Ho'oponopono magic: learn how it can change your life

 Ho'oponopono magic: learn how it can change your life

Tom Cross

Have you ever stopped to think about the power that words have? It is based on this thought that the magical Ho'oponopono was developed.

Stop to think: many times, negative people, who are always complaining about their lives, end up dealing with different kinds of problems and challenges in their routine. Meanwhile, more positive individuals, who manage to take life more lightly, find a more pleasant way to live.

This is because what we say has power! When we say certain words, we are throwing them out to the Universe, which may well return the favor. For this reason, it is important to keep a positive attitude and think carefully before you say anything.

The magical Ho'oponopono, which was developed based on the traditional Hawaiian mantra, takes this into consideration and bets precisely on the power of words to guarantee greater tranquility, peace of mind, and quality of life for its practitioners.

Therefore, it is possible to say that this technique, which can be considered a type of meditation, is capable of creating opportunities for people's future. And who doesn't want that, right?

In this article you will understand more about the magical Ho'oponopono, what it means, how it is practiced, the differences between the original and this new division, and, of course, check out some videos that will help you in this beautiful mission: the search for a more positive and pleasant life.

Let's go?

What does the magic Ho'oponopono mean?

Understanding what something means is the first step to implementing it successfully in your life, so before you go performing the magical Ho'oponopono in any way and thereby not getting all its benefits, it is important to know what it means - and that is what we are going to explain to you now!

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Simply put, magical Ho'oponopono means a way of living in which you reprogram your brain, your habits, and your actions to act more consciously and in accordance with your goals.

In this way, this new mantra prevents you from letting negativity take over your routine. In other words, by mentalizing good and, in fact, transformative things, you evolve on your journey in a very special way.

Thus, it is possible to say that the magical Ho'oponopono is not only a mantra, but also a way of life that means a radical and magical evolution in the routine of its practitioners.

How does Ho'oponopono work?

Pixabay / Pexels

But how does the magical Ho'oponopono work?

Like the traditional Hawaiian mantra, this technique works by mentalizing certain terms that will intensify in the mind of its practitioners and thus promote their change of routine.

It is important that you practice the magical Ho'oponopono in a quiet place, where you will not have any interruptions and can repeat your mantra 108 times - the sacred number that enhances this moment of evolution.

In this category, you can create your own mantra or adapt the terms you already know so that they are directly related to the elements you want to change in your life.

But it is important to keep in mind that the magical Ho'oponopono will not transform just one pillar in you, and that this change will not happen overnight.

The goal is that it will take you away from everything that has been programmed into your mind since childhood, so that you can see life in a more positive way and reconnect with your true self. And, of course, you have to be patient, because despite the name, nothing in life appears magically, but with effort and determination.

Beth Russo, for example, is a Ho'oponopono magician who created the mantra "Life, surprise me". Many people claim that with it they have achieved their goals in a much simpler and more powerful way.

How to do the Magic Ho'oponopono?

Eternal Happiness / Pexels

Ho'oponopono can be used to eliminate anxiety, fear, and to attract a desired outcome or goal, including financial prosperity. When we apply this technique of repeating a "mantra" or the words that elicit our desires, we allow limiting beliefs to surface and be modified. In this way we bless the opportunity to transform or dismiss themWhen we practice with a goal in mind, we channel energy to achieve it.

Beth Russo, for example, created the mantra "Life, surprise me," and with this phrase, thousands of Ho'oponopono practitioners have magically declared they have achieved even more than their desired goal.

To do the Magic Ho'oponopono, each person must repeat (speaking or mentalizing) a phrase that has to do with what he or she desires. You can adopt the mantra above or even: "Blessed money, I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, I am grateful". In addition, when the phrase is repeated 108 times, this sacred number speeds up and potentiates the action of the technique. See Beth Russo's video. It is common to use the japamala(string used for meditation) with that many beads to guide the counting.

In addition, this Magical Ho'oponopono can also be directed to other situations, for which we hope for abundance, prosperity, understanding and healing. You can create your phrase related to love, health, family, work, relationships and others. The important thing is to focus your goal and include the four main phrases. The repetition of the phrases "I'm sorry", "Forgive me", "II love" and "I am grateful" enables us to get into a vibration of regret and forgiveness for the bad relationship with something, while at the same time blessing, thanking, and opening ourselves to other experiences, connecting us to the abundance of existence. The 108 repetitions allow us to reach the frequency of creation of the expected reality.

Differences between the magical and the original Ho'oponopono

The magical Ho'oponopono, created by Beth Russo, does not have such marked differences from the traditional practice.

As we said above, it is also based on repeating words - 108 times, to be exact - and terms that are special to you. The main change is that you can adapt the mantra to fit what you are most looking for in your life.

Moreover, its creator is a mental and motivational reprogrammer. For this reason, she does not encourage this practice to be done by people who do not want to truly change their habits.

For her, the first step to ensure that this practice is successful is that people are not afraid to discover who they really are, after all, the magical Ho'oponopono is based on self-knowledge and reconnecting with their own essence.

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In addition, the magical Ho'oponopono also has a new mantra, also by Beth Russo: "Life, surprise me" opens a signal to the universe, which understands that people are prepared for new possibilities that they might not otherwise handle very well.

Once again betting on the power of words, this term calls for transformations instead of betting only on empty complaints that are not accompanied by actions.

How to use the japamala to count 108 times in Ho'oponopono?

Ravi Krishnan Gupta / Shutterstock

Nowadays there are applications with japamala to guide the repetition counting in the Magic Ho'oponopono, but it can be purchased at religious or Indian products stores, for example. This string with 108 beads should be held in the right hand, straight between the thumb and the other fingers, except the index finger (it represents the ego and should be left out when using the technique).

Thus, for each completed repetition, a bead is moved downwards with the thumb in the direction of the practitioner. The largest bead (meru) is not used in the repetition. It only guides the direction to be followed, as well as the beginning and the end of the counting. Each bead represents one repetition. When finished, if you wish to restart, start again from the end, turning the japamala over. Do not pass over the meru. It must not betold, it is only a reference.

After finishing the Magic Ho'oponopono, if you have made use of the japamala, keep it in a safe place reserved for it. From time to time, energize this sacred object by holding it in your left hand and circulating a lit incense of your choice (sandalwood is a good option) with your right hand, mentalizing purification, power, and protection.

Ho'oponopono magic 108 times for women

To ensure that the magical Ho'oponopono is performed correctly, Beth Russo makes a series of videos available on her YouTube channel to help people with this very important and transformative mission. Here, we highlight one that is geared towards women and, in the frequency of love, allows the cleansing in your subconscious to be done in a pleasant way.

Ho'oponopono magic 108 times for men

Beth Russo has also made available a video of the magical Ho'oponopono for men. With her soothing voice, she helps people of this sex to mentalize the mantra in the correct frequency, in a soothing and very special way. In addition, she helps to ensure that the repetition is done 108 times, the sacred and magical number, helping those who do not have the japamala or have not yet mastered its use.

Finally, we realize that Ho'oponopono enables the cleaning of bad cellular memories recorded in the unconscious that influence our behaviors. It allows us to overcome the blockages that these memories impose. Thus, it is possible to free oneself from the symptoms of suffering, pain and stagnation.

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The Magic Ho'oponopono can be practiced by anyone because it is very simple, requiring only dedication and the repetition of words associated with a goal for 108 times. Through this Hawaiian transmutation technique, we can create a deep frequency of repentance, forgiveness, love and gratitude to connect with the abundance of life, rescuing our essence and ourTry it! Incorporate the practice and experience magical results.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.