Stones of the sign of Scorpio

 Stones of the sign of Scorpio

Tom Cross

Have you ever heard of crystallomancy? According to this mystical and esoteric study, all stones and crystals emit specific energies that affect us and can help us in our lives. But each person is influenced by them in a particular way, and the Zodiac has everything to do with it. We have prepared this article to introduce you to the stone of the sign of Scorpio!

So, if you believe in the power of the sign stones, come with us and discover this spiritual knowledge that can help you in your daily life and in your journey of self-knowledge. Understand which stones respect and stimulate the Scorpio's personality and, if this is your sign, make the best of it!

Which stones are from the sign of Scorpio?

In short, each sign of the Zodiac relates differently to each crystal. They all have one stone they relate to most strongly, plus two other minerals that emanate strong energies to them. Learn about the most favorable stones for Scorpios and learn how to use, cleanse and energize these crystals!

Black Tourmaline (main stone)

Nakaya / Shutterwstock

Scorpios are intense and even obstinate in everything they do, and they are like that because they are driven by passions and desires, which is why black tourmaline is the ideal stone for them, because it stimulates desires and cleanses any kind of energetic vampirism that tries to get in the way of what we want.

In some cultures, like the Romans, black tourmaline was a stone associated with fertility, and was even spread on fields to stimulate a good harvest. Passionate and sensual, Scorpios have everything to do with fertility, so this crystal is undoubtedly the one that has the most to do with their personality.

  • How to use: the stone alone as an amulet, in accessories (such as necklaces, earrings, and pendants), in incense burners, in essential oils, in the form of a drusa, in the happiness tree, in pendulums, or as a decorative object.
  • How to clean: do not clean under running water, because it is fragile. Leave it immersed in a mixture of water and salt.
  • How to energize: leave the stone in the sun or moonlight for about 30 minutes. The New Moon is the most powerful for this crystal.
  • Where to buy: WeMystic

Smoky Quartz (auxiliary stone)

The main benefit of this stone for natives of the sign of Scorpio is that it benefits two things that are often lacking in their behavior: patience and calm. Obstinate, Scorpios can hardly take it easy in their pursuit of what they want. And this stone can help with that.

Additionally, smoky quartz awakens our intuition and spiritual sensitivity, which can be quite helpful for natives of a sign that is usually so carnal and material. Finally, since it also stimulates focus and concentration, it is a good help for Scorpios to keep pursuing their goals.

See_also: To dream of a black and white cat
  • How to use: the stone alone as an amulet, in accessories (such as necklaces, earrings, pendants, key chains, etc.), or in the radionic kit.
  • How to clean: soak the stone in a salt and water solution for 1 hour, rinsing under running water afterwards.
  • How to energize: leave the stone in the early morning sun for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Where to buy: WeMystic

Citrine (additional stone)

Scorpios attract attention by being seductive, but they tend to be discreet. They don't tend to want attention from everyone, only from one specific person, so citrine can be of great help in times when they need to stand out. Known as "sunshine", this stone stimulates our magnetism and makes us stand out.

In addition, it is a stone that leaves us very alert and in a state of alertness to identify dangers before they can become real threats. So it is a crystal that is really quite beneficial for those who are going through a trying time, whether it is conquering a person or a job opening.

See_also: 15:51 - Meaning of the inverted hours and numerology
  • How to use: the stone alone as an amulet, in accessories (such as necklaces, earrings, and pendants), in incense burners, in the Happiness Tree, in essential oils, or as a decorative object.
  • How to clean: wash only under running water.
  • How to energize: Citrine charges your energy without you having to do anything. But if you want to boost it, leaving it in the sunlight is a good idea.
  • Where to buy: WeMystic

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  • Understand the characteristics of the sign of Scorpio
  • Delve deeper into the characteristics of black tourmaline
  • Discover what it means to dream of a scorpion
  • All about the powerful protection stone, Black Tourmaline
  • Moon Stone and Sun Stone: the complementarity of duality

These are the 3 main stones that have the most to do with the personality of the passionate and seductive Scorpio natives. Now that you know how black tourmaline, smoky quartz, and citrine can help you, you can enjoy the benefits they can bring to these magnetic natives.

Learn also about stones of other signs

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.