Moonstone: meaning, how to use, and how to know if it is real

 Moonstone: meaning, how to use, and how to know if it is real

Tom Cross

Wouldn't it be amazing if a simple stone could concentrate the energies of something great, that we can see from afar almost every day? Many people believe that moonstone Is it like a fragment of the Earth's natural satellite? What vibrations does it carry? Learn the details about the crystal below.

Meaning of the moonstone

Unlike other stones, the name "moonstone" does not have a mysterious origin. In fact, the crystal is called that because of its appearance. Translucent in appearance, the stone is white with an inner, usually bluish glow. Because it resembles the glow of the moon, it was named moonstone.

What is moonstone used for?

rainmaker777 from Getty Images / Canva

You may be imagining that moonstone is for connecting with the moon, thinking of the name it was given. That's about it. Moonstone is known to carry a feminine vibration, like the natural satellite, that can work on your body, your mind, and a specific environment. Learn more about it:

1) Physical body

Because it carries a feminine vibration, the moonstone acts mainly on the aspects of the human organism that are linked to this sex. Therefore the crystal relieves PMS symptoms, guarantees a peaceful birth, favors fertility, and can accelerate the metabolism.

2) Spiritual body

In the spiritual body, moonstone has the role of balancing the yin and yang energies within us. In this sense, it can attenuate aggressiveness, release emotions, stimulate intuition, and provide more sensitivity.

3) Environments

Since the moonstone favors fertility, the best environment in which it can be used is in the bedroom if a person wishes to become pregnant, in which case the crystal will vibrate positively at night and during the day to serve this purpose.

Symbology of the moonstone

The feminine vibrations that the moonstone emanates are not only indicative of the benefits it promotes in a person, but are also helpful in understanding the symbolism behind this crystal.

To learn more about this, it is important that you know that the feminine energies that the moonstone and the moon itself exude integrate yin energy. In other words, both the crystal and the Earth's natural satellite are a symbol of femininity.

All people carry the yin and yang energies within themselves. While the former represents our feminine behaviors and instincts, the latter presents the masculine aspect of these characteristics.

KristinaJovanovic from Getty Images Pro / Canva

That being the case, it is fundamental that these two vibrations are in balance within us to avoid excessive aggressiveness, typical of yang energy, as well as to ward off accentuated passivity, characteristic of yin energy.

Fortunately, the moonstone is a way to regulate the yin and yang vibrations within us, because of the symbolism it carries. Also, according to the phase of the moon we see in the sky, the vibrations of the crystal can transform.

During the Crescent Moon, the moonstone promotes transformation and improvement. During the New Moon, courage and strength. Then, during the Full Moon, the crystal brings energy to celebrate previous achievements. Finally, during the Waning Moon, the moonstone favors meditation and reviewing attitudes.

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Curiosities about the moonstone

The effects of the moonstone you have known so far can be intensified for some people. Depending on the profession you follow or your sun sign, it is possible that this crystal acts more directly on you. So you can use the moonstone as a power stone. Find out if your profession and/or your sun sign relates to the crystal:

Moonstone and the professions

As the moonstone is excellent for stimulating sensitivity and controlling more aggressive impulses, it is related to professions that require these two principles to some extent. In contact with the public, in defending a point of view, and in the ability to listen to people, the crystal has a positive influence. Check out the professionals who benefit from the stone:

  • Lawyers;
  • Artists;
  • Alternative therapists;
  • Dancers;
  • Educators;
  • Executive;
  • Waiters;
  • Policemen;
  • Politicians;
  • Psychologists;
  • Vendors.

Moonstone and the signs

The incentive to release emotions and intuition that the moonstone provides is especially advantageous for two signs of the Zodiac. Understand how it strengthens each one:

  • Cancer: assists in emotional regulation, favoring the manifestation of feelings.
  • Fish: inspires contact with one's intuition, stimulating wisdom.

How to use the moonstone?

Michel VIARD from Getty Images / Canva

If you are in the mood to harness the energies that the moonstone emanates, here are some ways to use this crystal:

See_also: Poseidon: the god of the seas
  • Moonstone necklace: Close to your heart, the moonstone necklace will stimulate the release of your feelings, without fears and anxieties.
  • Moonstone ring: In ring form, the moonstone allows you to control your impulsiveness and aggressiveness, acting with more clarity.
  • Moonstone bracelet: In this case, moonstone can speed up your metabolism, facilitating the digestion process.
  • Moonstone pendant: Like the necklace, the moonstone pendant favors the release of your feelings, bringing transparency and honesty.

How do I clean my moonstone?

To ensure that all the vibrations the moonstone emits will be absorbed by your body, it must be clean, so simply wash the crystal under running water or place it in a container of water and rock salt for about an hour.

How to energize the moonstone?

In addition to washing your moonstone, you need to energize it by placing it over some grains of rice for a few minutes, restoring the feminine energies. Or leave the crystal under the moon's rays for at least three hours.

Precautions about moonstone

Although the moonstone brings no harm to those who use it, the crystal is very sensitive to all kinds of vibrations. For this reason, you should wash and energize it frequently, preferably every week.

Also it is important to make sure that your moonstone is real The main characteristic you should observe is whether the stone is homogeneous in color and shape. If it is, it is probably a fake.

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Based on the content presented, we understand that the moonstone is a symbol of feminine energies, and can help us in countless ways. However, it is necessary to clean and energize it frequently. Otherwise, the crystal loses its natural power and will not bring the expected results.

Frequently asked questions about moonstone

How to know if the moonstone is real?

The real moonstone is not perfect, i.e. it has variations in internal color and shape. If you bought it for a very low price and it is still homogeneous, it is a fake.

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.