Chakras: what they are and how they work

 Chakras: what they are and how they work

Tom Cross

If you are someone who values the connection between your body and your mind, you must have heard about the chakras, because they play a fundamental role in maintaining your health, be it physical or mental.

But how do the chakras act in a person's body? What do they mean, and where are they located? To clarify your thoughts about these and other questions, pay attention to the content we have prepared below.

After all, what is chakra?

You have already discovered that the chakras are an important part of your well-being. But what are chakras? In Sanskrit, the language from which the word originated, "chakra" means "wheel". In a spiritual aspect, this wheel is a center of vital energy that has the function of absorbing vibrations and bringing them into a person's organism.

In the human body, there are seven main chakras. When they are open and balanced, energy flows freely through them. When they are closed and unbalanced, however, the interruption of the energy flow turns into physical, mental, and emotional problems.

In other words, to prevent an imbalance of energies from taking over your body and compromising your quality of life, it is recommended that you learn more about the chakras. Start by discovering the history of these vibrational centers in the next topic.

A bit of history

The first written content about the chakras was found in the sacred Hindu scriptures, the Vedas, in the 2nd century B.C. It even states that there are 32 chakras, or 88,000 of them, in other passages. Nevertheless, it is a consensus that there are seven main chakras.

Since then, the understanding of the chakras has become more popular all over the world, mainly through the practice of Yoga and Ayurveda. Both techniques seek the balance between body and mind, using the powers of the chakras to do so. And how is this process possible? Learn more about each of the chakras in the human body.

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The 7 chakras

There are seven main chakras spread throughout your body, and each one has a specific function in your vibrations. In addition, the chakras are related to certain colors and stones, which can activate and balance them, when necessary. Understand more about them!

Chakra Colors

You may have already noticed that your mood changes according to the colors that are around you. This power of colors also causes them to be associated with the chakras, as follows:

  1. Chakra Muladhara: Red
  2. Svadhisthana chakra: Orange
  3. Manipura Chakra: Yellow
  4. Anahata Chakra: Green
  5. Chakra Visuddha: Blue
  6. Chakra Ajna: Anil.
  7. Chakra Sahasrara: Violet.

Chakra stones

Another natural element that concentrates energies, besides the colors, are the natural stones. In this sense, they are responsible for invigorating and aligning the chakras to which they are related. Learn about the chakra stones:

  1. Muladhara chakra: Red tourmaline, red garnet and red quartz
  2. Svadhisthana chakra: Imperial topaz, sun-stone and cornaline
  3. Manipura chakra: Yellow jasper, yellow topaz and amber
  4. Anahata Chakra: Green quartz, emerald and green tourmaline
  5. Chakra Visuddha: Aquamarine, turquoise, blue quartz and lavender quartz
  6. Ajna chakra: Sapphire, sodalite and intense blue quartz
  7. Chakra Sahasrara: Amethyst, lolite and fluorite

Did you notice that the chakra stones have the same colors that are associated with them? It's a simple way to remember what they are. Now let's understand better what are the characteristics of each energy center in your body:

1) Muladhara: the basic chakra

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The basic chakra, called Muladhara, is related to the Earth element and to everything solid in the human body, such as bones and muscles.

This chakra is located at the base of the spine and symbolizes the survival instincts, i.e. it helps you see what you need to have in life to survive, and to identify your purpose.

On a physical aspect, the adrenal glands receive the vibrations of this chakra. In addition, smell is the sense associated with the base chakra, since it is from it that we can easily get in touch with the earth.

Muladhara chakra out of balance

Since the Muladhara chakra represents solidity, when it is unbalanced, it is as if a person is without roots. This usually happens when he lacks willpower in everyday life and when he is unable to make decisions. Thus, he does not have a firm foundation to build on, which brings a feeling of persistent insecurity.

An imbalance in this chakra can also bring a sense of constant fear, since it is associated with survival. When this occurs, it becomes more difficult to lead a centered and rational life, creating a restless and fearful spirit.

Another negative point of the unbalance of this chakra is the occurrence of health problems, especially in the bones and muscles. Among them, we can list leg and joint diseases, as well as back pain and hemorrhoids.

How to align and activate the Muladhara chakra

To avoid the problems arising from the imbalance of the Muladhara chakra, it is possible to take some simple steps. The first of these is to perform the Yoga mountain posture, standing upright with your posture and arms up. In this way, the vibration of the earth will pass through your entire body.

You can also activate the first chakra of your body by using the color or stones associated with it. In the process, reflect on your plans for the future and try to connect more with nature.

2) Svadhisthana: the sacral chakra or sex chakra

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The Svadhisthana chakra is associated with the Water element and everything that is liquid in the body, such as blood, urine, and reproductive fluids.

The location of this chakra is from the region below the navel to the sacrum, corresponding to the human reproductive system, be it male or female. Therefore Svadhisthana is related to the pleasure we feel.

In the physical body, the Svadhisthana chakra commands the testicles and ovaries, precisely because it is related to the reproduction process. And the sense associated to this chakra is taste.

Svadhisthana chakra out of balance

The imbalance in the Svadhisthana chakra occurs when a person represses his or her own desires, whether sexual or otherwise, because he or she feels guilty in some way. As a consequence of this imbalance, the individual may notice a difficulty in becoming intimate with another person, especially in a sexual relationship.

Excessive jealousy and fear are also present in the imbalance of this chakra, which can cause an individual to distance himself from another, or a person from his true desires.

On a physical aspect, the interruption of the energy flow in Svadhisthana can cause impotence, uterine problems, frigidity, stiffness in the lumbar region of the back, and kidney-related diseases.

How to align and activate the Svadhisthana chakra

Despite the negative characteristics of the misalignment of the Svadhisthana chakra, it is possible to bring its vibrations back into the sky.

If you want to activate Svadhisthana, evaluate what your desires are and forgive yourself for feeling them, recognizing that they are natural.

3) Manipura: the solar plexus chakra or umbilical chakra

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Associated with the fire element, the Manipura chakra controls the metabolism of the human body, commanding what happens inside and outside the cells.

This chakra is located in the solar plexus, which is the navel region. The energies that are filtered and disseminated by it give us willpower and self-confidence to be able to show the world who we are.

In the body, Manipura controls the vibrations of the pancreas and adrenal glands, actively participating in the entire functioning of the human body, from the moment we wake up to when we go to sleep. The sense associated with this chakra is vision.

Manipura chakra out of balance

An imbalance in the Manipura chakra can be associated with a lack of self-love or low self-esteem. The result of this disruption of energies can prevent a person from feeling good about who they are, accepting less than they deserve, and not being in the mood to shine.

Furthermore, Manipura in imbalance can stimulate indecision and insecurity, when the energies are lacking. If they are in excess, the chakra can generate an excess of self-confidence, which is also harmful to a person.

Regarding the physical body, the imbalance of Manipura negatively affects the digestive process, which can cause ulcers and worsen diabetes, since the chakra is located in the belly region.

How to align and activate the Manipura chakra

The best way to align the Manipura chakra is to stimulate the place where your navel is, as if there were a flame inside it that needs to be lit. The Navasana posture is perfect for this. You just need to sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward and lift them, holding the bottom of your knees with both hands, one on each leg.

The activation of the Manipura chakra is a bit simpler. For this goal, you can start to sunbathe every day, to receive the energies of this star, and you should undergo therapy, to find out what is hindering your self-esteem and your ability to make decisions.

4) Anahata: the heart chakra

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Anahata is an air chakra that symbolizes lightness and freedom, and is a symbol of pure and unconditional love.

Because of this, the Anahata chakra is located in the heart, known for storing our emotions. Love, in this case, is the emotion that prevails. But this feeling is the one we cultivate for ourselves, besides others, being more sincere.

Logically, the chakra is responsible for commanding the lungs and heart, and is associated with the thymus, so the cardiorespiratory system receives the vibrations of the Anahata, unless there is an imbalance. In addition, the sense associated with this chakra is touch.

Anahata Chakra out of balance

An imbalance in the Anahata chakra can be caused by an excess of guilt and anger over past situations that have created emotional hurt. From this, it becomes more difficult to express love, show compassion, and create empathy for other people.

On the other hand, if the Anahata vibration is in excess, an individual can end up suffering because of situations and experiences of other people that have not even directly affected him or her. This also makes it difficult to develop a deeper and more pleasurable relationship with others.

In the physical body, the imbalance of Anahata results in heart and respiratory problems. It is common to observe changes in blood pressure and difficulty in taking a breath, even if there is no apparent reason for it.

How to align and activate the Anahata chakra

In order not to suffer too much for others and to maintain the health of the physical body, it is fundamental to align the Anahata chakra. And this can be done with the Yoga Crescent Moon posture, which consists of squatting on the floor, bending one leg forward and stretching the other backward, bending the body also backward toward the feet, with the arms stretched upward.

The activation of the Anahata chakra can also happen through forgiveness of the past. It is necessary to dissipate the hurt and resentment, forgiving what has passed in order to move on. A ritual of self-care and reconnection with one's inner self will also help.

5) Visuddha: the laryngeal chakra

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Visuddha is the chakra associated with the element Ether, which is space, and represents the ability to communicate ideas and feelings.

This chakra is located in the neck and shoulders, and is known as the throat chakra, so it is easy to understand how it relates to a person's speech and the way they express their thoughts.

In relation to the physical body, Visuddha is associated with the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which control a person's appetite, mood, metabolism, mood, and sleep. The health of the neck, throat, and hearing are connected to this chakra, whose sense is hearing.

Visuddha chakra out of balance

Visuddha imbalance occurs when a person feels unable to say what he thinks and what he feels, as if he were repressing himself. As a consequence, he may isolate himself and become more timid, lacking the courage to speak out.

At the same time, if the chakra is over-functioning, also unbalanced, it is possible for an individual to start talking more than he should, failing to listen to the people around him, which also causes withdrawal and impairs creativity.

In the physical body, the imbalance of Visuddha manifests itself in the form of frequent sore throats, thyroid problems, difficulty hearing, and pain in the neck region, such as torticollis.

How to align and activate the Visuddha chakra

The best way to avoid the negative effects of the Visuddha imbalance is by aligning the chakra. In this case, simply chanting chakra affirmations, repeating them out loud, will free your voice. If you choose a specific affirmation for the Visuddha, the effects will be even better.

But activating the chakra doesn't have to be noisy. In fact, you can stimulate the Visuddha by writing your thoughts in a journal or even sending messages to a person. The important thing is to release your ideas from inside your head.

6) Ajna: the frontal chakra

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The Ajna chakra is known as the command chakra, because it controls our perceptions about the world. It is associated with the Light element.

Located in the center of the head, at the back of the forehead, this chakra is what allows a person to see beyond reality. You probably know it as the third eye chakra, which brings illumination to our thoughts.

In the physical aspect, Ajna is associated with a small gland in the center of the head, which is called the pituitary. It controls an individual's sleep and wakefulness, as well as strengthening immunity and balancing stress. The element associated with the chakra is vision.

Ajna chakra out of balance

An imbalance in the Ajna chakra can be the result of a refusal to follow one's intuition. Gradually, this voice of conscience begins to be silenced, and the person may have more difficulty making decisions and relating to other individuals, getting into unpleasant situations.

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If Ajna is emitting more vibrations than normal, one may believe that one is seeing things or become very suspicious about everything one sees and thinks. For this reason, it is fundamental to work on the alignment of this chakra.

The effect of the imbalance in the physical body can be seen with the occurrence of vision problems, headaches, insomnia, or even excessive sleeping. A drop in immunity is also predicted in this case.

How to align and activate the Ajna chakra

Fortunately, it is simple to align the Ajna chakra. You need to reproduce the Yoga dolphin pose, in which you should stand with both feet on the floor and legs apart, and bend your body forward. Put your forearms on the floor next to your head, and make sure your forehead is in contact with the ground.

Another way to activate Ajna is to exercise your mediumship, since it is closely related to your intuition. So, regardless of what your religion is, start listening more to the voice that exists in your mind, in various situations of your day.

7) Sahasrara: the crown chakra

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The Sahasrara chakra is associated with the element Thought, and the symbol that represents it is composed of a thousand petals of a lotus flower.

At the top of the head, where it is located, the Sahasrara acquires a spiritual function. Thanks to it, we can perceive the reality that surrounds us and connect to it, as well as elaborate thoughts about the meaning of our existences.

Thinking of the physical body, the Sahasrara chakra is associated with the pineal gland, which controls the functioning of all other glands in the body, responsible for metabolism, reproduction, growth, and the production of hormones.

Sahasrara chakra out of balance

Considering the importance of the Sahasrara chakra to the body, an imbalance in it can be disastrous. In general, this is caused when a person is not connected to his or her own spirituality and does not exercise self-knowledge routinely.

The main effect of this imbalance is the feeling of loneliness, which leads to difficulty in connecting with others and with oneself, and to cultivating limiting beliefs or losing faith altogether, regardless of which one.

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On the physical level, the imbalance of the Sahasrara results in a difficulty to concentrate, to learn new content, and to keep the memory functioning. In some cases, it can aggravate depression conditions.

How to align and activate the Sahasrara chakra

The alignment of the Sahasrara chakra is done from the Yoga Sirsasana posture. With a high level of difficulty, it consists of supporting the head and forearms on the ground and raising both legs perpendicular to the ground, as if doing the "planting banana trees" movement, but with the arms and head supported on the ground.

Another way to activate the Sahasrara is to practice material detachment. It is also recommended to consume enough vitamin B and exercise, releasing serotonin, which activates the functioning of the pineal gland.

Why study about them and chakra alignment

After learning in detail about each of the main chakras of the human body, you have realized how important they are to your well-being. When we understand the energy centers spread throughout our bodies, we can balance our vibrations with ease, preventing physical illness and bad feelings.

This way, when you feel some maladjustment in your physical body or in your emotions, you will know which chakra may be functioning in an inadequate way. Then you can seek specific content about it or even reiki on the chakras, therapy that can rebuild the energetic flow in your body.

It is also important to know the foods for each chakra, as well as the definitions of each, in order to feed your body not only with the nutrients it needs, but with the vibrations your body needs to function well. In other words, the more you learn about the chakras, the more mechanisms you will have to regulate your health.

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If you want to keep your body and mind in balance and perfectly connected, you already know what to do. Keep reading other content about the chakras to ensure that your energy centers are vibrating what you need most to feel good and happy!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.