks; there will be struggles and difficulties."

But keep in mind that these things are only temporary. No setbacks have to be permanent. They only become so if you allow them to. It is your responsibility to train your subconscious and conscious minds to see the difference between setbacks and failures.

When you hit an obstacle, go around it. When you have a bridge to cross, cross it with confidence.

Tell yourself that no matter what, you will achieve that goal. Your subconscious mind, once it has the assurance that you want to work on a goal, will do whatever it takes to succeed. But if it has a little doubt (i.e. you are not fully convinced of what you want or whether you are able to accomplish it), then it struggles to find solutions.

Be persistent, persevere through the hard times, decide with confidence what you want, and don't allow any temporary setbacks to throw you off course.

If you convey this message to your subconscious mind by making a conscious decision that this is what you want, your subconscious mind will respond.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.