Meaning of the color lilac: learn what this color can convey

 Meaning of the color lilac: learn what this color can convey

Tom Cross

White is the color of peace and red is the color of passion. Statements like these seem obvious, since colors tend to take on very specific meanings in our society. If you look closely, they have a huge influence on the way we dress, feel, and behave. But why is that?

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Color psychology is a line of study of the human mind that tries to decipher the relationship between colors and our behaviors. It is no coincidence, for example, that red and yellow are present in the logos of most fast food restaurants. The idea is to cause hunger, sense of urgency and still ensure a good experience. In general, it works, doesn't it?

Colors are capable of changing emotions, altering our well-being, creating desires we didn't even know we had, and various other transformations. This is exactly why marketing always analyzes the psychology of colors before launching a campaign. The choice of palette can be the reason for the success or failure of any product.

Another area that thinks very carefully about colors before acting is decoration. An environment with totally white walls or totally black walls has different effects on people - and neither of them is very pleasant. That is why it is necessary to think about the colors before painting the walls around.

Depending on what you choose to wear, the impression you give to the people around you changes completely. In this sense, lilac can be an option to convey the idea of luxury or intuitiveness. Do you have any pieces of this color in your closet?

To learn more about what the color lilac represents, read on:

Meaning of the color lilac in psychology

Lilac is considered by many to be a variation of purple. It is a mixture between red and blue that results in a tone closer to blue, which influences the impression this color conveys. It is considered a metaphysical color, for having meanings closely associated with spirituality and intuition.

According to color psychology, lilac represents different things, according to each culture. One fact is that it is scarcely found in nature, which gives this tone an air of magic and mystery. This alone arouses a lot of attention and stirs the emotions. Another point is that, by mixing a cold color (blue) with a warm color (red), it encompasses the meanings of two chromatic groups.

While warm tones promote feelings linked to intensity and excitement, cool tones are more associated with calmness and introspection. Thus, the meaning of lilac goes in the direction of aesthetics and femininity. No wonder it is seen in many feminist campaigns and also in flags of the LGBTQIAP+ movement.

In addition, the meaning of the color lilac has changed over time. In the Middle Ages it was considered the color of royalty, but at the end of the 19th century it became a symbol of extravagance, according to the thought of the art noveau current.

Today, lilac represents elegance and open-mindedness, while evoking qualities such as maturity, emotional balance, and empathy.

The lilac in spirituality

styf22 from Getty Images/Canva

As we have seen, lilac is a color extremely associated with emotional issues. It brings an idea of balance: at the same time that it is welcoming and open to those who see it, it also hides a certain magic and elements of the supernatural in its essence.

So spiritually speaking, lilac is seen in different ways, depending on the place in the world.

In Europe, for example, a continent extremely influenced by the presence of the Catholic religion, purple is unconsciously associated with humility, penitence and Lent - colors that are very present in rituals that express these feelings. Disassociating with religion, European countries also tend to see purple as the color of fantasy and art, something that goes back to thecultures of the past.

The explanation has to do with the weather, because when it is harvest time, several types of purple flowers open in the fields. This means that the planting has been successful and is bountiful.

In China, lilac represents self-awareness, healing, and abundance. In Japan, on the other hand, it is associated with luxury and the wealthy classes. In Thailand, lilac is the color of mourning.

From all these visions, we can understand that this color is widely used by people trying to find solutions for life here on Earth. In this sense, it is ideal for moments of meditation and reflection with oneself, in order to balance energies and seek inner peace. As a consequence, lilac helps to relax, to clarify ideas in search of a goal, and also tocombat stress.

How and when to use lilac?

Okay, now that you know what the meaning of lilac is for psychology and also for spirituality, how can you benefit from all the positive points of this color? Well, there are many ways to include lilac in your life, whether through clothing, decoration, or even marketing for your business.

The first thing you should keep in mind is that wearing purple conveys individuality, personality, and also a bit of mystery.

In advertising pieces, you can bet on lilac if you want your product to be associated with luxury, creativity, and art. This is a color that stirs people's emotions, but, on the other hand, does not draw much attention from a distance.

Another beneficial use is in room decoration. We will talk more about this in the next topic, but in general it is a great color for restful and caring environments, such as bedrooms and maternity wards.

It is a way of presenting yourself that transmits versatility, allied to an authentic personality. It can be worn both on formal and informal occasions, and still allows a variety of combinations with other chromatic groups.

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With blue, for example, it's possible to create very elegant looks. With white, it's a match for sure: the look gets illuminated, there's no chance of going wrong, and it looks good in all situations. Even with green you can play around, resulting in a daring context that escapes the obvious. The beauty of lilac is precisely the mixing of colors and textures in the production.

Chromotherapy in decoration

3D_inBox/ Canva

As explained, lilac is a great choice for places of relaxation and care. This is because, as we discussed, this color transmits a lot of the idea of affection, care, and tranquility. Therefore, if you opt for lilac in some area of your home it is because you want to provoke feelings of respect, purification, and sincerity.

Chromotherapy is an ancient technique that works exactly in this sense: it uses the powers of colors in the environment to help ease uncomfortable symptoms and add to the treatment of some diseases, such as fever, insomnia, or psychiatric disorders.

The method evaluates the vibrations and therapeutic properties of each color, inserting them around us to achieve certain goals. Lilac, for example, is very indicated to achieve feelings of transformation, dignity, and purification. It improves our intuitive side and opens the paths to spiritual life. No wonder it is very welcome in places dedicated to meditation.

The darker shades of lilac in decoration are associated with masculine energy, while the lighter shades harken back to feminine energy. Still, it is a very versatile color that can be fitted anywhere in the house. In the bedroom, it helps to relax and soothe; in the living room, it keeps the environment more sober and creative.

If you want to bet on the luxurious aura of lilac, it is also possible to create more sophisticated environments, especially by mixing green, blue, and gold. Don't forget that the color lilac also transmits a lot of boldness and openness to what is different.

Meaning of the color lilac in the new year

In the New Year, is there room for lilac? Here in Brazil, white is usually the main color on New Year's Eve, due to the belief that it attracts peace and purifies energies during the New Year. This is not a misconception, but it is possible to mix white with other colors or even retire it for good.

In this sense, lilac appears as a great option. Because its meaning is closely linked to spirituality and intuition, it brings the energy of transformation and keeps the lightness and subtlety. Its magic touch also brings together cosmic energy and spiritual inspiration. Thus, wearing lilac in the New Year is a form of healing in all aspects - physical, emotional, and mental.

The mixture of two colors from different groups (blue and red) makes lilac transform negative energies into positive ones.

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Interesting, isn't it? For next New Year's Eve, how about a lilac piece for your New Year's Eve look? The results tend to be better than expected.

Learning about colors and their meanings is very enchanting - and you even discover curiosities that you probably never imagined. After all, did you know that the simple lilac would have as many qualities as we have seen in this article? If you want to continue deepening in the universe of colors, search for their meanings here at Eu Sem Fronteiras!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.