Jade Stone: Learn how to use its therapeutic effects

 Jade Stone: Learn how to use its therapeutic effects

Tom Cross

Although it is best known for an unmistakable shade of green, the jade stone Besides being a beautiful crystal, this gift from nature provides great energy for your body and mind.

Meaning of the jade stone

Starting with the meaning of the name that the jade stone receives and to learn more about the crystal, we found out that the term comes from Spanish. In the language, the stone is known as "piedra de ijada", being translated as "flank stone". In other words, this crystal is associated with the hip and kidney area.

What is a jade stone used for?

After understanding that the jade stone is associated with specific parts of the human body, you may be wondering how the crystal acts on them. With the next topics, learn what effect the jade stone has on your body, your mind, and your environments.

1) Physical body

As the name of the stone says, it is responsible for promoting the healing of the kidneys in the physical body, which means that the crystal releases the toxins that accumulate in these organs. Other effects of the jade stone on the body are to balance the functioning of the spleen and to increase fertility.

2) Spiritual body

In the spiritual body, the jade stone is directed toward a person's interiority and is associated with the 4th chakra (Heart). In this way, the crystal promotes inner peace, elevates spirituality, facilitates the building of lasting relationships, and can stimulate dreams that bring reflective messages.

3) Environments

When used in environments, the jade stone functions as a protective amulet against negative vibrations. In other words, it wards off any kind of negativity while stimulating positivity and well-being.

Symbology of the jade stone

Dejwish / 123rf

Many of the effects of the jade stone have become known from the experiences of ancient peoples, so to delve deeper into the powers of this crystal, it is important to understand what was thought about it in ancient times.

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In the Orient, it was believed that the jade stone could reveal the voice of the beloved one by carefully striking the crystal. The resulting sound would be very similar to that of the love of the person who struck the stone.

On the other hand, in Egypt and Mexico, it was common to add a jade stone inside the mouth of the deceased. At that time, people thought that this gesture would bring protection in the afterlife.

Curiosities about the jade stone

All the positive characteristics we have seen about the jade stone are intensified for certain professions and for certain signs. In other words, it works as a power stone for those who choose a certain career and intensifies the characteristics of certain zodiac natives. Learn more:

Jade Stone and the professions

Professions that are benefited by the powers of the jade stone are those that involve contact with the public or care of the earth. In these cases, the love and healing energies of the crystal help professionals to do their own work. Therefore, professionals that can use the jade stone as a power stone are:

  • Communicators
  • Educators
  • Nurses
  • Farmers
  • Gardeners
  • Military
  • Musicians
  • Veterinarians

Jade stone and the signs

Through astrology, it is possible to establish a relationship between the energies that the jade stone vibrates and the characteristics of some signs. Analyze how these vibrations manifest themselves specifically in the signs:

  • Taurus: intensifies the protection of the native of the sign and favors personal growth
  • Virgo: stimulates the functioning of the mind and provides professional success
  • Libra: attracts good luck and inspires relationship building

How to use the jade stone

Olena Rudo / Canva

If you follow any profession related to the jade stone, were born under a sign that is connected to it, or simply like this crystal, the best thing to do is to understand how to use the mineral.

To get a good night's sleep, for example, you only need to place the jade stone under your pillow. You are likely to have revelatory dreams afterwards.

If you want to use the ancient knowledge of the jade stone, you can still place the crystal on the part of your body that corresponds to your kidneys or on your hip, so that the energies act directly on these regions.

You can also place the jade stone on your chest when meditating to promote healing of your feelings. In this case, you should imagine that the crystal is emitting a green light that covers your entire body, bringing you tranquility and relief.

However, if you feel you need to protect your home or workplace from both negative energies and possible conflicts that may arise, bet on a jade stone as a decoration item.

How do I clean my jade stone?

As you use your jade stone, you will notice a small buildup of impurities on the surface of the crystal.

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To clean it, you need to wash the stone under running water, or put rock salt and water in a container and leave the crystal in there for about an hour.

How to energize the jade stone?

The jade stone's energies need to be replenished over time, so when it comes time to energize it, you should expose the crystal to the sun's rays for an hour or leave it in the moonlight for four hours.

Precautions about Jade Stone

Because it is a protective stone, emanating many vibrations to protect you, and absorbing negativity, it is essential that you clean and energize your jade stone at least once a month. This way you ensure that only the best vibrations of the crystal will accompany you.

From the information presented, we understand that the jade stone is a protective crystal, but it also promotes good feelings and can improve the health of the physical body in some aspects. If you want to live in balance and tranquility, this mineral is the best choice for you.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.