20:20 - What is the significance of seeing this schedule often?

 20:20 - What is the significance of seeing this schedule often?

Tom Cross
  • 20:20 is the time of awareness: think about the path you are on to identify possible changes that should be made.
  • Something is depending on you: at some future time, a situation can only be solved from your attitude.
  • Pondering when asking questions: The Universe is encouraging you to ask questions, but you must be thoughtful when thinking about it, so as not to act on impulse.
  • Introspection guarantees good analysis: When in doubt between right and wrong, look for the answer within yourself, using your self-knowledge and your inner self.

When you start seeing the time 20:20 repeatedly, it is fundamental to identify what message the Universe is trying to send you, because the energies that surround us always speak in codes that we cannot always understand without further analysis.

Fortunately, Numerology will show us what the idea behind the equal time 20:20 is. As numerologist Liggia Ramos says, " is like a foretaste of something future that will depend on the action or decision in the present moment, and this resumes the process of internalization. " Continue reading the article to learn more about this!

What is the meaning of see 20:20?

Before delving into the equal time 20:20, let's understand what visualizing it means in your life. Remember that you must see it spontaneously, never planned. In this regard, Liggia explains that:

" This equal time 20:20 prompts pondering in all senses, positive and negative, taking a closer look at the possibilities available, that is, making conscious choices. "

With this interpretation in mind, we know that the hour 20:20 is a sign that you need to think carefully about yourself and what is around you. From this exercise, you will be able to make more assertive decisions.

20:20 - Don't rush things

An important lesson that this equal hour brings to your life concerns your dreams. You may have already planned your path and know exactly where you want to go, but aren't you giving yourself too much to something that hasn't even happened yet?

Through pondering, you must maintain patience. Don't rush things, because everything will happen at the right time. Even you already have the support of the Universe for this, and you don't need to worry about uncertainties and indecisions. Continue on your path, calmly, because it is right.

Take your time to take the next steps

Another important point about 20:20 is that you need to respect your time and processes. You may feel a desire to start something new soon, or to end a cycle that no longer makes sense.

However, you need to choose the right moment to do so. Avoid making big decisions when your emotions are unstable. It's better to wait to heal than to rush and harm yourself further.

Have you seen another time like this? Find out what it means

What do you do when you see the 8:20 PM clock?

After understanding the theory about 20:20, it is important that you know what to do with the energies that the Universe is offering you, so Liggia offers advice on what you should do during this period:

" The suggestion is to write down all the thoughts, feelings, and emotions you are feeling when you see that time, and then reflect on it all. "

Since the 8:20 p.m. hour encourages a lot of pondering and reflection, the tip to write down what you are thinking is what will keep you from getting lost among so many ideas. In addition, Liggia suggests you connect with your body:

" At this point, do the 4-part deep breathing exercise: inhale slowly through your nose, hold the air for a few seconds, release slowly, hold it for a few seconds, and repeat the process two more times. This will help you quiet your mind and listen to your intuition. "

By doing this exercise, your mind will have more room to develop new ideas and to bring them into your consciousness through your intuition. It is essential that you do this process in order to start pondering better on what you feel and think.

The meaning of the number 20 in numerology

By focusing more on the meaning of the number 20 and less on the symbolism of the hour 20:20, you will get other teachings that can help you during this period. Learn what Liggia says about the interpretation of the number 20, according to Numerology:

" After the journey of the 1, the search for balance begins for the number 2 with its partners. Here we have the intensification of feelings and the need to listen to intuition to find the point of balance that, at some point, was lost in the midst of so many emotions. "

Therefore, unlike number 1, which values initiative and action, number 2 prioritizes balance, constancy, and clarity of thought. These principles are reinforced by the analysis of number 20, also presented by Liggia:

" 20 is considered the number of pondering, of the person who asks questions in search of answers, and there is an energy expenditure between using the mental and emotional body to reach a conclusion. "

Thus, the number 20 is not a number for action. On the contrary, it is a number that calls for calm, patience, and mastery of emotions. Only through caution and precaution will you be able to absorb the vibrations of 20, which promise to make your life more secure, stable, and balanced.

20:20 and the card The Judgment in the Tarot

Although Numerology is totally directed to the study of numbers, there is another theory that serves to understand the vibrations of the 20:20 equal hour. Tarot is a tool that points out the archetypes associated with the number 20, and that can help you reflect on this equal hour, as Liggia describes:

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" It is to consider what is right or wrong and what to do with the reflection of that. The arcane invites introspection and analysis of the facts in order to put the right measures in place to reach a conclusion. "

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Complementing this interpretation, it is worth pointing out that the card The Judgment is meant to promote reflection on past attitudes that you have already taken. Thus, you should analyze what brought you here and what you need to do to renew whatever is necessary. Remember that you can only reap what you have planted.

The angel 20:20

Another phenomenon that intensifies the vibrations of the 20:20 hour in your life is the angel that passes through Earth at this time. Knowing who he is, you can use his power when you need an extra incentive to accomplish what 20:20 asks, as Liggia says:

" Within the Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to the Earth around 8:20 p.m. is the angel Yah-Hel, an angel that helps to obtain wisdom, assists in the appearance of luminous ideas and pacifies violence, bringing good coexistence among people ."

So, you can connect with the angel Yah-Hel by saying a prayer, or even by mentalizing his presence by your side. With this simple gesture, you will already receive all the light from this angel, who wants to help you.

Color 20:20 - blue to calm down

Even if you have a little help from the Universe to keep calm and exercise your patience, there is a color that can make this whole process easier, as Liggia explains:

"The color associated with the number 20 is blue, which relieves any kind of anxiety and maintains the sobriety needed for problem solving."

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In other words, you can wear a blue outfit to calm your emotions, light a blue candle, or even meditate imagining that a blue light is covering your entire body. Your anxiety will decrease!

Increase your patience for different situations

You already have great tips for incorporating the 8:20 PM Equal Time vibes into your life. However, it's always good to take advantage of other more practical advice on how they can transform your routine. Here's how to increase your patience!

  1. Take a deep breath when you are about to make a decision
  2. Count to 10 before you argue with someone
  3. Exercise daily, for about 15 minutes
  4. Spend more time away from your cell phone, silencing notifications
  5. Get therapy to take care of your mental health
  6. Start some hobby that requires time and concentration (cooking, embroidery, painting...)
  7. Recognize that not everything will be as you imagine or your way
  8. Fill your time with light activities, besides working, sleeping and eating
  9. Dedicate yourself to the present time, avoiding to disperse your thoughts
  10. Meditate every day to better deal with your feelings

Considering the content we presented, you learned that the hour 20:20 is a message from the Universe for you to calm down. In this sense, you should recognize the time of things and people, exercising your patience whenever possible. Follow our tips to increase your quality of life!

Tom Cross

Tom Cross is a writer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to exploring the world and discovering the secrets of self-knowledge. With years of experience traveling to every corner of the globe, Tom has developed a deep appreciation for the incredible diversity of human experience, culture, and spirituality.In his blog, Blog I Without Borders, Tom shares his insights and discoveries about the most fundamental questions of life, including how to find purpose and meaning, how to cultivate inner peace and happiness, and how to live a life that is truly fulfilling.Whether he's writing about his experiences in remote villages in Africa, meditating in ancient Buddhist temples in Asia, or exploring cutting-edge scientific research on the mind and body, Tom's writing is always engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.With a passion for helping others find their own path to self-knowledge, Tom's blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and the possibilities that await them.