Waking up at 3 a.m. according to Spiritism

 Waking up at 3 a.m. according to Spiritism

Tom Cross

Have you ever stopped to notice how many times you have woken up at a certain hour of the morning? Have you ever wondered if this could have some deeper explanation? Could this be a sign from your body or a message from some spiritual plane, something above our human understanding?

Before we think about the hypotheses, it is important to know a little bit about the mechanisms that make our body work - this includes sleeping and waking up.

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The hands of the biological clock

Our body is like a little clock that runs a series of mechanisms that regulate themselves between day and night. And what keeps these biological processes going - such as metabolism, sleep, hunger, wakefulness, mood, among others - is the so-called circadian rhythm (or cycle).

This cycle is a period of approximately 24 hours (or 1 day, hence the name, from the Latin "circa" = "about"; "diem" = "day") influenced by exposure to different types of light throughout the day.

cottonbro / Pexels

It is the circadian rhythm that regulates our body's physical, chemical, psychological, and physiological activity. Thus, it regulates factors such as appetite, hormone levels, wakefulness, body temperature, sleep schedule, metabolism, and blood pressure, among other functions essential to our health and survival.

Beings of Light

We are completely influenced by light, since it is the main factor that determines our biological rhythm, including the regulation of hormone levels in the body. Light is important for waking us up, but the absence of it is essential for us to be able to sleep.

Darkness is necessary for our body to produce a hormone called melatonin. This hormone is extremely important in repairing our cells, which during the day are exposed to stress and other factors harmful to our health. It is secreted while we sleep and depends on the dark to be produced.

João Jesus / Pexels

When dawn breaks and brightness takes over the environment, our retina detects the light, causing the production of melatonin to be inhibited. The brain then sends stimuli to the adrenal glands, which increase the production of cortisol - the hormone responsible for keeping us alert, as well as controlling stress and keeping blood glucose levels constant.harmful to our body, especially to our bones, cognition, and to the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The importance of sleep for the body

We know how important sleep is for our organism, because it is during sleep that our systems clean out toxic substances that have accumulated in the body throughout the day.

And, for this to occur, we need to be in a deep sleep phase, and the body keeps working intensely to keep us sleeping. This demands a series of groups of neurons from the central nervous system, which also depend on several factors for everything to occur efficiently. Among these factors are genetics, our routine, what we eat, some diseases, change intime zone, use of medications or drugs, among others.

A factor called chronotype is also key in establishing our sleep pattern; that is, people are genetically programmed to sleep at certain hours, and this determines why some are more active during the day, while others are more functional during the night.

What about when we can't sleep?

Regardless of your sleep pattern or quality of life, it is very common for us to wake up a few times during sleep. From a neurological point of view, it is completely normal to wake up slightly, which usually occurs during sleep phase transitions.

Ivan Oboleninov / Pexels

Generally we tend to have these micro-awakenings at the same time every day. This can be related to the time when a transition between sleep stages occurs (almost always from a deeper to a lighter stage), or to other factors, such as respiratory problems, metabolization period, alcohol intake before bedtime, environmental factors, and others.

And why always at the same time?

Some people are impressed by the fact that they always wake up at a certain time in the morning, and it is not always a peaceful awakening or one that passes quickly, allowing the person to go back to sleep soon afterwards.

And, as we explained before, it is quite common to wake up almost always at the same time. But, regardless of the biological reasons, there is always a doubt in our minds: "Why always at this same time? This leads us to questioning, causing us to seek explanations often beyond what science can prove.

Speaking of hours, what does it mean to wake up at 3 o'clock?

What if the schedules have to do with something that goes beyond our more rational side? What if each schedule had a deeper symbolism, going beyond our logical understanding?

If you have started waking up every day at 3 a.m., for example, and you are looking for a spiritual justification, there are several currents that can explain this phenomenon.

Ivan Oboleninov / Pexels

According to Catholicism, because it is the opposite of the time when Jesus would have died on the cross (3:00 p.m.), this time is an indication of the influence of negative energies in your life, affecting your sleep. It is the so-called Devil's hour. No wonder waking up at this time is a reason for apprehension and even panic.

For traditional Chinese medicine, waking up at this time of the day can indicate that your health is not doing well. This time of the day is associated with anxiety, depression, and sadness. It is necessary to strengthen the energies that control the area of happiness. The ideal would be to seek professional help for this purpose.

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How spiritualism sees waking up at 3 AM

For spiritualism, waking up at 3 a.m. brings another connotation. During the early morning, there is a period that constitutes the beginning of the organization of the following day. This period starts around 2 a.m. and is a transition phase for rebirth.

Every day, we need to be energized to start our journey in a conscious way. When we are not purified, energized, there is a spiritual movement that takes charge of our awakening to recover this consciousness. This energetic call has the purpose of cleaning the psyche of the day that passed, so that you don't carry with you for the next day all thisaccumulated negativity.

The psyche is an energy field created through thoughts and feelings; it is a product of the various stages of improvement that we go through throughout time, including this life and past ones.

This hour, for spiritualists, is a moment of sensitivity, in which our spiritual activity is placed in vigilance. It is a call to spiritual awakening, in which we must seek elevation, improvement, and regeneration of our soul.

The goal is spiritual elevation

If you woke up at 3 a.m., take the time to pray and give thanks in order to elevate your spirituality. But don't only seek your awareness at this time. Always try to reflect on your habits, thoughts and feelings. Resentment, for example, can activate emotions and thoughts that will bring you negativity. And, by habit, you can automate this behavior, accumulatingbad energies.

Hence the importance of stimulating this analysis of your mental states in search of improvement in the way you act, think, and relate. This is the only way to obtain control of the psyche and, with it, maintain harmony and balance - yours and humanity's.

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If you were apprehensive about waking up at this time, now, with this content we have prepared, you will certainly have no reason to worry. But don't forget to take care of your body as well as your mind, because sleep is the key to a life with more quality and health.

If you have been experiencing stress and anxiety, seek professional help. Try to exercise, eat properly, and try to sleep at the right time, leaving aside all visual stimuli, because they affect your sleep even in the deepest stages. And if you have any religion, try saying a prayer before going to bed.

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Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.